My City January 2023
G.H.O.S.T.: The Fight Against Human Trafficking In May of 2018, G.H.O.S.T. (Genesee Human Oppression Strike Team) was ini tiated by Genesee County Sheriff Chris topher Swanson (then-Undersheriff ) with authority granted by then-Sheriff Robert Pickell. “The purpose of the G.H.O.S.T. task force is to apprehend human traf fickers and people who attempt to have a sexual relationship with a child,” Swan son reported.The first rescue in Genesee
My City Magazine YEAR IN REVIEW // 2022 COMPILED BY CHERYL DENNISON Another year has passed us by! Since our launch a decade ago, MCM has focused on sharing a wide variety of interesting and informative stories about life and the people in the Greater Flint Area and beyond. Here's a look back …
County happened in May 2018. Since then, over 149 predators have been arrest ed. Swanson has also taken G.H.O.S.T. members to 35 Michigan counties so that other sheriffs could learn how to form their own strike teams. Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. “It’s a huge business,” Swan son added. “Together, we can fight it.This is my personal call to action.”
Passion & Potential Mott Community College Wrestling Team Under the direction of a youthful first-year Head Coach – 25-year-old Aaron Ward – seven wrestlers began most practices with intense drills before going head-to head on mats helping each other perfect moves, polish their skills and build stamina. “I love wrestling and love giving back to the sport, so the opportunity to become a head coach has been a blessing,”Ward said. In a classic illustration of quality over quantity,Mott ranked 22nd in the nation, just four spots below where the Bears were ranked at the conclusion of the 2021 season.
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