Escapees May-June 2024




Xscapers After Parties Xscapers are another lifestyle group geared toward the working-age RVer. But you don’t have to still be working to join the Xscapers! Every one is welcome to come to their silent disco and socials during Escapade. Come hang out while you dance the night away to music coming through your own headset. Match up the colored lights on your headset with some one else and you can dance together! It’s great fun!

AttendThe SNEAK Party Register for early arrival to Escapade and join our SNEAK Party. SNEAK stands for Saturday Night Early Arrival Kickoff, and we have some fun activities planned for you. There will be food, music, games and a welcoming atmosphere ready for you to make some new friends —all before the event of fi cially kicks off.


Get Active! Escapade has a lot of activi ties on the schedule for you to stay active and fi t. Join in on pickleball games, yoga and even line dancing to get theenergy fl owing!


ESCAPEES Magazine May/June 2024

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