Massage Therapy Journal Summer 2024
46 • Massage Therapy Journal
AMTA Continuing Education
Alignment Anatomical perspective . Anatomical alignment refers to the optimal arrangement and positioning of body structures to maintain effcient biomechanics and physiological function. Each joint and segment of the body has a specific alignment that allows for smooth movement and weight bearing. Postural perspective . Postural alignment involves the positioning of the body’s segments in a way that maintains stability and minimizes stress on the musculoskeletal system. Proper alignment supports good posture, which is essential for preventing strain and promoting overall well-being. Misalignment can lead to various issues, including muscle imbalances and Anatomical perspective . From an anatomical standpoint, balance involves the coordination of sensory information from the eyes, inner ear and proprioceptors to maintain the body’s center of mass over its base of support. This intricate process is controlled by the nervous system to prevent falls and ensure stability. Postural perspective . Postural balance is closely related to alignment and refers to the ability to maintain equilibrium while standing, sitting or moving. It requires the integration of sensory input, muscle strength and joint flexibility. Good postural balance reduces the risk of falls, supports efficient movement, and contributes to overall postural stability. Whether from an anatomical or postural perspective, these principles guide our understanding of how the body functions in both static and dynamic states. Incorporating practices that enhance alignment and balance can contribute to improved posture, reduced strain and overall physical well-being in clients with TNS. The vertebral column serves as the central support structure for the entire body, letting us maintain an upright posture as we execute various movements. It is made up of vertebrae separated by intervertebral discs. The spine efficiently transmits the body’s weight downward joint stress. Balance
while also playing a crucial role in redistributing forces and maintaining the body’s center of gravity. Acting as shock absorbers, these gummy intervertebral discs cushion the spine during impact, reducing stress on muscles, ligaments and cartilage. The spine’s cartilaginous joints allow controlled movement, also contributing to its flexibility and adaptability. Musculoskeletal Health: Consequences of Improper Posture and Exaggerated Spinal Curves on the Body Improper posture is the misalignment or malpositioning of the body’s segments, leading to a deviation from its neutral and balanced state. It can affect various regions of the body and could result from factors such as poor ergonomics, muscular imbalances or less than ideal habitual positions. Some common consequences of improper posture are: • Muscular imbalances . Improper posture often leads to overuse or underuse of certain muscles, creating imbalances. Some muscles become tight and shortened, while others weaken and lengthen, disrupting our natural equilibrium. • Joint stress . Misalignment places stress on joints, leading to increased wear and tear. This can contribute to joint pain and stiffness, and over time can contribute to the development of osteoarthritis. • Reduced lung capacity . Poor posture, especially a forward head position, can compress the chest and limit lung expansion. This reduces the capacity for deep breathing and may lead to respiratory issues among other physical, mental and emotional conditions. • Digestive issues . Slouching can compress the abdominal organs, potentially causing digestive discomfort and contributing to issues like acid reflux. • Fatigue and discomfort . Prolonged periods of improper posture can lead to muscle fatigue, discomfort and even pain. It can affect daily activities and overall well-being.
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