STYLE SERIES styleseries
What’s My Communication Style? Third Edition Eileen M. Russo, PhD
What your communication style says about you. Communication is the lifeblood of any organization, and effective communication skills are the building blocks of “people skills.” If managers cannot communicate clearly and persuasively with employees, and employees with customers, then other vital goals are forever out of reach. Say goodbye to aspirations for capable leadership, teamwork, customer service, or even the ability to execute a coherent business strategy. If you want to bring about meaningful improvements to communication skills, the best way to begin is to build a better understanding of personal communication styles and its effects on others. What’s My Communication Style is a proven training assessment that identifies an individual’s preferred style — Direct , Spirited , Considerate , or Systematic — and the communication behaviors that distinguish it. Part of the best-selling HRDQ Style Series, the assessment and its supporting materials provide a practical and easy-to-use “language” that enables lasting insights into how to gain mastery over one’s own communication behavior and how to interpret the behavior of others — in any situation. What’s My Communication Style is a powerful centerpiece for management development and interpersonal skills training. Using leadership style to get others to follow. Effective leadership at every level — from frontline supervisors to top executives — is a key characteristic of successful organizations. The statement Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard made years ago still applies today: effective leaders positively influence the behavior of their followers, getting them to work toward shared goals. But leaders are individuals, and because of that, they influence others in unique ways. While one leader rallies troops around a cause, another focuses on bolstering a team’s self-confidence. Whose way of leading is the best? It all depends on the situation — and the leader’s ability to flex their leadership style. What’s My Leadership Style is a learning tool for anyone who needs to influence others toward achieving a goal. This best-selling assessment quickly and accurately identifies a preference for one of four styles: Direct, Spirited, Considerate, and Systematic. Leaders with style knowledge are better equipped to assess and adjust their actions, interpret the behavior of others, and improve their ability to respond effectively in any situation. See page 7 for pricing.
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Pinpoint one of four communication style preferences
• Learn about four forms of communication • Discover how style affects communication
• Learn how to “speed read” a person’s communication style • Understand how to“flex” style for effective communication with others wmcs
What’s My Leadership Style? Third Edition Mary Blitzer Field, MA
L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S • Identify personal leadership style
• Learn how to capitalize on style strengths • Discover how to minimize style trouble spots • Learn how to “flex” personal style to interact more effectively with others
See page 7 for pricing. wmls
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