Summer Reading

“Ender,Katniss, andnowDarrow.” —ScottSigler, authorofPandemic:ANovel RedRising byPierceBrown

R edRising, the first book inanepic trilogybydebut authorPierce Brown, is thestoryof asociety inadesolate future, drivenbyclass conflict andshakenby tremorsof an impending revolution. Butmore than that, it’s thestoryofDarrow—asecret revolutionarywho is inspirednot onlybya longing for social justice, but by lost love. It isonlywhenDarrow’s belovedwife isexecutedby theoppressivegovernment that hebegins toquestion theharshworldhe lives in.Recruitedbyanunderground revolutionarycell,Darrow isgivenaperilousmission: infiltrate theacademy that educates theelite—andbecomeoneof them. DelRey HC 978-0-345-53978-6 400pp. $25.00/$25.00Can. ExamCopy:$12.50 Donotorderpaperbackbefore7/15/2014. DelRey TR 978-0-345-53980-9 400pp. $14.00/$17.00Can. ExamCopy:$3.00 EB: 978-0-345-53979-3 *HU

“Reminiscent of . . . SuzanneCollins’s TheHunger Games. . . . [RedRising] will captivate readers and leave themwantingmore.” —School Library Journal, (starred review) “Amust for both fans of classic sci-fi and fervent followers of new school dystopian epics.” —


UniversalThemes: Dystopia,Survival CompanionTitles: Ender’sGame, Lordof theFlies



TheTruthWill TestYou. . . Relic (TheBooksof Eva I) byHeather Terrell IllustratedbyRicardoCortes

W henEva’s twinbrother, Eamon, falls tohisdeath just a fewmonths beforehe isdue toparticipate inTheTesting, nooneexpectsEva to takehisplace. She’saMaiden, slated for embroideryclasses, curtseys, and soonaprestigiousmarriagebefitting thedaughter of anAerie ruler. But Eva insistsonhonoringher brother bybecomingaTestor. After all, shewouldn’t be the firstMaiden toTest, just the first in150years. Evaknows theTesting isnodanceclass.Gallant Testors train for their entire lives tosearch icywastelands forRelics: artifactsof thecorrupt civilization that existedbeforeTheHealingdrowned theworld.Out in the BoundaryLands, Evamust relyoneverymoment of the lightning-quick trainingshe received fromLukas—her servant, aBoundarynative, andher closest friendnowthat Eamon isgone. SohoTeen HC 978-1-61695-196-2 288pp. $17.99/$17.99Can. ExamCopy: $9.00 EB: 978-1-61695-197-9 $17.99/$17.99Can.

“Fanswith an insatiable appetite will eat this up.” —Booklist “Adult author Terrell, in her books for teens, weaves fresh complexity . . . with smart, thoughtful, and resourceful heroines.” —PublishersWeekly


UniversalThemes: Dystopia,GenderRoles,TheHero’sJourney CompanionTitles: TheOdyssey,Handmaid’sTale


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