Idea File Fall 2023

10 Sub Plans Never worry about missing a day with these everyday activities your staff can do to stay sharp and stay busy. A. Yearbook Suite Activities: Choose any of our curriculum activities to keep your staff working. Focus on areas that might need a refresher. B. Webinars and eBooks: Access our webinars and eBook library for an abundance of materials across a TPIXLSVE SJ GEXIKSVMIW 9WI XLI +SSKPI Forms embedded in our Class Starters series to hold students accountable while you’re away. ' 1MRM 4VSƼPIW Have staff interview one (non-yearbook) WXYHIRX TIV KVEHI JSV E QMRM TVSƼPI VIPEXIH to recent school events, sports, news, trends or any coverage gap areas.

Photo by Lajon Holly


Are you tired of order forms not making it home? )QEMPW VIEGL TEVIRXW IEWMP] ERH IƾGMIRXP] ;EXGL ]SYV sales increase with our Parent Email Program (PEP). TO YOUR PEP YEARBOOK SALES SIGN UP TODAY AT ADD SOME

Photo by Felix Ratner

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