Spring 2020 Member Magazine

S P R I N G 2 0 2 0 M E M B E R M A G A Z I N E




Faith and service to others are central to what makes us different!

President & CEO Bill O’Toole was presented with the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award: Community Member by Archbishop Jerome Listecki at the Catholic School’s Dinner in Milwaukee, Wis.

atholic Financial Life There are so many

• And it’s why we are always looking for talented people like Francisco Hernandez to serve as advisors and help our members (see pages 10 – 11). Service takes on many forms at Catholic Financial Life and we are here to serve you. If there is anything that we can do to help you, please do not hesitate to contact Member Services at 800-927-2547 or call me at 414-278-6700. After all, service is our calling. I hope that you and your family have a joyous Easter. Alleluia! He is risen! Fraternally,

aith-based, not-for-profit, surance society different l companies. r mission statement:

rving others. That’s right … before security we focus on serving God service to others. Faith and service l to what makes us different!

ch issue of Radiant Life we include eaturing our member volunteers on to help you live financially secure, ives.

William R. O’Toole President & CEO bill.otoole@catholicfinanciallife.org 414-278-6700

od work done by our members in the name of lic Financial Life is featured on pages 14 – 17. ormational articles about important topics that ect you such as the Secure Act and cyber security can be found on pages 8 – 9.

P.S. April is National Volunteer Month. Help us recognize outstanding volunteers in our parishes, schools and community by nominating an Angel Among Us at cfl.org/nominate See the back cover for more details.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

Board of Directors: William R. O’Toole, Pleasant Prairie, Wis. President & CEO Kristen Mueller, Greenfield, Wis. Corporate Secretary & Vice President of Human Resources Sandra Dempsey, Milwaukee, Wis. Coral Grout, Winchendon, Mass. Joe Kopinski, Greenfield, Wis. Al Lorge, Cedarburg, Wis. Jay Mack, Hartland, Wis. Lisa Mick, Fond du Lac, Wis. Susan Obermiller, Green Bay, Wis. David Singer, Kenosha, Wis. Mike Stivoric, Pewaukee, Wis. Jeff Tilley, Franklin, Wis. Spiritual Director: Archbishop Jerome E. Listecki, Milwaukee, Wis. Radiant Life is the official publication of: Catholic Financial Life 1100 West Wells Street P.O. Box 3211 Milwaukee, WI 53201-3211


2 President’s Message 4 Mensaje del Presidente 5 A Message from Our Spiritual Director 6 Insure Life’s Moments 8 Changes to the SECURE Act 9 How to Stay Safe in a Digital World 10 We’re Hiring 12 Member Events 14 Serving God through Serving Others


18 Online Store 19 In Remembrance of Al Steiner 20 Give Back Contest Winners 21 Photo Contest 24 Angels Among Us

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Catholic Financial Life Magazine

Catholic Financial Life 1100 West Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone: 800-927-2547 Copyright © 2020 Catholic Financial Life. All rights reserved .

t Cover:

Sandra Demp oyed food, ga at the Milwa rty.

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Read more at cfl.org



¡La fe y el servicio a los demás son fundamentales a lo que nos hace diferentes!

Vicepresidente de Ventas Rogelio Cabral, Agente de Catholic Financial Life Dalila Dirnbauer, Presidente y CEO Bill O’Toole y Vicepresidente Superior John Borgen en la Conferencia de Ventas 2020 de Catholic Financial Life.

o ace diferente a nta esa pregunta! nuestra sociedad de da en la fe, sin fines de mbros, sea diferente de o mutuales. nuestra declaración de ravés del servicio a los demás. r de seguridad financiera, nos a Dios y hacerlo a través del s. ¡La fe y el servicio a los demás

• Y es por eso que siempre estamos buscando personas con talento, como Francisco Hernández, para que sirvan como consejeros y ayuden a nuestros miembros (ver páginas 10 - 11). El servicio toma muchas formas en Catholic Financial Life y estamos aquí para servirte. Si hay algo que podamos hacer para ayudarte, no dudes en comunicarte con Servicios para Miembros al 800-927-2547 o llamame al 414-278-6700. Después de todo, el servicio es nuestra vocación. ¡Felices Pascuas para ti y tu familia! ¡Aleluya!


s a lo que nos hace diferentes! en cada edición de Radiant Life as páginas con nuestros miembros información para ayudarte a vivir una eramente segura y útil.

¡El a resucitado! Fraternalmente,

trabajo realizado por nuestros miembros en re de Catholic Financial Life se presenta en las nas 14 - 17. uedes encontrar artículos informativos sobre temas mportantes que te afectan, como el Secure Act y la seguridad cibernética, en las páginas 8 - 9.

William R. O’Toole Presidente y Director Ejecutivo bill.otoole@catholicfinanciallife.org 414-278-6700

PD: Abril es el Mes Nacional del Voluntariado. Ayúdenos a reconocer voluntarios sobresalientes en nuestras parroquias, escuelas y comunidad nominando un Ángel Entre Nosotros en cfl.org/nominate Ve la contraportada para más detalles.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo “Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz diariamente y sígame.” Lucas 9:23 Entonces, ¿cómo estuvo tu Cuaresma? ¿Cómo te fue con tus compromisos Cuaresmales de orar, ayunar y a la limosna? ¿Fue un tiempo de crecimiento espiritual? Sospecho que la mayoría de la gente comenzó con buenas intenciones: planes de rezar a diario, renunciar a los postres o nuestras aplicaciones favoritas, y donar a organizaciones locales que ayudan a los pobres. Y luego, bueno, nos equivocamos y decidimos dormir tarde, o nos comemos una de esas deliciosas galletas de Girl Scouts, o los planes para ser voluntarios en un albergue no dieron resultado. ¿Por qué pasa esto? Comenzamos fuertes y luego nos descuidamos. Seguimos nuestros compromisos por un tiempo y luego batallamos. Tenemos buenas intenciones pero parece que nos quedamos cortos. ¿Entonces, qué se supone que debemos hacer? Hay una sección en los Evangelios de Mateo, Marcos y Lucas que explica las condiciones del discipulado y ayuda a responder esta pregunta: “ Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz y sígame”. Sin embargo, el Evangelio de Lucas es ligeramente diferente del de Mateo y el de Marcos. Lucas agrega una palabra adicional ... diariamente. Negarnos a nosotros mismos significa colocar a Cristo en el centro de nuestra vida diaria. Significa vivir en lealtad a Él todos los días. Esto es desafiante y alentador, simultáneamente. Desafiante porque nunca termina y alentador por la misma razón. Mientras nos preparamos para celebrar el misterio de Pascua, entremos plenamente en esta estación sagrada del año. Reconozcamos lo incompleto de nuestras vidas sin Cristo en el centro. Y déjenos alentarnos por el hecho de que nuestro Salvador conoce y entiende nuestra fragilidad humana. Nuestro trabajo es levantar nuestra cruz, diariamente , y seguirlo. ¡Felices Pascuas!

and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 So, how was your Lent? How did you do with your Lenten commitments to prayer, fasting and almsgiving? Was it a time of spiritual growth? I suspect that most people started off with good intentions – plans to pray daily, give up desserts or our

favorite apps, and donate to local organizations that help the poor. And then, well, we slipped and decided to sleep in, or we snuck one of those delicious Girl Scout Cookies, or plans to volunteer at a soup kitchen didn’t come to fruition. Why does this happen? We start off strong and then we slip. We follow through on our commitments for a while and then we struggle. We have good intentions but seem to fall short. So, what are we supposed to do? There is a section in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke that explains the conditions of discipleship and helps to answer this question: “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” However, Luke’s Gospel is slightly different from Matthew’s and Mark’s. Luke inserts one additional word … daily. To deny ourselves means to place Christ at the center of our life daily. It means to live in loyalty to Him every day. This is simultaneously challenging and encouraging. Challenging because it never ends and encouraging for the same reason. As we prepare to celebrate the Pascal mystery, let us enter fully into this holy season of the year. Let us recognize the incompleteness of our lives without Christ at the center. And let us be encouraged by the fact that our human frailty is known and understood by our Savior. Our job is to pick up our cross, daily , and follow Him. Happy Easter! Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki Archbishop of Milwaukee Catholic Financial Life’s Spiritual Director

Read more at cfl.org


Insure Life’s Moments Asegura los momentos de tu vida

Life offers many special moments and milestones. With all the excitement and transitions that occur, life insurance is often the last thing on your mind. At Catholic Financial Life, we understand that your financial needs are unique and constantly changing. Here are a few life stages and events that often trigger the need for life insurance from Catholic Financial Life.

La vida ofrece muchos momentos e hitos especiales. Con todas las emociones y transiciones que ocurren, el seguro de vida con frecuencia es lo último en lo que pensamos. En Catholic Financial Life entendemos que tus necesidades financieras son únicas y cambian constantemente. Estas son algunas etapas y sucesos de la vida que suelen recordarnos de la necesidad de un seguro de vida de Catholic Financial Life.

Married or Getting Married Una boda o matrimonio Many families depend on two incomes to make ends meet. If you died suddenly, would your loved ones have enough money to cover funeral costs, credit card balances, outstanding loans and daily living expenses? A Parent or Soon-to-be Parent Padres o futuros padres Raising a child is one of the most rewarding things a person can do and it’s also one of the most expensive. If you died tomorrow, would your spouse have the means to provide your children with the opportunities you always dreamed

can be used to pay off your mortgage, sparing your family from moving out of your home. Plus, it can provide the funds to help your loved ones maintain the lifestyle they’re accustomed to. Changing Jobs Cambio de trabajo If you’ve recently been promoted or changed jobs, it’s a good time to re- evaluate your life insurance coverage. Why? You may not realize it, but when your income increases, your spending tends to rise, too. Updating your life insurance coverage can ensure that your family would be able to maintain their new lifestyle if something were to happen to you.

they’d have? From diapers to diplomas, would there be enough income to pay for daycare, a college education and everything in between? Even parents who don’t work outside the home need life insurance because they provide services that would be expensive to replace, such as childcare, transportation and managing the household. And what about single parents? They need life insurance more than anyone because their children rely on them for everything. A Homeowner Un propietario de vivienda If you’re like most people, your home is your biggest financial asset. Life insurance


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

Retired or Planning for Retirement Jubilación o planeación de la jubilación If your children are on their own and your mortgage is paid off, you might feel your need for life insurance has passed. But if you died today, your spouse could outlive you by 10, 20 or 30 years. Would they have to make drastic lifestyle adjustments to make ends meet? Adequate life insurance coverage can help your spouse avoid financial struggles in retirement.

Single Solteros

For more than 150 years, Catholic Financial Life has helped our members

achieve their financial goals for every stage of life. Contact your

If you’re young and healthy, you might think you don’t need to purchase life insurance. However, obtaining life insurance while you’re young is one of the most important financial decisions you can make. Life insurance premiums are based on a variety of factors including your age and health. Purchasing life insurance while you are young and healthy will guarantee you a low rate and protection for years to come.

Catholic Financial Life Advisor or call 800-927-2547 to get started today! Durante más de 150 años, en Catholic Financial Life hemos ayudado a nuestros miembros a alcanzar sus metas financieras para cada etapa de sus vidas. ¡Comunícate con tu consejero de Catholic Financial Life o llama al 800-927-2547 para comenzar hoy mismo!

15-0028-3/20 Headquartered in Milwaukee, Wis. Products and services not available in all states. Some content in this article is courtesy of Life Happens.

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Saving for retirement? If so, you’ll be happy to hear about some changes the Federal Government made to the SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act this past December. These changes smoothed out a few roadblocks that affected retirement savings. Let’s see how the changes could help you. • Rem va f IRA C ri i Age Limit: Previously, no individual over age 70 ½ could contribute to their IRAs. Now, anyone who turns 70 ½ on or after January 1, 2020 can continue to contribute to a traditional IRA, regardless of age. • I creased RMD Age: The changes increased the age at which an individual must start to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) out of their IRAs from 70 ½ to 72. Like the IRA Contribution Age Limit, this change only applies to those who turn 70 ½ on or after January 1, 2020. • I creased Q a ified Deferred Variable and Fixed Annuities Age: Similar to IRAs for Qualified Deferred Variable and Fixed Annuities, changes to the SECURE Act increased the age at which an individual must begin taking RMDs from 70 ½ to 72 for those who turn 70 ½ on or after January 1, 2020. Saving for retirement is a process that can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. Catholic Financial Life is here to answer your questions! Contact us today at service@catholicfinanciallife.org or call 800-927-2547. Catholic Financial Life does not provide legal or tax advice. The information herein is general and educational in nature and should not be considered legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific situation.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife


Why is cyber security important? Thanks to phones and other devices, we have access to information 24-7. Whether we’re in search of recipes, sports scores, weather reports or online deals, the answers are just a click away. But, there’s a catch. Easier access also means it’s easier for hackers to get our personal information. Identity theft is a real threat for all of us, making it more important than ever to do what it takes to keep our data safe. The following steps will go a long way in keeping your identity safe. Protect your passwords – Having strong passwords is the most important step in keeping your information safe. Make sure your passwords contain a variety of numbers, capital and lowercase letters and special characters. Make it a habit to change them often. Don’t click on mysterious links – Hackers love hyperlinks and use them often to send viruses to gain access to devices. Be careful when receiving messages with any kind of link. A good rule of thumb is not to click on any link unless you’ve confirmed it’s from a reliable source. Set-up notifications – Get informed when there is activity on your accounts by setting up notifications. This allows you to manage your accounts with sensitive information. If your account is hacked, you will receive an alert right away to stop the hacker from doing too much damage. Lock devices – Just as it’s important to lock your doors when you leave your house, it’s important to lock your personal devices when you’re not using them. If you step away from a device, be sure to log out so no one has access to your information. Protect sensitive data – To avoid the risk of someone stealing your identity, keep data like your Social Security number, bank account and credit card information, etc. off your device whenever possible. If you do need to access sensitive information on your device, delete any traces of it. Staying a step ahead of identity theft is possible when we’re vigilant and aware of our accounts and online activity. Keep this list handy and refer to it often to stay (cyber) safe and sound! HOW TO STAY SAFE IN A DIGITAL WORLD

Protect Yourself from Social Security Scams Scammers are pretending to be government employees. They will try to scare and trick you into giving them your personal information and your money. They may threaten you or your family and may demand immediate payment to avoid arrest or other legal action. Don’t be fooled! If you receive a suspicious call … 1. Hang up 2.Do NOT give them money or share personal information 3. Report the scam at oig.ssa.gov Protect yourself, friends and family! Learn more at oig.ssa.gov/scam This information is provided courtesy of the Social Security Administration.

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I CAN HELP Someone TODAY. A profile of Catholic Financial Life Advisor Francisco Hernandez As a Catholic Financial Life Advisor for nearly 10 years, Francisco Hernandez is proud and excited to go to work. Every day he helps his clients make sound, informed financial decisions that protect their families’ futures. “Being with Catholic Financial Life is really a rewarding career,” said Francisco. “I provide a service to the friends, families and neighbors of my community, and those of my parish. I give them peace of mind. It’s a promise I make every day.” Francisco makes an impact in his community and is active in the lives of his members, many of whom feel like family to him. His position with Catholic Financial Life also allows him the flexibility to spend time with his seven grandchildren and to travel often with his wife, Ines Esther.

Do you know someone who would make a great Catholic Financial Life Advisor? Receive $100 for each referral that results in an in-person interview for the Advisor role and an additional $1,000 for each referral who is hired.

I r d ce s

r ex Advis r! Emai S efa Gardea a s efa .gardea@ca icfi a cia ife. rg

or call 414-278-6529.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife



Un perfil del consejero de Catholic Financial Life Francisco Hernandez Como consejero de Catholic Financial Life durante casi 10 años, Francisco Hernandez se siente orgulloso y emocionado cuando sale a trabajar. Todos los días ayuda a sus clientes a tomar decisiones financieras sensatas e informadas, que protegen el futuro de sus familias. “Trabajar en Catholic Financial Life es una carrera realmente gratificante,” dijo Francisco. “Presto un servicio a los amigos, familiares y vecinos de mi comunidad y de mi parroquia. Les llevo tranquilidad. Es una promesa que hago todos los días”. Francisco tiene un efecto en su comunidad y se mantiene activo en las vidas de sus miembros, a muchos de los cuales considera como familia. Su puesto en Catholic Financial Life también le brinda la flexibilidad para pasar tiempo con sus siete nietos y para viajar con frecuencia con su esposa, Ines Esther.

¿Conoces a alguien que sería un excelente consejero de Catholic Financial Life? Recibe $100 por cada recomendación que resulte en una entrevista presencial para el puesto de consejero, y $1,000 adicionales por cada recomendado que sea contratado.

¡Presé a s a es r próxim c sejer ! E vía c rre e ec ró ic a S efa Gardea a s efa .gardea@ca icfi a cia ife. rg ama a 414-278-6529.

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Milwaukee Brewers Game Friday, May 22 - 7:10 p.m. Milwaukee, Wis. vs. Chicago Cubs Ticket price: $21 and includes $5 in Brewers Bucks & access to a tailgate party at Helfaer Field. Deadline: May 1 St. Paul Saints Game – Friday, June 19 - 7:05 p.m. St. Paul, Minn. vs. Winnipeg Goldeyes Ticket price: $18 and includes $5 in Saints Bucks. Deadline: May 15 Roger Williams Park Zoo –

Sunday, June 21 Providence, R.I. Ticket price: $15 for adults, $10 for ages 2-12, children 2 & under are free Ticket includes admission, light snacks and beverages. Deadline: June 1 50 th Annual Family Camp Out July 17-19 Columbus, Wis. $35 per family group A $70 value! Deadline: July 1 Fes a I a ia a July 18-19

Milwaukee, Wis. Ticket price: $5 Deadline: June 1 Pawtucket Red Sox Saturday, July 18 - 6:15 p.m. Pawtucket, R.I. vs. Scranton Railriders Ticket price: $12 and includes a $10 ballpark voucher. Deadline: July 1


Milwaukee Zoo Wednesday, July 22 Milwaukee, Wis. Ticket price: $8 for adults, $5 for children, children 2 & under are free Deadline: June 27 Wisconsin State Fair Wednesday, August 12 West Allis, Wis. Ticket price: $6 includes admission, cream puff and drink. Children 5 and under free! Ticket good for the entire fair. Food and drink available only August 12. Deadline: July 10 Mexican Fiesta August 21-23 65 th Annual Pilgrimage and Family Day at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette Sunday, September 13 Attleboro, Mass. No charge Musical performance by J osée Vachon. Basse’s Farm Saturday, October 3 Colgate, Wis. Ticket price: $9 includes admission and a pumpkin! Deadline: September 11 To register for any of these events, visit cfl.org/memberevents or call 1-800-927-2547, ext. 6573. Milwaukee, Wis. Ticket price: $9 Deadline: July 29

GOT FRIENDS? WE’D LOVE TO MEET THEM! Do you have a friend, neighbor or family member who you think would enjoy being a Catholic Financial Life member? Introduce us at one of our events and we will send you a token of our appreciation! You will have the option to choose between a $25 voucher to be used toward an upcoming Catholic Financial Life member event or a $10 Visa gift card. Learn more at cfl.org/member2member



“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” ~ Maya Angelou

Want your chapter to be featured in a future magazine? Submit your best, high-resolution photos and detailed captions to c ap erp s@ca icfi a cia ife. rg .

Catholic Financial Life Advisor Joel Schodron (far right), members of Chapter 212, Medford, Wis., and students of Holy Rosary School participated in a pancake breakfast that raised more than $2,700. Catholic Financial Life provided $400 in Match Funds.

Members of Chapter N373, New Britain, Conn., participated in the Walk for Haiti that raised more than $21,000. Catholic Financial Life provided $500 in Match Funds.

Chapter 146, Clarks Mills, Wis., collected 4,450 pairs of shoes and raised $437 for the St. Vincent de Paul Society with the help of St. Mary’s in Clarks Mills, Wis. and St. Michael’s in Whitelaw, Wis.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

Members of Chapter 261, Cross Plains, Wis., participated in the Million Dollar Shootout Charity Golf Tournament. Golfers competed to support Alzheimer’s and Dementia research.

Catholic Financial Life Advisor Rick Kremel (far right) and members of Chapter 245, New Berlin, Wis., participated in a chilifest to raise money for St. Leonard School inMuskego, Wis. Catholic Financial Life provided $700 inMatch Funds.

Chapter 994, Conway, Ark., presented St. Joseph’s Parish priests (from left to right), Fr. Tony Robbins, Fr. Jeff Herbert and Fr. Chandra Kodavatikanti with priestly travel mugs and coffee from the Catholic Company.

Catholic Financial Life Advisor Alan Charles (far right), presented 50-year members of Chapter 314, Reedsburg, Wis., with gold rosaries.

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Catholic Financial Life Board Member David Singer (far left), Catholic Financial Life Advisor Karen Willkomm-Stiles (far right) and other members of Chapters 151, 175, 202 and 278 presented a check to Special Olympics Wisconsin after the “Run with the Cops” fundraising event.

Members of Chapter 705, Dubuque, Iowa, sponsored a supper event at which new Chapter Officers were elected.

Members of Chapter 279, Hartford/St. Lawrence, Wis., participated in Logan’s Laps for Love. This 5K run raised money to support the “Love for Logan” fund at Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin.

Chapter 48, Beaver Dam, Wis., President Kathleen Dries (far left) and Secretary/Treasurer, Bernie Hafenstein (far right) presented 75-year members and sisters, Joanne Bohl (center left) and Carol Klas (center right), with statues of the Immaculate Conception.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

IMPACT TEAMS Any Catholic Financial Life member can assemble a group of volunteers – called Impact Teams – driven by a common cause. Reinforcing our commitment to serving the communities in which our members live, we provide financial support to approved Impact Teams projects.

It’s a Kid’s Life Page Answers

Paschal Celebration:

2 Saints:


Who he is:

H E I S O U R     S A L V A T I O N   

O U R L I F E   

A N D O U R  ❤ 

R E S U R R E C T I O N        T H R O U G H H I M W E   C    A R E S A V E D A N D       ❤  ❤

An Impact Team in Subiaco, Ark., sponsored a spaghetti dinner to raise money for Laura Jo Murray, who is battling a rare form of cancer.

M A D E   ❤

F R E E    

How Long is the Easter Season?

Easter is 50 days long.

What cause interests you? What type of project would make a positive impact in your community? Learn how to create your own Impact Team! Visit cfl.org/impact-teams for more information.

Easter Vigil:




An Impact Team in Kewaskum, Wis., tied blankets to donate to homeless families served by Family Promise Homeless Shelter.

Read more at cfl.org


STOCK UP ON CATHOLIC FINANCIAL LIFE APPAREL! Order your Catholic Financial Life-branded merchandise! Check out our new online store today!

Find the Radiant Cross

We’ve hidden nine black and white versions of the Radiant Cross icon – just like the one you see here –

throughout this magazine. Members who correctly identify the location of at least one of the nine Radiant Cross icons hidden in this issue will be entered in a drawing to receive $25. Please note: the Radiant Cross featured here doesn’t count. Submit your entry by June 19, 2020. You may either submit online at cfl.org/benefits or mail your entry to:

Radiant Life Catholic Financial Life Attn: Marketing 1100 W. Wells St. Milwaukee, WI 53233

Women’s Shirt

Men’s Shirt

Be sure to include your name, address, phone number, email address and the location(s) of the Radiant Cross.

Congratulations, Audrey Z, the winner of the Fall issue Radiant Cross activity!

Are your records p da e? Have you recently… • M ved? • G e married? • C a ged r emai address? If you answered yes to any of the above, please contact us today! Call us at 900-927-2547 or email service@catholicfinanciallife.org



Visit cfl.org/store and place your order before May 15, 2020! Please note: You’re responsible for shipping and taxes. Credit cards only. No returns or exchanges. Please allow four weeks for delivery after store closes on May 15, 2020. (The site works best in the Chrome internet browser.)


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

In Remembrance Al StEInER, lIFE-lonG MEMbER AnD lonG-tIME CAtholIC FInAnCIAl lIFE ChAPtER lEADER, PASSED AwAy In JAnuARy. wE ContInuE to REMEMbER hIM AnD hIS FAMIly In ouR PRAyERS.

Al Steiner Al lived a life committed to service both inside and outside of Catholic Financial Life. He was a chapter leader for 28 years and served as Secretary/Treasurer of Chapter 118, Charlesburg, Wis. since 1998. In recognition of his service, Al was named 2009 Fraternalist of the Year inWisconsin. In addition to his nearly eight decades of Catholic Financial Life membership, Al was an Army veteran and lifetime member of the Chilton Eagle’s Club where he served as President and Vice President for more than ten years. In 2016, Al was named Chilton Citizen of the Year for his volunteer service to the community. We ask you to keep Al’s wife of 58 years, Fran, their four children, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren in your prayers during this difficult time.

Eternal rest grant unto Al, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.

As a Catholic organization that believes strongly in the power of prayer, we encourage you to pray for all of our member intentions. If you or someone you know needs the prayers of others, we invite you to submit your intentions to our Prayer Network. Intentions will be prayed for by the Pope’s worldwide prayer network, in Masses held quarterly in the Home Office’s All Saints Chapel and anyone who feels called to visit our Prayer Network to pray for the intentions of others. To submit your intentions or find someone in need of your prayers, visit cfl.org/prayer-network

Read more at cfl.org



For this year’s Give Back Contest, we asked for nominations of Catholic school teachers across the country who exhibited a remarkable dedication to transforming the lives of their students. Their everyday acts can often go unnoticed, but the goal of this year’s Give Back Contest was to shine a light on these unsung heroes.

Nearly 17,000 votes were cast for the 134 teachers who were nominated from around the country. Congratulations to the top three teachers (listed in alphabetical order by last name) based on the impact they made, comments shared during voting and number of votes: • Mimi Holsapple : Saints Francis & Clare of Assisi Catholic School | Greenwood, Ind. • C ee Je ges : St. John XXIII Catholic School | Port Washington, Wis. • la rie Pie r iak : St. Leonard Catholic School | Muskego, Wis. Thank you to all the Catholic school teachers who form our children into disciples of Jesus. We appreciate your continued ministry in Catholic education. To learn more about this year’s winners, visit cfl.org/givebackcontest

Lawrie Pietrowiak

Mimi Holsapple

Colleen Jentges


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife


We’re excited to announce that entries are now being accepted for the Second Annual Joseph E. Gadbois “God Bless America” Photo Contest! Launched last year, in honor of Joe’s 41-year career with Catholic Financial Life, the contest celebrates his love of photography and for our country. This year’s theme is “Patriotism.” Members and non-members are invited to submit a photo they have personally taken along with a brief description of the photo and how it relates to our theme. Everyone who enters will receive a commemorative gift. Photos will be judged on quality, composition and alignment with our theme. Winners will be selected in both youth (under 18) and adult categories. The top three photos in each age group will be featured in the Fall 2020 edition of Radiant Life and posted on our website. First place winners will also receive a gift card. Please submit all photos to: memberengagement@catholicfinanciallife.org with the subject line: Joseph E. Gadbois “God Bless America” Photo Contest . Attach the original digital photo to the email and include a description, the category (adult or youth), your name and contact information in the body of the message. The deadline to submit photos is September 15, 2020 .

Photos must be submitted electronically and be your own personal work. Photos of individuals should be submitted with the consent of the individual, their parent or guardian.

I s pp r f pa ri ism, e e c rage to learn from our Founding Fathers Order your free pocket Constitution of the United States. Simply go to cfl.org/constitution, fill out the form and submit it, and we’ll send you this handy version that includes some of the most important historic documents that define our country: • Constitution of the United States • Bill of Rights • Declaration of Independence Prefer a digital copy of these documents? Go to cfl.org/constitution

Read more at cfl.org


Recip Corne Submit your favorite recipe to be featured in the upcoming Fall edition of Radiant Life . Send a recipe that fits the season, upcoming holidays or is simply delicious! A winner will be selected through a random drawing. To submit your recipe, please mail it to: Catholic Financial Life, Attn: Marketing, 1100 West Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233. Or, email it to vicki.vlach@catholicfinanciallife.org.

“Eggcelent” Twists on the Easter Egg Bacon Cheddar Deviled Eggs Ingredients - 12 eggs - ½ cup mayonnaise - 4 slices bacon - 2 tbsp finely shredded cheddar cheese Instructions 1. Hard boil the eggs and then let them cool. 2. Cook bacon until evenly brown, then crumble and set aside. 3. Peel hard boiled eggs and cut in half lengthwise. 4. Remove yolks and place them in a small bowl. Add mayonnaise, bacon and cheese to the small bowl and mash together. Then stir in mustard. 5. Fill egg white halves with yolk mixture. Sprinkle the yolks with paprika, and refrigerate until serving. - 1 tbsp mustard - Paprika to taste

Easter Egg Strawberries Ingredients - 1 pound strawberries, washed and dried - 2 cups white chocolate chips - 2 tsp coconut oil - Blue, orange, yellow and pink food coloring

Instructions 1. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. In microwave safe bowl, combine 1 cup white chocolate chips and 1 tsp coconut oil. Microwave for 30 second intervals until melted. Divide melted chocolate into four bowls and mix in food coloring. 3. Dip strawberries in melted chocolate and set on prepared baking sheet. Refrigerate until set. 4. Microwave remaining white chocolate chips and coconut oil in 30 second intervals until melted. Divide into four bowls and mix in food coloring. 5. Transfer dyed chocolate into four plastic bags. Snip off a small piece of the corner of each bag. 6. Using the dyed chocolate in the bags, pipe designs onto strawberries and refrigerate until hardened.


To sign up for the e-version of the magazine, visit cfl.org/radiantlife

Call for Nominations

See answers on page 17.

Read more at cfl.org



1100 West Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53233


Last year, we launched the Angels Among Us program to recognize the great work volunteers do for their communities. We received hundreds of nominations recognizing amazing people who truly put their communities first, and we know there are many more angels among us. Your nominations are appreciated year-round, but we encourage you to celebrate National Volunteer Month this April by recognizing even more angels. Submit your nominations at cfl.org/nominate


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