Garden Artisans 2024

COCO FIBER BRICK An excellent 100% organic vegetable based growing medium. Neutral pH, free from weed seeds and pathogens. Excellent water-holding capacity. One brick will provide over 2 gallons of soil amendment. Perfect for composting

toilets as well! GGP–$2.29 24 pack – $54.96 $49.96

WOODLAND MOSSMAT ROLL Made from natural fi bers, our Woodland Mossmat will not fade or discolor. Designed to provide exceptional moisture retention with superior insulation in a convenient roll for custom cutting. 2’ W x 5’ L. 11608 - $62

Use our environmentally friendly Go GrowKit to plant your own seeds or cuttings. The 10-cell reusable tray supports the biodegradable natural coco fi ber pots with planting disks. Bene fi ts include: •Transfer damage to roots totally eliminated by planting directly into ground •Moisture retention of coco pot will enhance germination •Decomposition process will commence within 7 to 8 weeks after planting •Plant growth will be enhanced by rich organic compost generated throughout the natural decomposition process •Re fi ll pots available to start the next generation of plantings GGKIT – $12.99 $9.99

10-PACK COCO FIBER POTS Biodegradable pots measuring 3" Square x 3.75" High GGKR – $6.99 | 19

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