Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Looking Ahead To succeed as it should, any organization, or chapter within that organization, should have an objective upon which it is working. Long-range planning for the coming years is needed. Membership goes much deeper than attending the meetings, paying dues and abiding by the rules. Each member is an individual with an individual point of view. Understanding is a real mark of culture in any person. In return for the privilege of membership, each one should take on a moral responsibility as well — a manner of behavior which determines what opinion is formed in the minds of the public and fellow members. A Code of Ethics with a pledge to abide by its requirements should be part of the future for Sweet Adelines, Inc. Five Years Later Edna Mae Anderson, National Founder (1950) Sweet Adelines, Inc. has already demonstrated its fun and pleasure to our members as well as its worth and importance to the community in which our chapters are located. It took time, hard work and much planning to bring Sweet Adelines, Inc. to where it stands today. First: recognition of an organization for the fun, music, friendship, and relaxation of four-part harmony, barbershop style. Second: the challenge of national expansion through the establishment of chapters running from every boundary of our country.

Madison Chapter of Wisconsin (USA), first Regional Champion Chorus, 1951. Seven Wisconsin chapters organized the contest. The Sweet Adelines Code of Ethics Sweet Adelines, Inc. ardently desires to perpetuate for its members, and for all future prospective members, the esteemed privilege of women to seek recreation and relaxation by uniting to enjoy harmony in singing the old songs, barbershop style, and unto that purpose we do hereby solemnly pledge ourselves to abide by these precepts: 1. We shall convey the spirit of friendliness through our personal relations and harmony in song. 2. We shall contribute to the advancement of the organization to the best of our ability. 3. We shall exemplify and exalt the high standards of the organization by decorous behavior at all times. 4. We shall conduct the organization’s activities in such a manner as will reflect honor upon the organization and its membership. 5. We shall not use the affiliation with the organization for personal gain. 6. We shall comply with the Constitution and By-laws of the organization and the rules which may from time to time be published by its National Board of Directors. 7. We shall accept for membership only amiable women of good character who enjoy good music and have the desire to harmonize. 8. We shall provide barbershop harmony entertainment whenever possible to charitable and civic organizations. 9. We shall not permit controversy to be introduced because of political or religious affiliations.

1952 First chapter manual published.

1952 First judging class held during 1952 convention.

1952 A special Judging Committee was formed.


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