Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

Back to School SMTO

Celebrating 30 Years of Success: Thomas Jefferson Independent Day School

By Kathleen Swift

S tarted in 1993 by a group of Joplin parents who were determined to give their children an exceptional educational experience, Thomas Jefferson Independent

music classes for all students beginning in pre-kindergarten. As the school enrollment grew, so did its facilities. Most recently, the school added classrooms, a concert hall, an

important part of the educational experience at Thomas Jefferson and will be a highlight of the 30th anniversary celebration. “We intentionally build community at

Day School is celebrating 30 years of educating children for success in college and in life. From its early years, Thomas Jefferson has expanded its educational offerings and its campus. Independent school education was a new idea to most people in the Joplin region in 1993, but the parents who enrolled their children that first year shared a vision that TJ would help their children reach their full potential.

Thomas Jefferson. Our campus is constructed so younger students pass the older students in the halls. Each has their own learning spaces, but there are opportunities for interaction across the grade levels,” said McDonald. “For instance, at our annual all-school picnic, younger students are paired with older buddies, and those relationships often continue over

At Thomas Jefferson, students explore their passions and reach their full potential through a liberal arts education.

additional library, commons areas, renovated science labs and more -- doubling the square footage of the campus. Head of School Laura McDonald, who has served at the school for more than 25 years, noted community has always been an

the years. “We have alumni working and going to college all over the country. Some come back to campus to teach masterclasses, and others use technology to visit with our students

Thomas Jefferson was the first school in the Joplin area to have air-conditioned classrooms. It was also the first to offer Advanced Placement courses for high school students and world languages and


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