Sweet Adelines International 75th Jubilee Commemorative Album
Why I Sing I love four-part harmony and that I every week learn something new. I love the goals we together work for and can reach. I love to see, notice and hear from our audience that we move them and that our performances have touched them! I love to compete and to do my very best. —Malin Samuelsson, Region #32, member since 2005
We celebrated our 60th annual convention and competition in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) in 2006. U.S. President George W. Bush sent a congratulatory message to our organization. To continue the “Divas Wanted” marketing campaign, the slogan “Diva Las Vegas” was popularized.
Diane Porsch and Pam Royle emcee the SA International Competition webcast in Las Vegas, Nevada (USA) in 2006.
2004 First barbershop collection of children’s music, We Are Family , produced by Region #13. 2004 New member-at-large (MAL) membership category established.
2004 First SING e-zine published as monthly communication tool for members with email.
2004 Novice Directors School held with 36 participants.
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