Idea File Fall 2023
3 S p read Desi g n 4 Cover Development
1 Ca p tion Writin g
Feature: 10 Common Challenges | 23
(S ]SY ƼRH ]SYV WXYHIRXWƅ TLSXSW PEGOMRK# 8IEG h ing p hotography boils down to preparation, critique and praise. It’s not every student’s strong suit; but you can implement practices that ensure your staff understands the fundamentals of photography. A. Yearbook Suite : “Photojournalism: Telling Stories with Images” +VIEX TLSXSW LIPT XIPP XLI WXSV] SJ XLI year in a way readers remember. This unit introduces the world of photojournalism. B. Team Photo Practice: Taking sports photos can be intimidating, especially if students are not familiar with the sport or players. -QEKIW GER VIƽIGX ]SYV TLSXSKVETLIVƅW ER\MIX] +S to a practice together to introduce staffers to the coaches, get a feel for the space and demonstrate where to place themselves to get impactful shots. Once they’re comfortable with their surroundings, they’ll feel prepared to get in on the action. C. Photoshop Help: Most photos need touch ups. With our Photoshop video tutorial series located on , an expert walks through how to edit photos for spreads. D. Feedback and Critiques: Don’t let hard work go unnoticed. Have editors GLSSWI XLI XST ƼZI ƈ4LSXSW SJ XLI ;IIOƉ ERH KMZI positive feedback and critiques in class. The more GSRƼHIRX ]SYV TLSXSKVETLIVW EVI XLI QSVI PMOIP] they’ll take powerful shots. Ca pt i ons are not meant to be jaw-dropping copy; the formulaic writing should tell the story of the photograph and provide contextual information. Start with these resources to help improve your staff’s captions. A. Caption Writing Video and Handouts: Watch the instructional video on caption writing by Renee Burke, MJE, and use the resources provided to practice. B. Caption Writing Kit Poster: Your Planning Kit contains a classroom poster that spells out the ABCDs of caption writing. A visual on the wall gives students a daily reminder, plus, they [SRƅX LEZI XS EWO ]SY MJ XLI] GER ƼRH XLI ERW[IV SR the wall. C. Yearbook Suite : “Completing Your Copy with Captions and Headlines” Help students learn how to write captions and headlines that grab the reader’s eye and keep them on the page with our comprehensive Yearbook Suite curriculum, and this unit focuses on captions and headlines.
T h e struggle to create high-quality spreads remains a common challenge. The key is to show quality design inspiration examples to boost creativity. A. Find Inspiration: %REP]^I SYV SRPMRI 8LIQI +EPPIV] ERH 'EYKLX 3YV )]I spreads with your class to identify eyeline, hierarchy or negative space. Once students recognize patterns of good design, it becomes natural to incorporate those elements in to any spread. B. Yearbook Suite : “Understanding Why Design Matters” This unit shows the fundamentals of yearbook design and all the intricacies of making eye-catching spreads. C. Graphic Design Portfolios: Use resources like Behance, Fast Company or Typography to browse graphic designer portfolios ERH TSTYPEV XVIRHW ,EZI ]SYV GPEWW ƼRH E LERHJYP SJ TSVXJSPMSW XLI] PMOI ERH TVIWIRX XLIMV ƼRHMRKW D. Video Resources: Our library of webinars showcases techniques for achieving high-quality design for your staff to emulate. Learn from the masters what goes into good spread design and how to go from a blank spread to a well-rounded one. E. Yearbook Help Tutorials: /RS[MRK XLI WSJX[EVI MW XLI ƼVWX WXIT MR GVIEXMRK captivating design. Walk your students through our library of tutorials related to Yearbook 360 – Online Design or Adobe InDesign on to help staff members who may be new to the program. How will you bridge your theme throughout the book using your cover as the anchor point? Plan carefully to ensure your vision is impactful. A. Cover Gallery: 'LSSWI FSSOW JVSQ SYV SRPMRI 'SZIV +EPPIV] ERH analyze them with your team. Consider the typography, color, textures and imagery other schools use. What design elements on the cover inspire you? B. Brainstorm and Work Together: Making a cover your entire staff loves encourages buy-in and inclusivity. Allow all staff members to contribute to this brainstorming process – not just editors. Don’t dismiss any ideas during this stage. +IX IZIV]SRI XEPOMRK ERH I\GMXIH JSV ]SYV GSZIV C. Workshops: A fresh set of eyes can help determine if your cover is communicating the intended message. Attend Elite Weekend and workshops your rep hosts to seek advice.
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