Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

Home schooling may require an area for more than one student. You could buy more than one desk or you can achieve this by adding small file cabinets at each end and a long countertop placed against a wall. Desk lamps will give much-needed task lighting. Add comfortable chairs and make sure there is access to outlets for laptops or computers. If your student is having to learn remotely, then many parents I have spoken to suggest headphones so students can hear their teacher and not be disturbed by others around them. If you have a teenager or older student, you may want to set up a private study area in their room. A small desk with a comfortable chair and task lighting as well as natural light will be greatly appreciated. The daybed allows a comfortable place to sit and read. Let your student help plan the colors and decorations in their room. Blue is a relaxing color and has been proven to help with brain activity. Add storage containers for books and extra study supplies. An organized desk drawer with extra supplies is always needed. Simple drawer organizers will keep supplies separated and easy to find.

A little preparation for school can help decrease the anxiety of going back to school. Allowing your child to help with the organization and decorating allows them to be part of the process and makes this something you can all look forward to. Good luck to all students, young and old, heading back to school!

August 2022 • • 77

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