Show Me the Ozarks August 2022

Faces of Education



The Face of GRADUATE EDUCATION ShaneWood - Ozark Christian College The world is more connected than ever, but many people—even Christian leaders—say they’ve never felt more alone. Shane J. Wood, Ph.D., can relate. “When I began my first full-time ministry,” he recalls, “I was in a small church in a small town. I remember feeling overwhelmed and all alone—and I know I’m not the only minister who has felt that way.” Because of this, Wood, a dean of graduate studies at Ozark Christian College, kept connection at the heart of a new master’s program launching this fall. “The Master of Arts in Biblical Ministry

intentionally focuses on a transformational education community,” he says, “so students can dive deep into biblical study alongside their peers and professors.” For over 80 years, Ozark Christian College has had one mission: training men and women for Christian service in preaching, worship, organizational leadership, biblical justice, missions and more. The college’s undergraduate dual-degree partnership with Missouri Southern State University equips students in a variety of contexts. At the graduate level, the Master of Arts in Biblical Studies offers three concentrations in an interactive, online format. “We created this new master’s program for you,” Shane says, “so you no longer have to feel alone as you carry out the kingdom

assignment God has for you.” 1111 N. Main | Joplin, MO 417.626.1234 |

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