Garden Artisans 2024

RAIN-GEL ™ TUB Water retaining “Rain-Gel” granules. Sodium free, biodegradable, easy to use. 2.2 lbs. RTUB – $49.99

RAINMATS™ Place these mats down into the

growing medium at root level to create a water reservoir for your hanging baskets and other plant containers. Rain-Gel and Rainmats not only aid with water retention but slowly release small traces of potassium, unlike other products that release sodium (salt) which can adversely a ff ect some plants.

RMAT– Pack of four 7" square mats –$12.29 RROLL– 22" wide x 16-1/4' long roll –$69.99

TRUG TUBS Trug Tubs are fl exible, versatile carriers for the garden with dozens of uses around the home. Made from 100% recycled polyethylene. Black only. Uses include: ice caddy, wash station for camping, soil mixing, hydrating coco bricks, weeding, fall cleanup – so many things!

FK3 – 10.5 Gallon – $19.99 FK4 – 14.5 Gallon – $28.99

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