Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Sweet Adelines launched “Support Life on a High Note,” a fundraising campaign from September 1–December 31, 2019 that garnered donations via personal solicitations, direct mail campaign, and support from webcast viewers of the 2019 international contest in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA). The campaign achieved $168,000 (USD), surpassing its fundraising goal of $150,000 (USD) to support programs through the Young Singers Fund, Young Women in Harmony, The Overtone Society and the annual international competition webcast. “When you give to 'Support Life on a High Note', you’re helping to support our mission of…Elevating women singers worldwide through education, performance, and competition in barbershop harmony and a cappella music,” said Susan Smith, Sweet Adelines International’s Director of Philanthropy.
Support Life on a High Note
One hundred years ago, Indiana (USA) ratified the 19th Amendment, which continued the national trajectory of U.S. women winning the right to vote, and at 9 a.m., Jan 16, 2020, 22 singers from Capital City Chorus in Indianapolis (Indiana, USA) sang three songs as part of the Centennial Celebration of Women’s Suffrage at the Indiana Statehouse.
International Champions Rönninge Show Chorus and Viva! Quartet pose for a group selfie at the conclusion of the 2019 International Competition & Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) in September 2019.
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