Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
The Kansas City Chapter (1948), under the direction of Joseph Stern, who helped found the chapter.
From The Pitch Pipe, 1948: We get letters… Anonymous: Do you know that some chapters accept only members who can sing, or are willing to learn? Some members whose voices make their chorus sound like a washboard direct their talents to administration and promotion or to coaching or direction of the chorus. Anonymous question from a member: We wonder whether to charge dues to our charter members.
The Decatur Chapter (1948) founded by the Decaturettes Quartet, 1947 National Quartet Champion.
Answer from National Secretary: Would I expect a free ride to eternity?
The Tune Toppers of Jackson, Michigan (USA) formed in 1947 as a women’s barbershop chorus. They joined Sweet Adelines in 1949.
1951 Crowns of flowers given to Queens of Harmony, the Quarternotes.
1952 Corps of Regents established. Later renamed Council of Regents.
1951 Code of Ethics adopted.
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