Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

I get asked sometimes how I decided to try singing with A Cappella Joy (Seattle, Washington, USA). The short version is that a friend of a friend had been posting a lot about her experience being a member of AJoy. It looked incredibly fun, and I love to sing. It turned out AJoy rehearses about 10 minutes from my house. It was worth checking it out. That’s just part of the story, though. Truth is, what brought me to my first rehearsal was a performance video. The video was of AJoy’s regional competition performance from May 2018. AJoy sang a two-song set of “Wee Small Hours of the Morning” and “Rock This Town.” It was an incredible performance in terms of sound, music, and visual presentation. It sounded and looked amazing. But what hooked me was the ending. In the final note of the performance, AJoy held an amazing chord. The director, Nikki Blackmer, turned around and raised her arms with the rest of the chorus as they swelled into a huge crescendo. Then she waved her hands to finish the chord. Everyone in AJoy had the same look on their faces. I knew that look. That look was triumph. —Meredith Spacie (Sweet Adelines International Facebook post, Feb. 10, 2020)

Why I Sing

I sing because music is in my soul. It's the one thing that I can turn to if I'm stressed, sad, anxious, or angry. And because I can share music with friends, family, and strangers, it gives me a connection to the world that I might not otherwise have. —Megan Riedl, Region #16, member since 2017

The joy of lifelong singing is alive and well in Southern Ontario, Canada! The North Metro Chorus A Cappella Challenge project, partially funded by a grant from the Young Singers Foundation, is an opportunity for community outreach and to introduce young singers to the barbershop art form. This is the VIVO all-girls choir of Midland, who has been selected to compete in the 2020 A Cappella Challenge.

2019 New vision statement and five guiding principles announced.

2019 Support Life on a High Note campaign raises $168,000 (USD).


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