P E O R I A R I V E R F R O N T M U S E U M : U N C O V E R E D : T H E K E N B U R N S E X H I B I T I O N M A R C H 5 – J U N E 5 , 2 0 2 2 | O P E N I N G R E C E P T I O N M A R C H 4 P E O R I A R I V E R F R O N T M U S E U M
Photos: 1. President & CEO John Morris (left), exhibition sponsors Flo Banwart and Sid Banwart, exhibition advisor Laurie Baker and Board Vice Chair Todd Baker, Board Chair Steve Jackson 2. Exhibition sponsors and Visionary Society members Flo Banwart and Sid Banwart 3. Visionary Society members Anne Vaughan and Sandy Wuttke 4. Guild members of exhibition partner Gems of the Prairie Quilters. Gems members volunteered as daily exhibition docents and created weekend demos of quilting techniques 5. Exhibition organizer International Quilt Museum’s Executive Director Leslie Levy speaks at the opening press conference Photo credit: Ron Johnson for Peoria Riverfront Museum
“Uncovered: The Ken Burns Collection” makes its third and final stop at Peoria Riverfront Museum, March 5 through June 5, 2022. The exhibition provides an extraordinary peek into the private quilt collection of award-winning documentary filmmaker Ken Burns, and showcases 26 colorful American quilts dating from the 1850s to the 1940s, on public display for the first time. Themuseumhosted amedia previewand opening reception for the exhibition on March 4. Joining museum board, staff and Visionary Society members at the vibrant event were International Quilt Museum Executive Director Leslie Levy, Gems of the Prairie Quilters guild, and curators from the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, Kentucky. Later this year, the museum will release a full-color self titled book on the exhibition, featuring 37 of Burns’ quilts paired with objects from themuseum’s permanent collection. The exhibition is sponsored by Flo and Sid Banwart with additional support from Laurie and Todd Baker, Visionary Society and Illinois Arts Council Agency, in partnership with Gems of the Prairie Quilters. It was organized by the International Quilt Museum of Lincoln, Nebraska.
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