My City February 2023
4. The Dinner ushers. He speaks quietly with family and friends around him and when the music starts, he follows the rest of the crowd. He participates in the ceremony without standing out and when the vows are spoken he sheds a tear (even though he promised himself he wouldn’t.) Good on you, Dave. Doofus and Dingbat arrive 15-minutes late and run into the venue, interrupting the wedding party’s procession.They loudly laugh and ignore the ushers to take an open seat next to the bride’s Great Aunt Becky, whom they annoy with loud whispers and corny jokes. Doofus brings up the ball game on his mobile phone and they both cheer when their team scores a goal during the vows. (Oy.) After the lovely ceremony, it’s time to head to the reception for a celebratory meal, dancing and entertainment.The reception is where good intentions can falter as things get a little more relaxed; the dinner could produce the first pratfall. DO mind the seating chart. Again, the couple took great care to plan every aspect of their wedding. A person can easily throw the whole thing into disarray by going rogue on seating.Trust the couple to put you where you will best fit. DON’T belly up to the buffet before the wedding party.This is a serious no-no and could lead to expulsion from the reception and all future receptions.Most reception fare includes finger-foods and ß
It’s time for the main attraction. You made it to the venue and are being seated with the other guests.The ceremony officiant is standing at the head of the aisle waiting for the wedding parties to enter. How do you behave in this situation? DON’T show up late or not at all. Many people seem to forget that the ceremony is the important part.Two people you care about have made the big decision to take vows before witnesses and spend the rest of their lives together. You can do them the honor of being punctual and present. Don’t skip it and show up at the reception.That’s bad mojo, man. DO pay attention. Listen to the vows, sing the songs, and know when to sit quietly.The couple are already nervous and hoping ev erything goes smoothly. Help it become so. No outbursts are needed here. Just your attention and happy wishes. SCENARIO: Dave makes sure to arrive 15 minutes before the ceremony begins to find a seat. He listens to and follows the straight from his dresser drawer and decides to go sans socks. In the bathroom, he quickly runs some water through his hair and gargles some mouthwash. He then throws on a pair of loafers and waits for his plus one, Dingbat – who arrives dressed in full tux. “Awesome,” says Doofus as they head out the door. No, Doofus. Not awesome. Not awesome at all. 3. The Ceremony
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