Spring 2020 Member Magazine

Insure Life’s Moments Asegura los momentos de tu vida

Life offers many special moments and milestones. With all the excitement and transitions that occur, life insurance is often the last thing on your mind. At Catholic Financial Life, we understand that your financial needs are unique and constantly changing. Here are a few life stages and events that often trigger the need for life insurance from Catholic Financial Life.

La vida ofrece muchos momentos e hitos especiales. Con todas las emociones y transiciones que ocurren, el seguro de vida con frecuencia es lo último en lo que pensamos. En Catholic Financial Life entendemos que tus necesidades financieras son únicas y cambian constantemente. Estas son algunas etapas y sucesos de la vida que suelen recordarnos de la necesidad de un seguro de vida de Catholic Financial Life.

Married or Getting Married Una boda o matrimonio Many families depend on two incomes to make ends meet. If you died suddenly, would your loved ones have enough money to cover funeral costs, credit card balances, outstanding loans and daily living expenses? A Parent or Soon-to-be Parent Padres o futuros padres Raising a child is one of the most rewarding things a person can do and it’s also one of the most expensive. If you died tomorrow, would your spouse have the means to provide your children with the opportunities you always dreamed

can be used to pay off your mortgage, sparing your family from moving out of your home. Plus, it can provide the funds to help your loved ones maintain the lifestyle they’re accustomed to. Changing Jobs Cambio de trabajo If you’ve recently been promoted or changed jobs, it’s a good time to re- evaluate your life insurance coverage. Why? You may not realize it, but when your income increases, your spending tends to rise, too. Updating your life insurance coverage can ensure that your family would be able to maintain their new lifestyle if something were to happen to you.

they’d have? From diapers to diplomas, would there be enough income to pay for daycare, a college education and everything in between? Even parents who don’t work outside the home need life insurance because they provide services that would be expensive to replace, such as childcare, transportation and managing the household. And what about single parents? They need life insurance more than anyone because their children rely on them for everything. A Homeowner Un propietario de vivienda If you’re like most people, your home is your biggest financial asset. Life insurance


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