Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Audience participation during the 2015 International contest at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), October 2015. Las Vegas was host to three conventions in a row — 2015, 2016, and 2017. We celebrated our 70th anniversary in 2015 with a Birthday Bash in Las Vegas that featured lots of singing and cupcakes.

Janell Mason, Sweet Adelines International Corporate Secretary, was honored for 40 years of service in 2016 at headquarters in Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA).

International Education Symposium (IES) 2017, “Back to the Future,” featured guest faculty Deke Sharon and was held at University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland (USA). The sold-out event included the Rising Star Quartet Contest, more than 120 classes, and educators Tom Carter, International Champion Quartet “the Buzz,” and Sweet Adelines International faculty. Attendees experienced jet-fueled curriculum and events that time-traveled into the future of barbershop harmony.

2014 Marjorie Needham Latzko of the Chordettes presents Audience Choice Award.

2013 International Faculty Program restructured.

2014 YWIH Scouting Patch introduced at Girl Scouts USA convention.


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