Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Also in 2006, the International Board agreed to appoint a three-person task force to develop a plan to implement computerized judging at both regional and international contests and agreed to appoint a task force to investigate implanting online education. In 2007, the Board approved funding for three shadow panels to test the computerized judging program developed by the task force.
Sylvia Alsbury, 2007 President's Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, was always herself — one of a kind. To quote her, “Never beat a dead horse more than five minutes.” That can apply to lots of things! — Marcia Massey, Certified Judge Emeritus
Sylvia Alsbury
Marti Lovejoy
A long-time Sweet Adeline from Houston, Texas (USA), Marti Lovejoy saw a need for all Sweet Adelines to have a way to communicate with each other, and established the Sweet Adelines Internet Networking Group (SING List) in 2000. This web group and email distribution list provided the earliest social media platform for Sweet Adelines worldwide. Since 2002, thanks to donations from members of this group, Marti has helped raise approximately $140,000 USD for the Young Singers Foundation and the Young Women in Harmony program.
Assiniboine Show Chorus (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) takes part in Canadian V-Day Celebrations, in 2006 on the steps of the Manitoba Legislative Building.
2005 60th anniversary convention moved from New Orleans to Detroit due to Hurricane Katrina.
2005 "Divas Wanted!" membership campaign begins.
2005 Barbershop Music Appreciation Day held on our 60th Anniversary, July 13, 2005.
2005 Agoura Hills Harmony Chorus performs at July 4 Gala at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
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