Million Air Winter 2022

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cabin experience than the typical super midsize aircraft that are used for fi ve- and six-hour coast-to-coast fl ights. However, HondaJet is undoubtedly not looking for a quick hit. Business Jet Traveler notes: “Honda plans to take its time developing the aircraft — and it can a ff ord to. Its parent company is a Japanese colossus with $123bn in annual revenue last year alone. Moreover, Honda Aircraft has a track record that must make its parent patient: The HA-420, which began development in the late 1980s as a ‘research project,’ wasn’t delivered to customers until 2015.” From $10m,

Following its very light jet, or VLJ HondaJet HA-420, Honda Motor Company, Ltd, is again looking to shake up the private aviation market. Its HondaJet 2600 is a light jet concept that will fl y nonstop transcontinental fl ights with a cruise speed of 450 knots and a ceiling of 47,000 ft at a cabin altitude of 6,363 ft. With cabin seating for up to eight, this HondaJet acknowledges its longer missions with seats that fully recline and can even be converted into fl at beds. Whether customers decide they want to fl y the 2600 to its limits remains to be seen. Its cabin height is just 5 ft, 3 in, and the cabin width is 5 ft, 1 in, providing a considerably smaller

BY THE NUMBERS Passengers 8 Range 2,625 nm Max speed 450 knots/517 mph

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