Sheep Industry News August 2021
Animated publication
Sheep Industry August 2021 • Volume 25, Issue 8 NEWS Genetics Issue
SheepIndustry NEWS Volume 25, Issue 8 August 2021
A Look Inside 14 Improving the Genetics of American Flocks Genetic selection is one strategy for changing the performance of farm animals. Although it is relatively slow compared to some other methods, genetic improvement garners huge benefit by being permanent, cumulative and highly cost effective.
Often a Leader, Texas Slow to Adopt Genetics Historically, Texas producers have pioneered several sig nificant advancements in the American sheep industry, but have not remained present-day leaders when it comes to utilizing some key genetic technologies. Katahdins, Targhees Embraced Technology Sheep genetics USA traveled virtually to Katahdin breeder Lynn Fahrmeier of Wellington, Mo., and to Jack McRae’s Targhee ranch near Jordan, Mont., to discuss why those two breeds were early adopters of new genetic technology.
Genetic research and technology offer clear paths forward as the American sheep industry looks to become more productive in the future.
Departments 4 President’s Notes 6 Market Report 9 ASI Member Listing 10 Sheep Shots 36 Breeders’ Directory 38 Industry Calendar
20 ARS Reference Flocks
August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 3
President’s Notes SUSAN SHULTZ ASI President
Now is the Time to Embrace Genetics in the Sheep Industry
M uch discussion and dialog have taken place in recent years regarding how the American sheep industry can become more efficient in order to meet the demands of our consumer. Those demands include making American lamb and wool premium products on a consistent basis and improv ing productivity and profitability for a sustainable industry. the need to improve collaboration and explore new technologies to modernize within our industry. Committee members agreed that prioritizing ways to improve productivity and increase the speed of adopting new technologies was especially important in the area of genetic improvement. Through the ASI Let’s Grow initiative that followed, there were numerous examples of pockets of producer groups that were at tempting to do just that – collaborate in order to utilize the latest in genetic technology. But even with all the generous industry support for genetic improvement, there has always been a void in bringing together under one umbrella all of the key stakehold ers to collectively move projects forward that could benefit our industry. It had become increasingly clear that with limited resources and the rapid pace of change in both quantitative and molecu lar genetics that the time for structured collaboration and the prioritizing of projects that had the potential to make significant changes to our production efficiencies had arrived. I can only imagine the changes that our industry could make if we were able to embrace and adopt the genetic tools that are currently avail able, such as estimated breeding values, genomic marker panels and now genomically enhanced breeding values, plus the future tools that are currently being studied. Several events are merging together and that leads me to be lieve that this could be the decade of genetic change for our sheep industry. First, the coming of age of a very talented young group of genetic scientists who are working together to implement change. Second, is the cooperation and coordination between our Agricultural Research Service stations to create new and focused scientific, genetic advancement. Third is the rapid reduction in Tracing conversations back to the Indus try Roadmap in 2014, the productivity im provement committee I chaired recognized
the cost of DNA analysis, which makes it more affordable for many sheep producers. This brings us to the fourth event in these new developments.
Soon after a formal meeting of stakehold ers with much discussion and dialog about American sheep genetics at the 2019 ASI Annual Convention in Scottsdale, Ariz., a group of five progressive producers were tasked to move the discussion forward to an action plan. The concept was to create a separate organization supported by the
ASI VISION Premier Protein Premier Fiber Environmentally Regenerative Economically Sustainable
American Lamb Board, ASI and the National Sheep Industry Im provement Center, along with industry stakeholders, with a vision of being a proactive, collaborative initiative focused on improving genetic tools to enhance profitability. By including all of the sheep industry stakeholders, this effort would create the critical mass needed to drive genetic research, development and adoption to new levels. During the pandemic, this group of producer volunteers worked on the vision and mission, wrote bylaws and reached out to numerous stakeholder groups for their input, thus turning a concept into a reality. Rusty Burgett (Iowa), Ben Lehfeldt (Mont.), Bill Shultz (Ohio), Brad Boner (Wyo.) and Tom Boyer (Utah) are leading the way for the recently formed non-profit organization Sheep Genetics USA. Tom will share more of the story in this issue. Through their designated action committees, Sheep Genetics USA will bring together stakeholders representing consumers, producers, educators, researchers, feeders, packers and breed organizations to focus on supporting constructive projects to improve genetics. As one of their first initiatives, ASI is pleased to team with Sheep Genetics USA to launch this August issue of the Sheep Industry News dedicated to genetics. Hopefully this will be an annual occurrence and will showcase how producers can increase profitability and efficiencies by using modern genetic technolo gies. I hope you enjoy this special issue, and thank you to all the volunteer leaders and organizations that have worked together to bring these ideas to fruition. My best.
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SheepIndustry NEWS August 2021: Volume 25, Issue 8
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CONTRIBUTING WRITER: Julie Stepanek Shiflett, Ph.D., Juniper Economic Consulting
We have low freight rates. Call For a quote today. Call for your FREE CATALOG today or visit us at:
ASI Office Staff: Peter Orwick, Executive Director Rita Kourlis Samuelson, Deputy Director/Wool Marketing Larry Kincaid, Chief Financial Officer Chase Adams, Senior Policy and Information Director Erica Sanko, Director of Analytics & Production Programs Christa Rochford, International Wool Marketing Coordinator Zahrah Khan, Project Manager - Accounting & Convention Angela Ayala, Executive Assistant The Sheep Industry News is published monthly as the official publication of the American Sheep Industry Association Inc. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Payment of member dues in an ASI affiliated state organization entitles a member to a subscription. For non-members, the subscription rate is $50 per year. ADVERTISING INFORMATION: Rates available at Deadline is the fifth of the month preceding the cover date. All advertising is subject to publisher’s approval. Advertisers must assume all liability for their advertising content. Publisher maintains the right to cancel advertising for nonpayment or reader complaint about service or product. Publisher assumes no liability for products or services advertised in Sheep Industry News .
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The American Sheep Industry Association is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 5
Market Report
JULIE STEPANEK SHIFLETT, PH.D. Juniper Economic Consulting
Feeder Lamb Prices Post Record Highs
T his year, the American lamb industry has broken multiple records with record high feeder lamb prices, slaughter lamb prices and wholesale prices. The combined influence of tight supplies and strong demand is exerting pressure on markets. It is assumed that the ethnic market demanding lighter-weight lambs is driving the current run-up in prices, forcing lamb proces sors of heavier lambs to pay higher prices to secure supplies. The niche lamb markets at foodservice, retail and ethnic markets over lapping the two will play tug-of-war with lamb supplies. In the year ending March 31, “consumer demand for lamb increased consider ably compared to the same time period one year ago” according to IRi/Fresh Look Marketing for the American Lamb Board in June. There was a 27 percent increase in dollar sales at retail from a year ago and a 19 percent increase in pounds sold. As discovered in Midan Marketing’s Multicultural report to the American Lamb Board, one “factor that could be influencing lamb’s popularity in recent years is growing demand among first generation Americans from the Middle East and Southern Europe, where lamb is closer to a food staple in their diets.” Further, Midan explains, non-white meat eaters purchase lamb more often than white meat eaters. One in four Asian meat eaters have purchased lamb in the past month, while one in five Hispanic and black meat eaters have also purchased lamb. This year, feeder lamb prices flirted with $300 per cwt., bounc
ing between $250 and $292 per cwt. By June, prices settled closer to $250 per cwt. – a level not previously thought possible. On average, 60- to 90-lb. feeders averaged $261.41 per cwt. in June, up 5 percent monthly and up 57 percent from the COVID-low last summer. Prices in San Angelo, Texas, averaged $258.05 per cwt. in June, up 13 percent monthly and up 54 percent from a year ago. Prices in Sioux Falls, S.D., averaged $264.96 per cwt., up 4 percent monthly and 60 percent higher year-on-year. Slaughter lamb prices moved sharply higher in June, driven by tight supplies and strong demand. Live, negotiated slaughter lamb prices averaged $257.51 per cwt., 5 percent higher monthly and 41 percent higher year-on-year. The last time slaughter lamb prices topped $200 per cwt. (at $205 per cwt.) was July 2011 when domes tic and imported supplies were tight. In San Angelo, 100 to 150-lb. wooled and shorn slaughter lambs averaged $200.22 per cwt., up 27 percent monthly and up 57 percent year-on-year. Lambs in Sioux Falls saw $263.07 per cwt., up 18 percent monthly and nearly double from a year ago. Lamb prices at the market in New Holland, Penn., saw some monthly softening, but still sharply higher than last summer. Wooled slaughter lambs at the New Holland auction (Choice and Prime 1-3) averaged $280.28 per cwt. in June, down 3 percent monthly and up 26 percent year-on-year for 90 to 100 lbs. Heavier, 100- to 150-lb. lambs averaged $281.16 per cwt., down 2 percent
monthly and up 50 percent from a year ago. Hair lambs, 70 to 80 lbs., brought $265 per cwt. in June at New Holland, down 4 percent monthly (Choice and Prime 1-3). Eighty- to 90-lb. lambs averaged $253.02 per cwt., down 7 percent monthly. There were no comparable price reports published for last summer. It is common for feeder lambs to top $200 per cwt., not slaughter lamb prices. As slaugh ter lamb prices approach levels previously reserved for feeder lambs, the distinction between the two is blurred. The heavier-weight, traditional lamb mar ket will face continued pressure by the lighter weight, ethnic market to secure supplies. In general, desired weights in the ethnic market range from about 80 to 120 lbs., not as heavy
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as 140-lb. plus lambs that the traditional market historically harvests. While hair breeds have been popular in the ethnic market, by some accounts, the ethnic market prefers wooled breeds because the meat is more pink than red. Reportedly, the wooled breeds also dress better, have a higher-percentage yield for comparable weight lambs. Eid ul-Adha (Muslim Festival of Sacrifice) on July 20 and Mu harramm/Hajra (Islamic New Year) on Aug. 10, will signal high-de mand periods for lighter-weight lambs, meaning continued short-term price support at already high levels. Depending upon import levels in the next few months – and an actual count of feeders coming to the market this fall – tight supplies might persist for some time, keeping prices high through the December holidays. LAMB AT WHOLESALE SETS NEW RECORD In the first week of July, the lamb cutout hit a new record high, $540.05 per cwt. In June, the average cutout value was $513.84 per cwt., up 9 percent monthly and up 45 percent year-on-year. The rack, 8-rib, medium, brought $1,210.38 per cwt. in June, up 9 percent monthly. The further fabricated rack, roast-ready, frenched topped $22 per lb. The loin, trimmed 4x4, averaged $848.31 per cwt., up 7 percent monthly. The shoulder, square-cut, saw $438.33 per cwt., up 12 percent monthly. The leg, trotter-off, averaged $779.53 per cwt., up 7 percent monthly. The lamb primals averaged 45 to 57 percent higher year-on-year. Ground lamb brought $751.12 per cwt. in June, up 6 percent and up 46 percent year-on-year. PELTS SEE SOME SUPPORT The American pelt market saw some recent uplift, with skin credits to producers back to 2018 levels, or a three-year high. Export ship ping is an issue with orders in a delivery window of six weeks to four months, challenging payment and marketing plans. Overall, interna tional shipping is more expensive. However, this also means imported international pelts to the United States are less competitive, which might give American pelts some domestic support. The growing popularity of hair sheep – such as Dorper and Katah din – begs the question of the value of hair skins. Hair skins have value, but face competition from the sizable cattle hide market. What gives lambskins value from wooled breeds is the shearling. Shearling is the pelt of a sheep or lamb with the wool left on. TIGHT SUPPLIES PRESSURE PRICES Tight lamb supplies dictate that prices are being bid up and that lambs are going to harvest at lighter weights. Lamb and yearling feder ally inspected harvest was 912,900 head in January through June, 1 percent higher year-on-year from 2020 (which in turn, was down 7 percent from 2019). However, the first-half of 2021 remains 6 percent lower than the same period in 2019 and 3 percent lower than the first six months of 2018. Estimated lamb production January to June was 43.3 million lbs., down 1.5 percent year-on-year and down 10 percent from the first-half
Test your rams now to identify sire performance and set your benchmarks for 2022. GENETIC TESTING
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August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 7
FORECASTS In late June, LMIC reported that the forecast for 2021 is 2 percent lower production, 10 percent lower imports and a lamb and mutton disappearance contraction of 10 percent. LMIC estimated that third quarter slaughter lamb prices could see $180 to $185 per cwt., 34 percent higher year-on-year. Feeder lamb prices, 60 to 90-lb., could see $240 to $245 per cwt., up 44 percent from a year ago. Slaughter lamb prices could dip below current $200 per cwt. levels if sizable imports are reported during the summer and the largest processors are able to secure supplies for the fall. WOOL CONTINUES ITS COVID-19 REBOUND Australian wool prices have rebounded sharply since the COVID low during the fall of 2020, and by early July remained about 32 percent lower than the 2018 high in Australian dollars and 28 percent lower in U.S. dollars. The Australian Eastern Market Indicator aver aged Australian $6.44 per lb. clean, or U.S. $4.81 per lb. clean on July 9. While finer wools have enjoyed a distinct upward trend in 2021, coarser wools have seen some ups and down, but remained generally flat. Recall that wool is a niche product, catering to a hyper-targeted consumer. Australian Wool Innovation reported at the end of May that in the United States, “there are signs that quality Italian wool apparel, such as women’s coats and next to skin items like base layer and fine Merino knitwear, has remained resilient throughout the pandemic. There is renewed optimism from the Italian mills for wool orders being secured for the impending 2021 Autumn-Winter season.” Similar to the pelt market, international shipping remains a concern in wool export trade. Shipping costs are higher, access to ships more challenging, and delivery and off-loading dates are delayed. Lack of timely payment to wool buyers means less money to spend on the next wool purchase. At some point – if not already – increased shipping costs will be deducted from raw wool price offers. Some substitution to coarser wools might prevail, giving lower-end fibers a lift.
of 2019. Estimated production is lower due to lower harvest numbers, but also lower harvest weights. Between the first-half of 2019 and the first-half of 2021, average har vest weights dropped 5 percent from 137 to 130 lbs. The difference is statistically significant at 5 percent. Lighter weights at harvest might be due to tight supplies, but also due to expanded demand by the ethnic market that prefers a lighter-weight carcass. Freezer inventories continued to contract in June, to low levels not seen since early 2017. Lamb and mutton in cold storage fell for the third consecutive month in June to 21.9 million lbs., down 12 percent monthly and down 54 percent from a year ago. Lamb imports fell 4 percent in January to May year-on-year to 91.8 million lbs. Australian imports were down 10 percent to 65.3 million lbs. and New Zealand lamb was down 13 percent year-on-year. According to the Australian Weekly Times on July 5, Australian lamb exports to the United States posted a 19 percent gain on volumes from May to June – the largest monthly volume of Aussie lamb exports to the United States on record. Thomas Elder Markets Analyst Matt Dalgleish commented in the Weekly Times that increased Australian lamb exports to the United States are due to the strong rebound of the high-end foodservice trade from COVID-19. edented drought conditions. By the end of June, 22 percent of the U.S. was categorized as extreme to exceptional drought, with another 35 percent labeled abnormally dry to severe drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor. The Livestock Marketing Information Center reported that as of July 1, 65 percent of Western pastures were rated poor and very poor, 26 percent were fair, and only 9 percent were good/excellent. In mid-June, the California Farm Bureau Federation documented how some sheep producers are facing tough decisions in finding feed. Some producers are culling mature ewes, some lambs are being sold as feeders (for finishing in a feedlot) or being sold to others with ir rigated pastures. However, national harvest numbers and strong live prices support the notion that sheep producers are finding ways to manage (for now). Dan Macon, University of California Cooperative Extension livestock and natural resources advisor, said he's trying to main tain his breeding flock numbers – at least for this year. The big unknown, he said, is what feed conditions will be in the fall, noting that lack of available irrigation water will mean more fallowing of alfalfa fields, reducing the amount of post-harvest stubble on which sheep can graze in October and November. Crippling the industry’s ability to slow lamb growth on deserts and California’s Imperial Valley through the fall and winter could hamper 2022 Easter supplies. Lamb prices are high, which helps ease the pain if a producer is forced to sell due to lack of feed, but in turn, high lamb prices don’t encourage flock rebuilding if there is a lack of feed. DRY CONDITIONS THREATEN FALL FEED SUPPLIES This summer, most of the Western United States faces unprec
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Alabama Meat Goat & Sheep Producers 334-613-4221 • ASI Women 435-528-7570 • Arizona Wool Producers Association 520-560-4202 • Arkansas State Sheep Council 870-853-7404 • California Wool Growers Association 916-444-8122 • Colorado Wool Growers Association 970-874-1433 • Connecticut Sheep Breeders Association 860-819-8339 • Meat Sheep Alliance of Florida 352-502-2564 • Georgia Sheep & Wool Growers Association 706-340-1098 • Hawaii Sheep and Goat Association 808-775-8075 • Idaho Wool Growers Association 208-344-2271 • Illinois Lamb & Wool Producers Inc. 815-544-9582 • Indiana Sheep Association 317-896-2213 • Kentucky Sheep & Wool Producers Association 502-682-7780 • Maine Sheep Breeders Association 207-324-1582 • Maryland Sheep Breeders Association 410-746-5768 • Massachusetts Federation of Sheep Associations 508-829-4556 • Michigan Sheep Producers Association 616-610-5628 • Minnesota Lamb & Wool Producers Association 320-760-5727 • Missouri Sheep Producers Inc. 573-578-0497 • Montana Wool Growers Association 406-442-1330 • National Lamb Feeders Association 605-224-0224 • Iowa Sheep Industry Association 641-625-4248 • Kansas Sheep Association 620-393-5204 •
Nebraska Sheep & Goat Producers Association 308-386-8378 • Nevada Wool Growers Association 775-934-8860 • New Hampshire Sheep & Wool Growers Garden State Sheep Breeders Inc. (N.J.) 609-947-2260 • New Mexico Wool Growers Inc. 505-247-0584 • Empire Sheep Producers Cooperative (N.Y.) 585-367-2775 • North Carolina Sheep Producers Assoc. Inc. 919-522-4110 • North Dakota Lamb & Wool Producers Assoc. 701-333-8009 • Ohio Sheep Improvement Association 614-499-2931 • Oregon Sheep Growers Association 503-364-5462 • Pennsylvania Sheep & Wool Growers Association 814-880-3314 • Rhode Island Sheep Cooperative 401-578-2012 • South Carolina Sheep Industries Association 864-360-3222 • South Dakota Sheep Growers Association 406-581-7772 • Tennessee Sheep Producers Association 615-519-7796 • Texas Sheep & Goat Raisers’ Association 325-655-7388 • Utah Wool Growers Association 435-915-6119 • Vermont Sheep & Goat Association 802-899-2104 • Virginia Sheep Producers Association 540-231-9159 • Washington State Sheep Producers 360-999-8118 • West Virginia Shepherds Federation 304-445-1516 • Wisconsin Sheep Breeders Cooperative 608-743-9080 •
Susan Shultz Ohio President
Brad Boner Wyoming Vice President
Ben Lehfeldt Montana Secretary/Treasurer
Peter Orwick Colorado Executive Director
Wyoming Wool Growers Association 307-265-5250 •
August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 9
ASI Executive Board and guests at the Nuckolls Ranch in Hulett, Wyo., with Devils Tower National Monument in the background.
The ASI Executive Board conducted its summer meeting in Deadwood, S.D., on July 8-9. While in the area, the Executive Board held a reception with members of the South Dakota Sheep Growers Association and toured ranches in Montana & Wyoming.
Laurie & Brad Boner
Spud & Thea (Nuckolls) Lemmel
Peter John Camino and Bob Harlan
10 • Sheep Industry News •
Amber Erk and Jack & Cindy Orwick
Elaine & Benny Cox and Gwen Kitzan
Madge, Larry & Lane Pilster
Holly & Dave Ollila and Kelly Froehlich
Heidi Carroll and Steve Clements
August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 11
Sheep Genetics USA TOM BOYER Sheep Genetics USA
The Power of Genetics
I have long been fascinated by the power of genetics. Early on, I was fascinated by the foundational genetic grid involving red, white and roan Shorthorn cattle, which later would be built upon by paradigm shifts in plant breeding and quantum productivity leaps in poultry, swine and cattle. Sheep Genetics USA is all about real science, real data, leading edge technology and genetic insights that can help make it easier for you to take actions that will lead to easier and more efficient man agement, increased production, reduced costs and overall greater productivity for your flock, thereby advancing the American sheep industry. There is great power in "what if" and "why not" questions. There are answers that currently exist to a number of genetically related production dilemmas that will be organized and made available, however, there are a plethora of questions that do not have answers – or only have partial answers – that demand research. Our goal is to reach a little higher, dig a little deeper and find the answers that will make our industry better and more competitive on the world stage. Agriculture – in particular the animal protein industry – faces many questions when it comes to societal concerns. How are we creating the right environment for the animals in our care? What are we doing to minimize the amount of waste in the system? These are all valid concerns and areas where we need to be as transparent as possible in our efforts to create a sustainable food system. How can high-quality genetics make a difference now and in the future? What can we do so lambs are produced in the right environ ments that maximize animal welfare and are raised in the most ef fective and efficient way possible? By fully understanding consumer concerns, we can contribute to a more transparent, responsible food system with high quality animal genetics. The sheep industry is currently blessed with a host of young geneticists, scientists, exten sion specialists and educators which – when coupled with the large number of entrepreneurial-minded producers – holds tremendous promise for the future of the industry. Socially and economically sustainable pathways for the sheep industry are not as far away as they might seem. A broad array of concerns will be addressed as part of our focus on sustainable sheep breeding. All sheep behavior serves an evolutionary pur pose. Through millions of years, they developed certain protective behaviors in order to survive. As new, innovative production systems
become the norm, it is important that we lead forward by examining how animals behave in and adapt to a variety of systems, includ ing the extensive systems of the West where ewes are both shed and range lambed and spend all – or nearly all – of their lives on open range lands. On the other hand, a growing sector of the industry includes a wide variety of intensive systems including farm flocks and confine ment systems. As we encounter increasing differentiated and seg mented lamb markets and production systems, additional questions and research opportunities arise. Consumers have the power to steer our entire industry toward what they see as responsible food production. For us – as industry players – we can monitor sentiment with social media, be transpar ent and educate others on best practices and industry standards. Sheep Genetics USA is designed to engage all stakeholders in the conversation to understand and assist in creating genetic research projects that will align American lamb with consumer desires. To create our future, we must understand and address stakeholder concerns throughout the value chain. We believe that breeding and selecting healthy, easy to manage animals will translate to better welfare, less waste and minimized labor. As we come together to find solutions and create opportunities in our industry, we will ensure continual increasing quality lamb from the genetic level to the con sumer's plate, thereby steering us all toward a brighter life tomorrow. Humans have long been shepherds of genetic selection through the domestication of livestock. But traditional methods of selection are inexact and time consuming. The development of technology that started with estimated breeding values has moved on to genom ic-enhanced breeding values, genomics and now we are on the cusp of other quantum leaps forward with the intrinsic power of other new genetic technologies that can accelerate genetic improvement in livestock 10 or 20 times faster than what is possible today. Our promise of tomorrow requires that we continue to build on the foundation of estimated breeding values as we select traits for different environments and production systems resulting in the right sheep for the right environment and end with finished products that create unsatiable consumer demand. This will be a real game-chang er for the sheep industry. Indeed, the field of research opportunities is ready for harvest and Sheep Genetics USA is poised to provide leading edge industry leadership. To learn more, visit
12 • Sheep Industry News •
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Improving the Genetics of American Sheep Flocks
RON LEWIS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln & LUIZ BRITO, Purdue University G husbandry or feeding – genetic improvement garners huge ben efit by being permanent, cumulative, and in most cases, highly cost effective. We want to justify those claims. We will begin with some of the in's and out's of selection programs, including the factors af fecting progress and some limits to overcome. Those constraints can be addressed through a systematic genetic evaluation system, which combines information collected across flocks to estimate genetic merit more reliably. That is our second topic. Lastly, we venture into the opportunities that new molecular (genomic) technologies offer sheep breeding. Importantly, they complement rather than replace our traditional tools by allowing us to acceler ate genetic gains for a broader more inclusive set of traits. The outcome is even more sustainable and profitable flocks. THE IN'S AND OUT'S OF SELECTION Genetic selection programs are built on some guiding prin ciples. Foremost is defining their direction, which is based on pinpointing those attributes or traits that we consider most im portant economically to improve in our flocks. Next, we measure our animals’ performance for those traits. Lastly, we combine that information to identify and then select those individuals with the highest genetic merit for the traits we want to improve. The outcome is bettering our flock in our desired direction. The rate of genetic gain we can achieve – our selection re sponse – is affected by four factors. The first is selection accuracy. The more we know about an animal and its relatives, the more accurate is its evaluation. The reliability of our decision making improves, thereby increasing selection response. The second is selection intensity. By being more choosey when selecting the rams and ewes we breed, their genetic merit becomes higher. This also leads to faster selection response. Third is the genetic variation intrinsic to each trait we wish to improve. At least within a breed, this tends to be static for extended periods. Its context might be easiest to understand in terms of the heritability. The heritability is the ratio or proportion of genetic to total variation present for a trait. It therefore ranges from zero to one. Values near zero indicate the environment defines nearly all differences in the way animals perform. Values enetic selection is one strategy for changing the perfor mance of farm animals. Although it is relatively slow compared to some other methods – such as improved
near one indicate that animals’ genetics essentially define their performance. The higher the heritability, the greater the selection response. The fourth and final factor is generation interval, which is the average age of parents when their progeny are born. When the generation interval is shorter, selection response accelerates. In short, we want to increase selection accuracy and intensity while reducing generation interval. In practice, this can be challenging since there are antagonisms among these factors. An increase in selection accuracy and in tensity typically coincides with an increase in generation interval, and vice versa. This necessitates forethought in our design of breeding programs and is where our new molecular (genomic) technologies can help. We will return to genomics a bit later. Beyond addressing the antagonism affecting selection re sponse, we must consider two further constraints in the layout of our breeding program. One is biological and the other is struc tural. Compared to other farm species – with poultry and swine as good examples – sheep are older in age at sexual maturity and produce litters of only a couple offspring. That slows turning over generations and reduces the number of candidates available for selection. Furthermore, structur ally the size of many seedstock operations is small. Introducing breeding stock from outside flocks becomes an attractive option. Yet that too can be challenging. Differences in management and geography (environment) among flocks can mask differences that are genetic. This is where a systematic genetic evaluation pro gram fits in. breeds have been provided through the National Sheep Improve ment Program. Participation in NSIP is dominated by four breed-types: hair, maternal, fine-wool and terminal sire. The primary role of NSIP is to provide Estimated Breeding Values for a range of production traits. An EBV estimates an animals' genetic merit for a particular trait and can be used to predict how an animal's progeny will perform. When EBVs are estimated more accurately – particularly in younger animals – selection decisions are more reliable and can be made earlier. Selection response thereby increases. Many eco nomically important traits are evaluated through NSIP, includ ing: live weights from birth through adult age, reproductive rate (number of lambs born and reared), ultrasonic measures of fat QUANTIFYING FLOCK GENETICS Since 1987, genetic evaluation services in American sheep
14 • Sheep Industry News •
BUILDING CONSUMER TRUST Story Telling SHARING THE STORY OF AMERICAN LAMB THROUGH VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IS AN IMPORTANT WAY THE AMERICAN LAMB BOARD CONNECTS WITH CONSUMERS. There’s no one better to tell the story behind American Lamb than the farmers and ranchers who produce it. Consumers and industry partners such as chefs and retailers need the real, authentic connection to your hard work and dedication so they feel confident in choosing your products. Real-life narratives contribute significantly to achieving ALB’s Long Range Plan goals of increasing awareness and use of American Lamb.
We tell our story to shed light on lamb production, share our commitment to sustainably producing quality lamb, and put trust in America’s farmers and ranchers and local food systems. We commitment put systems.
Great Lakes Lamb, West Branch, MI
ALB Industry Video Contest Winner
American Lamb Board 6300 E. Yale Ave. Suite 110 Denver, CO 80222 (866) 327-LAMB (5262) Lamb Checkoff
Figure 1
and loin muscle depths, fleece weight and quality measurements, and fecal egg count. Producers receive EBVs on these traits to augment their selection decisions. NSIP also provides producers with economic selection indices. Rarely does our breeding objective – our direction – involve fo cus on only one trait. Selection indices provide a single value that breeders can use to select several traits simultaneously that define overall profit. They are constructed by considering the eco nomic contribution of the various traits included in the breeding objective. In being a single value, these indices certainly make the selection process much easier. NSIP provides several indices tailored to individual breed types and production conditions. Still, what about fairly comparing animals raised in different flocks? That too is rectified through NSIP. By sharing primarily rams across flocks, those flocks become genetically connected (related). Through those connections – combined with the statistical tools we use in genetic evaluation – we can disentangle differences in performance due to genetics from those due to environment. Animals can be reliably compared across flocks, generating a much larger pool of sheep to select among. Selection intensity increases along with selection response. As an illustration, let us consider genetic gain in a maternal breed with a focus on number of lambs reared and dams’ (mater
nal) contribution to their offspring’s weaning weight. In Figure 1 (above), selection response is shown by plotting the average EBV against birth year in the past 10 years for these two traits. The gains have been substantial. The number of lambs reared have increased by 1.2 percent annually. The maternal weaning weight has increased by 0.11 pounds annually. Combined, they equate to more and heavier lambs weaned, with improved profitability. But can we do even better? The answer is yes, and that is where genomic technologies provide tremendous opportunity. THE WONDER OF GENOMICS Genomics is now routinely used in most livestock breeding programs in the United States and worldwide, and has made tremendous contributions toward increasing the rates of genetic progress in many populations. Based on a small tissue sample of an animal, a technology called a Single Nucleotide Poly morphism chip is used to read the DNA sequence of an animal at thousands of different sites distributed across the animal’s chromosomes. The DNA sequences at those sites are referred to as genetic markers and capture genetic differences in animals that impact their performance. Different SNP chips are commercially available, and they mainly differ in the number of genetic mark ers that are included.
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Table 1
The information generated through the SNP chips enable the estimation of more accurate relationship among animals and, therefore, better estimates of inbreeding and genetic diversity in general. Such information also allows the identification of ani mals carrying genetic conditions that might be lethal or unfavor able, such as ovine progressive pneumonia and scrapie suscepti bilities, or with major impact on performance, such as myostatin and fertility genes. Furthermore, it can be used for parentage assignment and correction of pedigree errors. The information from these genetic markers can also be com bined with pedigree and phenotypic records to calculate Genom ic-enhanced Estimated Breeding Values in a process known as genomic prediction. The outcome is that selection response can be increased at an unprecedented rate in sheep and other live stock species (greater than 60 percent for some traits). However, to obtain GEBV we first need to establish a reference population, which are animals both with performance measurements for the traits of interest and genomic data. We then use the animals in this reference population to determine which SNP are favorably or unfavorably associated with a given trait. That information is combined with pedigree and performance records to predict the genetic merit of genotyped – and related non-genotyped – ani mals more accurately. The composition of the reference population impacts the ac curacy of the GEBV. The following factors are key. First, the refer ence population needs to represent the genetic diversity observed in the breed under selection. In other words, it is important to choose key ancestors and animals from multiple farms and genetic backgrounds to fully capture this genetic diversity that is present. Second, when establishing the reference population, all of the genotyped animals should also have performance records – or progeny with performance records – for the most important traits. The animals to be genotyped do not need to be measured for all traits of interest, but at least for some of them. Third, key ancestors – rams and ewes with multiple parities – should be
prioritized since they contribute more to the genetic pool. Lastly, those animals genotyped should not be chosen solely based on their performance. In other words, the reference population needs to contain animals across the range of performance levels. Genomic prediction enables breeders to obtain more ac curate breeding values in young animals that have not yet been measured for the traits of interest (e.g., number lambs born and reared), which then can be used in selection decisions. As an example, in Table 1 (above) we show the increase in accuracy achieved when adding genomic information for a lowly (h2 = 0.10) and moderately (h2 = 0.30) heritable trait, such as number reared and adult body weight, respectively. Particularly for traits that are lowly heritable, and where little performance informa tion is yet available, genomics is most advantageous. Such is also the case for traits that are difficult or expensive to measure (e.g., disease resistance, feed efficiency, meat quality), sex limited (e.g., litter size), or measured late in life (e.g., longev ity). As breeding programs in sheep incorporate this wider set of traits, genomic tools will become ever increasingly important. SUMMING UP Systems for genetic evaluation and selection are indispensable to our sheep industry. Combining new genomic technologies with our well-established and tested approaches provides tremen dous opportunity to improve traditional and more novel traits in our flocks. Importantly, genomics builds on what we already do, and does not replace it. In fact, for those already engaged with NSIP, EBVs will appear the same as now but will be predicted more accurately. Genomic evaluation does entail costs – both in terms of time invested and the expense of performance recording and genomic testing. Yet, the payoff is clear. Beyond more accurate EBVs, ancestry track ing is improved and genetic conditions are identified. By defining clear objectives for our breeding programs, and by utilizing the tools available to genetically improve our flocks, the growth and sustainability of our industry looks bright.
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August 2021 • Sheep Industry News • 19
ARS Reference Flocks: The Path to Genetic Improvement
TOM MURPHY, BRAD FREKING, JOAN BURKE & J. BRET TAYLOR USDA Agricultural Research Service B reed evaluations and the development and dissemination of composite breeds have perhaps been the most recognized sheep breeding and genetics experiments led by the U.S. De partment of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service scientists. A key component of both efforts focuses on evaluating aver age trait performance. Averages are certainly important for many aspects of sheep husbandry, but an often overlooked descriptor of performance is variation or how “spread out” individual animals are around the average. Figure 1 (at right) displays “bell curves” for number of lambs born per ewe lambing, ewe breeding weight, and lamb 90-day adjusted weight for purebred Polypay and Suffolk reared at the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho, and purebred Katah din and Romanov reared at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Neb. The middle of each breed’s curve represents the average and the width represents the phenotypic variation of each trait. To be clear, this is not a formal breed comparison, but it illustrates an impor tant point: while there are clear differences in average performance between breeds, there is substantial phenotypic variation in perfor mance within all breeds. Are there USSES Suffolk ewes that consis tently lamb triplets and USMARC Romanov ewes that consistently lamb singles? It’s rare, but yes. Likewise, only a couple of USMARC Romanov lambs have weighed 70 pounds at 90 days, while this is about par for the course for USSES Suffolk. This might be considered heresy to some, but no breed can excel in everything and each has their strengths and weaknesses. Although combining relative strengths of breeds through cross breeding is extremely valuable for commercial sheep production and will continue to be an important component of USDA ARS genetics research, this article will focus on improving purebred sheep populations. Part of the within-breed phenotypic variation seen in these graphs is due to genetic differences between animals. This is what ultimately matters when making selection and mating decisions in our flocks. The problem is all the non-genetic effects that impact trait performance cloud the ability to see an animal’s genetic merit. Estimated breeding values – which are provided to American sheep producers through the National Sheep Improve ment Program – remove most of this non-genetic haze and enable us to select individuals for their genetic merits. Standard NSIP traits for which EBVs are available are associ
Figure 1
ated with body weight and composition, wool, reproduction and parasite resistance. While these are economically important, they are limited to those that can be easily measured on the farm or ranch (e.g., number of lambs weaned, post-weaning weight, etc.) or inexpensively by experienced technicians (e.g., ultrasound loin muscle depth, fecal egg count, etc.). Furthermore, as one ardent NSIP breeder put it, “we have EBVs for traits that make us money, but we don’t have EBVs on enough traits that lose us money." What about traits like survival, feed efficiency and longevity? Are these not economically important? They are, but they’re just too labor intensive, difficult or expensive to measure at the producer level. Enter the genetic reference flock. Simply put, a genetic reference flock is one that is enrolled in NSIP, acquires representative rams from other NSIP breeders, and quantifies standard and novel traits in their GRF progeny. With strong genetic connectedness between GRF and industry NSIP flocks, new trait EBVs are available for use in selection by all NSIP
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breeders and commercial producers that purchase NSIP breeding animals. Through this effort, GRF will first be established at the USSES, USMARC and Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Ark., and then, collaborating universities with NSIP enrolled sheep flocks. Katahdin, Polypay and Suffolk have been selected as the first GRF breeds as they are common among ARS lo cations – Katahdins are reared at all three, and Polypay and Suffolk are reared at the USSES and USMARC. ARS scientists have started the GRF by first establishing within breed genetic linkages across our locations. The USSES acquired its Katahdin flock from USMARC in 2020 and both have imported Katahdin rams from DBSFRC. The USMARC Polypay flock was augmented in 2019 and 2020 with USSES Polypay ewes and rams. Finally, USSES Suffolk rams were bred to USMARC Suffolk ewes in 2020. In addition to linkages across ARS locations, it will be important to strengthen connectedness to industry NSIP flocks. Rams from pertinent breeds have been and will continue to be pur chased from NSIP flocks at each location and Polypay and Suffolk ewe lambs were purchased from NSIP sources in 2019 and 2020 to establish these breeds at USMARC. These efforts will continue with thoughtful rotation of industry purchased and ARS bred rams across GRF to replicate genetics across diverse production environ ments. The novel trait complexes the GRF will focus on are associated with ewe health and longevity, ewe and ram reproductive efficiency in optimal and suboptimal mating seasons, and lamb survival, feed efficiency and carcass characteristics. Many of these novel traits require specialized technologies to suitably quantify. While the GRF might be able to afford these technologies with grants and
USMARC Katahdin ewes have been milked to quantify intramam mary health and have also been scored for several udder conforma tion traits. Udder conformation can be rapidly and inexpensively measured by NSIP breeders and could be an indicator trait for intramammary health. Similarly, feed efficiency is economically important but requires specialized equipment, which is not feasible for most sheep operations. USMARC is expanding its capabilities to measure individual feed intake on GRF animals and will investigate relationships between it and traits already measured on the farm or ranch (e.g., weaning and post-weaning weight and ultrasound conformation). In addition to quantifying novel traits, the structure of the GRF will provide a means to direct precision animal management through estimating genetic-environment-management system interactions. Moreover, standard and novel traits will be linked to existing and expanding ARS sheep tissue repositories to strengthen molecular genetics studies and accelerate the development of genomic-enhanced EBVs. Finally, as land grant university flocks join this effort, other common NSIP breeds can be included. Genetic reference popula tions are not a new concept, they’ve been successfully implemented in other species and sheep producing countries across the world. This is a major undertaking, and its success will be dependent on collaboration among NSIP breeders, industry groups and university and ARS scientists. ARS looks forward to sharing the progress of this project in fu ture articles and at industry events. If you have NSIP rams that you feel should be represented in the GRF, please contact Tom Murphy at
internal funding, most industry NSIP flocks cannot. Additionally, it is beneficial if indicator traits – which are genetically related to our novel traits of interest but do not require specialized technolo gies to record – can be identified and incorporated into NSIP. Subclinical mastitis is a good example of a novel trait ARS sci entists are quantifying in maternal breeds. We have found it is as sociated with large reductions in total weight of lamb weaned but quantifying it requires milking many ewes and conducting tests to determine bacterial presence and/or degree of udder inflamma tion. This is obviously not practi cal to do on farm/ranch because it is labor intensive and can be expensive. For the last two years,
Katahdin sheep at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Neb., visit a SuperSmart Feeder, which allows researchers to quantify individual feed intake.
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