Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Times They Are a-Changin’ The 1990s, like the decades before it, saw many changes — but changes seemed to be happening faster and faster. It was evident that Sweet Adelines International must change with the times. The controversy a few years before over the attempt to change the name of the organization brought with it an important realization: the International Board of Directors must be more responsive to its members. A membership satisfaction survey was developed and distributed to the members in November 1990, and the figures tabulated and published in subsequent issues of The Pitch Pipe. A primary concern was the decline in membership, and the idea grew that this was due to members resigning. Not so! Data collected by board member Karen Brooke, Ph.D., and the membership department showed that the membership figures were declining due to fewer women joining. Women in their 20s and 30s working outside the home had more money to spend — but less time to do so. And less time to spend with their families.
Building on the survey, in 1993, the International Board, using an outside facilitator, embarked on an 18-month strategic planning effort. Bev Miller,
International President (1987-1989), commented, “Karen Koch brought full-blown strategic planning to the International Board and headquarters staff. During her presidency and beyond, the board and management staff met regularly to draft and update the organization’s first strategic plan.” The board also took a long look at itself, and made extensive changes to the international bylaws, focusing on election procedures. An independent nominating committee was established (previously, the board served as its own nominating committee for board positions), and term limitations were set for board members. The term of office of the international president was limited to a year each as president-elect, president, and immediate past president. [Note: After three years, the change to the office of international president was revised to two years in each position.] Several types of plans have been used and implemented since then, providing a succinct, yet flexible path for the future of the organization.
1993 New logo adopted. The oval shape shows all continents (except Antarctica) equally. Double treble clef logo also approved. 1994 How We Sang Today, an original composition by Vicki J. Uhr, selected to honor the 50th anniversary of Sweet Adelines International. Four original tags, submitted by Marie Johnson, Lorraine Rochefort, Carolyn Schmidt, and The Music Group were also selected. 1994 Region #1 tests riser configurations to accommodate choruses of all sizes. 1994 First Bev Sellers Memorial Scholarships awarded to Rebecca Sue Bowers, Rachael K. Gates, and Joyce Elaine West.
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