Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album

Sweet Adelines International From Exclusion to Inclusion and Equity Our Journey Continues...

DEI Task Force Following the public acknowledgement of this period of racial restriction, a Diversity and Inclusivity Task Force was formed with the mandate to “provide input for the Sweet Adelines long-term strategic planning process and develop short-term tools to support diverse and inclusive membership in Sweet Adelines International.” Born out of this task force’s efforts are changes to competition rules prohibiting the performance of racially offensive songs; the Song Assessment Tool to provide members with the information necessary to identify racist lyrics, messages, and histories; the Chorus Toolkit to support the organization in creating an inclusive environment and recruiting a diverse membership; and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council to provide a permanent stewardship of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and ensure these topics remain priorities for Sweet Adelines International. While much work remains to be done, Sweet Adelines International is committed to creating an organization where all members feel welcome and we can truly “Harmonize the World.”



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