Hardwood Floors April/May 2019
between your organization and something that is relevant in your target audiences’ lives. Your frame of reference might be “custom antique and reclaimed wood ooring provider.” 3 Point of differentiation A point of di erentiation is the unique bene t(s) you o er your target audience, a strong, memorable reason you exist. is reason should have an obvious, strong appeal to the target audience and be based in fact, a ractive to the target audience, and ideally original (you are the rst one to claim it). A point of di erentiation could be “When you buy our wood, you buy a piece of history.”
1 Target market What characteristics, personality traits, occupations, income levels, genders, values, opinions, a itudes, and interests do your best customers have in common? is gives your brand personality, creates an image of the typical customer, and o en implies an emotional or social/psychological bene t. For example, your target market might be “discriminating architects, designers, and contractors.” 2 Frame of reference is is the role, context, segment, or category in which your business operates. is clari es the relationship
4 Support ese are the actions or reasons that your target audience should believe your claims. Support statements should help answer the customer’s question, “What’s in it forme?” by providing an emotional or social/psychological bene t. Support should include three to ve points that can’t be copied by the competition. ese will be your keymessages. Supportmight include a statement like, “We personally meet with the owners of every barnwe dismantle to learn the story behind the wood,” or “We research the ownership history of every barn andmake copies of any deeds or building plans we nd.”
Solid and engineered flooring in over 20 species with widths up to 11” and lengths up to 16’.
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