Adams Street and Jefferson Avenue signal upgrade/one-way to two-way conversion between Walnut Street and Hamilton Boulevard

Location : Central Business District Cost : $15,970,000 Timeframe : 2023-2025

“Somehow, we need to create the ‘porch’ for Downtown, the place life is done in communities,” said Andy King, execu tive director of Dream Center Peoria. Location : Central Business District Cost : $3,785,000 Timeframe : 2025-2026 Location : Central Business District Cost : $10,440,000 Timeframe : Undefined Location : Warehouse District Cost : $10,166,000 Timeframe : 2023 Location : Central Business District Cost : $2,660,000 Timeframe : Undefined Location : Central Business District Cost : $51,750,000 Timeframe : Undefined Location : Central Business District Cost : $25,590,000 Timeframe : Undefined Location : Central Business District Cost : $470,000 Timeframe : Undefined

Sidewalk reconstruction

Construction of Depot Street from Oak Street to Persimmon Street and new surface parking lot Reopening Fulton Plaza to roadway traffic from SW Jefferson Avenue to SW Adams Street

The Sullivans, father Pat, left, and son Sean represent two generations of Downtown business people

record-setting November weekend that brought more than 22,000 people through Civic Center turnstiles, “My God was it cool to be down here,” said Sullivan, who owns Kelleher’s Irish Pub. In a Downtown where the one-way streets arguably were designed to get motorists in and out as quickly as possible, “I can’t wait for the two way streets,” said Jack Berres, owner of Jack’s on Adams, voicing a popular sentiment. “It will give people a reason to slow down and take a look around at what’s here.” Sometimes City Hall can be very helpful, as OSF's leaders attest, and sometimes a business can wait months for a building permit when “time is money.” “The answer to me is not more government, it’s less government,” said Steve Morris. “Find ways to make it easier to develop. Not more incentives, but just get out of the way.” Others point to taxes/fees in Peoria that are not always competitive with more bureaucratically “nimble” surrounding communities. Finally, more programming, please, starting with bringing the food carts and music back to Courthouse Plaza.

Main Street reconstruction from Water Street to Farmington Road

Riverfront Park construction from the Murray Baker Bridge to the Bob Michel Bridge

Street lighting upgrade on SW Washington Street from Hamilton to Fulton

Washington Street improvements from

Liberty to Fulton streets as part of Museum Block project

The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is a big boost of energy. The RiverFront Farm ers Market on summer Saturday morn ings feels like the Downtown should feel.


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