Hardwood Floors June/July 2024
Our industry has stories to tell.
We’re telling them.
Contribute Now to Build Your World The Real American Hardwood Coalition has launched its Build Your World™ campaign in partnership with Magnolia Network. The ads are inspiring a national DXGLHQFH E\ HGXFDWLQJ WKHP RQ WKH EHQHƊWV RI 5HDO $PHULFDQ +DUGZRRGp SURGXFWV 7KH FDPSDLJQ ZDV PDGH SRVVLEOH WKDQNV WR YROXQWDU\ FRQWULEXWLRQV IURP WKH hardwood industry. Your continued support is critical to advance the initiative and UHFODLP PDUNHW VKDUH IRU WKH EHQHƊW RI DOO LQGXVWU\ VWDNHKROGHUV +HOS %XLOG Real American Hardwood is a registered trademark, and Build Your World is a trademark of the Real American Hardwood Coalition.
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