Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Harmonizing the World at Home and Abroad
Why I Sing
We spend too much time ‘harmonizing the walls.' —Chris Noteware, Region #2, on the need for quartets and choruses to get out and perform.
Singing brings joy to the world! I sing to open myself to the wonders around me. I believe if we all adhered to our motto, “Harmonize the World,” the peace we seek and the connections we need to thrive would manifest. —Michele Garside, Region #12, member since 1989 No matter where you go, Sweet Adelines is there! —Karen Leet, Region #3, member since 1988 I sing because over the years, I learned how much I love to entertain audiences. —Leona Winters, Region #11, member since 1986
OK City Chorus (Oklahoma, USA)
Members of the Mobile (Alabama, USA) Chorus travel to Germany, sharing barbershop harmony with the Prospective Hamburg Chapter and the Rheinland-Pfalz Chapter. —The Pitch Pipe, January 1990 time. The chorus was named third-best performers — and achieved all their goals. —The Pitch Pipe, January 1995 performed in a Sing-a-Thon at a local mall. Goals: increase public awareness, make money, and have a great
1994 International Policy Book completely revised.
1994 Associate membership category created.
1994 Sunlight Chorus (Sweden) holds Young Singers Foundation benefit concert at Reno (Nevada, USA) Convention.
1995 Sweet Adelines International celebrates its 50th anniversary. Slogan: Then, Now…and Always!
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