My City Wellness Summer 2022

Wellness My

National Health Observances for Summer BY PETER HINTERMAN National Health Observances are special days, weeks or months dedicated to raising awareness of speci c health ailments and topics. is issue of Wellness highlights many health observances that are promoted during the summer months to help increase your awareness and

1 Arthritis America’s leading cause of disability, arthritis a icts nearly 25% of the U.S. population. It is character ized by in ammation of the joints, causing pain and sti ness. ere are several types of arthritis but the two most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is characterized by the breakdown of cartilage – the hard, slippery surface at the ends of bones. is can cause pain, tenderness, loss of motion and sti ness especially when the cartilage is worn away to the point that bone begins grinding on bone. Rheumatoid arthritis results when the body’s immune system, through miscommunication, begins to attack the joints. Other common types of arthritis are gout, septic, psoriatic, reactive, and ankylosing spondylitis. Cause ere is a variety of causes: genet ics, infection, obesity, normal wear & tear, or physical injury can increase July

understanding of health conditions of which you may not be aware. e information includes their causes, what the symptoms are and what treatments are available. Knowledge is power and knowing more about the ailments that people may be dealing with every day leads to a better understand ing of their chal lenges, helping to build a greater sense of compassion and empathy.

the instance of the disease. Osteo arthritis is most commonly caused by excessive joint wear & tear and/ or physical injury to the cartilage. As previously stated, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack the lining, and eventually, the cartilage and bone of the joint. Symptoms All arthritic symptoms are ex perienced in the joints and include pain, redness, sti ness, swelling and decreased range of motion. Treatment Effective treatment involves a combination of therapy and med ications. Therapy can increase range of motion and restore lost joint flexibility. Medications such as anti-inflammatories are used to relieve pain. Other medica tions such as steroids can slow the development of acute arthritis. In extreme cases, surgery can be performed to repair, replace or fuse the affected joint.

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