Summer Reading
JamesBondmeetsDouglasAdams in this taleof alienpossessionand international espionage. TheLivesof Tao byWesleyChu A noverweight slacker namedRoenwakesupone morningwithastrangevoice inhishead.Hesooncomes to learn that thevoice isadisembodiedalienwhocrashed toearth millionsof yearsago. Thealien, Tao, ispart of acohort of alienscalled Quasingwhocrash-landedonEarth together. Since the fall of the Romanempire, thealienshavebeenwagingawar todecide thebest means toget home—thepragmaticGenjixdon’t carewhether their methodsdestoryhumankind,while themoregentilepeopleof Tao’s tribeareprepared to takea lessdestructiveapproach. Tao trains Roen tobeawarrior against theGenjix in this first volumeof a plannedduology. AngryRobot MM 978-0-85766-329-0 464pp. $7.99/$9.99Can. ExamCopy:$3.00
Winner, ALEXAward
“WesleyChu delivers an action-laced sci-fi thriller filledwith clever ideas and witty, engaging characters. A thoroughly enjoyable ride.” —JohnMarco, author of The Inhumans andTheTyrants andKings Trilogy
UniversalThemes: Identity,Transformation CompanionTitles: SlaughterhouseFive,Kafkaon theShore
Amission toMars.Afreakaccident. Oneman’sstruggle tosurvive. TheMartian : ANovel byAndyWeir
Mature Thematic Content
A fter adust stormnearlykillshimand forceshiscrew toevacuatewhileassuminghimdead,Mark findshimself strandedonMarsandcompletelyalonewithnoway tosignal Earth that he’salive—andeven if hecouldgetwordout, hissupplieswouldbegone longbeforea rescuecouldarrive. Chancesare, though,Markwon’t have time tostarve todeath. The damagedmachinery, unforgivingenvironment, or plain-old “humanerror” aremuchmore likely tokill himfirst. But he isn’t ready togiveup just yet. Drawingonhis ingenuity, hisengineeringskills—anda relentless, dogged refusal toquit—Marksteadfastlyconfrontsoneseemingly insurmountable obstacleafter thenext.Will his resourcefulnessbeenough toovercome the impossibleoddsagainst him? Crown HC 978-0-8041-3902-1 384pp. $24.00/$28.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.00 Donotorderpaperbackbefore11/4/2014. BroadwayBooks TR 978-0-553-41802-6 384pp. $15.00/$18.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-0-8041-3903-8 $11.99/$12.99Can.
“Abook I just couldn’t put down! It has the very rare combination of a good, original story, interestingly real characters and fascinating technical accuracy.” —Astronaut ChrisHadfield, Commander of the International SpaceStation andauthor of An Astronaut’sGuide to LifeonEarth
UniversalThemes: Survival,TheJourney,Courage CompanionTitles: TheRightStuff, LifeofPi,Alas,Babylon
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