Escapees May-June 2024



Visit The ROW What is the ROW ? Well, in the early years of the Escapade, Escapees members who had started Birds of a Feather and regional chapter groups would have tables out in front of a row of their RVs sharing information about their group with attendees. Referencing these areas as The ROW stuck and has been a fi xtureat Escapade even as our regional Chapters and Birds of a Feather groups have grown. So, what are these Birds of a Feather groups? They are member-led special-interest groups centered around a shared lifestyle. Biking, hiking, boondocking, working on the road and pet lovers are just a few of the interests covered. If you’re interested in meeting up with a group of Escapees near your home base or along your travel routes, consider joining any of our regional Chapter events. Everyone is welcome!


EnjoyThe Entertainment Lineup Live music gets everyone’s feet moving after a day of seminars at Escapade. It’s a time to relax, listen and tap your feet or get up and dance. Not only are large bands scheduled, but local bands get their shot at entertaining Escapees, too! And we certainly can’t forget the ever-popular Escapade’s Got Talent where you get to see how amazing your fellow SKPs are when they hit the stage.


ClubSwag Do you need an Escapees or Xscapers hat or T-shirt? What about a new club sweatshirt, insulated mug or koozie? We bring almost everything from the online store to Escapade for you to purchase. You can even order as many badges and dangles as you want and have them engraved while you attend the event!


May/June 2024 ESCAPEES Magazine

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