NOCTILUCA March 2017
CULTURE Appleton, Wisconsin March 2017 Volume XXII
Issue V Page 10
Steampunk mixes Victorian fashion, science fiction and cosplay culture Steampunk mixes Victorian fashion, science fiction and
cosplay culture By Brooke Densmore
Steampunk is defined as being a subgenre of sci- ence or science fantasy that heavily revolves around technology and aesthetic designs. The genre was inspired by 19th century industrial steam-powered machinery, with works often set in an alternative of the 19th cen- tury Victorian era, Ameri- can ‘wild West’ or even a post-apocalyptic future during which steam-pow- ered machinery has become the norm. An example of steampunk in pop culture would be Mad Max: Fury Road and the TV show Su- pernatural. While to some it may merely be a genre, to oth- ers, steampunk is a way of life. People young and old pay tribute to the culture by wearing protruding metal- lic goggles, leather corsets and accessories featuring gears. Fans often gather at con- ventions, or cons, to duel, discuss any advancements in the community (new books featuring the genre, etc) and other steampunk- related activities. They
Appleton North’s 2015 show “Mary Poppins” used a steampunk theme for much of the costume design. Photo courtesy of Catherine Mckenzie.
often make their own cos- tumes with unique touches and designs. “People come in look- ing for gears and stuff for their cosplays,” says Skye Iwanski, who works at Mi- chael’s, a store that sells craft-making supplies. “I love the mix between futuristic and old,” Jaicie Wilson, a senior at Apple- ton North, stated when asked what she enjoyed
about the culture. “It’s re- ally unique.” Indeed, steampunk is a creative blend of mid-nine- teenth, twentieth and twen- ty-first century machinery. While the exact origin of the culture is unknown, it rose to fame somewhere in the early 1960’s. Since then, steampunk has grown largely in popularity. Many television shows such as Dr. Who and movies such
as Alice in Wonderland have steampunk themes. Shockingly, however, there has been a slight decrease of the appearance of steam- punk in theatre. “Theatre isn’t a big fan of steampunk,” says Sophie Plzak, a costume designer for the Appleton North the- atre’s costume department. Perhaps it is the complexity of the genre’s designs, or the complexity of the genre
itself. The thing that you need to know the most about steampunk, according to Jaicie Wilson, is that “there are actually many different types of ‘punks,’ I guess you could say: Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk to name two. Steampunk is a re- ally different style and is a commitment if you want to make something. It’s so much fun!”
What’s on your playlist?
By Henry Ptacek
Freshman Ainsley Achs • “Happier”—Ed Sheeran • “8TEEN”—Khalid • “Spent All My Money”— MOD SUN • “Dancing On My Own”—Calum Scott • “Coming Out Strong”— Future
Sophomore Blake Barber • “Moving Out”—Billy Joel • “Needed Me”—Rihanna • “Love Drought”—Be- yoncé • “Cold”—Maroon 5 • “Congratulations”—Post Malone
Junior Nicole Bezella • “La Vie En Rose”—Dan- iela Andrade • “Your Song”—Elton John • “Here Comes the Sun”— The Beatles • “Someday”—Cast of The Hunchback Of Notre Dame • “Feeling Good”—Mi- chael Bublé
Senior Calum Fraser
Staff Mr. Thaldorf • “Sinatra at the Sands”— Frank Sinatra • “Aja”—Steely Dan • “1”—The Beatles • “Live at the Hollywood Bowl”—Chuck Mangione • “Songs in the Key of Life” —Stevie Wonder
• “The Night Josh Tillman Came to Our Apt”—Father John Misty • “Paranoia in B Major”— The Avett Brothers • “i”—Kendrick Lamar • “Truman”—Lil Dicky • “Don’t Stop me Now”— Queen
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