Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

Back to School SMTO

BACK TO SCHOOL Ideas for Organization & Homework

I think an area of built-ins would be great for any busy family. This space gives each child a locker-type space for coats, backpacks, shoes, etc. However, you can also create a similar space with a hall tree that has a bench, hooks and a shelf above. This gives your kids an area to store their backpacks and any other equipment for sports or musical instruments. Add baskets for gloves and smaller items, as well as a bulletin board with a monthly schedule, so everyone knows where they will be for practices after school and other events, and you have an area perfect for storing things that are orderly and easy to find.

End of summer means many families are thinking of getting ready for their kids to go back to school, remote learning or getting ready for home schooling. Some tips on how to organize homework stations and areas for studying can be fun as well as useful.


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