FSR August 2022
First Course
Put to the TEXT EVEN BEFORE STAFFING SHORTAGES, keeping an ear out for phone calls while running a restaurant could be tricky. Now, with team members spread especially thin, it can be close to impossible. Texting with customers could offer a more convenient solution—and one that consumers just might prefer. In a survey by telecommunications provider Cloudli , twice as many respondents said they preferred to communicate via text rather than phone call . Furthermore, 78 percent reported the ability to text with businesses has improved DQG RU VLPSOLƓ HG WKHLU RYHUDOO H[SHULHQFH
Steak a Claim For as fast as trends evolve
in the restaurant world, some things stay the same. According to Black Box Intelligence , steak remained the No. 1 menu item at full-service restaurants in March to May 2022, based on positive mentions in online reviews. Steak was the most popular item in the same period the prior year. That’s not to say operators haven’t struggled on the execu tion side. Last year, critiques over food preparation cropped up in a number of reviews, with neg ative words like “undercooked,” “overcooked,” and “burned.” Clearly, however, it’s going to take more than a few complaints to dampen the demand for steak.
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