My City January 2023
7 Questions with … Amber Taylor Amber Taylor has been the
to answer a few questions and let us get up-close and personal. When asked what was the biggest work-related thing she hoped to achieve in the next year, she said: "The amount of history we have right here in our backyard is phenomenal! I think we need more awareness – more people and more of our youth to hear these stories."
Back to the Bricks® Executive Director since January 2020. Once chosen for the position, she shifted straight into high gear, coming up with new ideas for growing the event and attracting a younger crowd to appreciate Flint’s rich automotive his tory.While Amber has been super-busy promoting Back to the Bricks, she took some time
Evoking the Natural World Native House Ceramic Co. At Native House Ce ramic Co. Flushing Native and Ceramics Artist Meg Bundy harnesses the beau ty, power, durability and forgiveness of the earth and its elements to create timeless inspirations and facsimiles of our planet and
ancestor’s reciprocity with the plants and animals of our world is what connects us. I hope my designs in spire people to once again reconnect with our natural world, ancestors and each other.”
our shared ancestral stories. "I’m endlessly fascinated with folklore and creation stories and how ancient humans interacted with the environment,” Bundy explained. “That ancient interaction is something common to all of us. Our
Empowering our Youth Active Boys in Christ Founded in 2017 by Pastor Derrick Watkins of Jachin Baptist Church in Flint, Active Boys In Christ (ABC) is a mentoring program that works directly with children and families.The mission of the chari table organization is to “empower the Flint communi ty youth and families through skilled trades, culinary and life-skills that will promote and celebrate lifelong learning for the success of youth and families.” Pastor Watkins originated the structure of the program and works closely with his wife, Director Christine Wat kins. “We teach youth about honesty, respect and self confidence to help them better interact with society and improve behavior patterns.”Watkins says the words of Frederick Douglas ring very true: “It’s easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” He adds, “Our goal is to help build and change our community, one child at a time.”
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