Escapees July-August 2022
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The Historic Clifton Mill is one of the largest water-powered grist mills still in existence.
There’s a lot to see and do in Greene County, Ohio
Indian Mound Reserve, a county park, is home to Cedar Cliff Falls, wildlife and unique geological struc tures along more than eight miles of hiking trails. The 169-acre park features historical and natural features. A dam created to power two historic mills now attracts visitors to the park for its scenic falls. Native Americans including the Adena and Hopewell constructed an earthen mound and an earthen wall on the property a millennium ago. Several other parks for hiking are scattered through out the county. The hub for the nation's largest network of paved trails is also located in Xenia. There are 340 miles of trails throughout Southwestern Ohio, including paths leading to Dayton, Cincinnati, Piqua, Urbana and London. Historic Attractions Historic Clifton Mill, built in 1802, is one of the largest water-powered grist mills still in existence. The mill was built to take advantage of the natural power of the concentrated water funneled from the Little Miami River
The theme for Greene County, Ohio, could be “Friendly people and natural beauty.” A welcoming and fun destination is waiting with winding country roads complete with covered bridges, hiking and biking trails, wa terfalls, the famous Clifton Mill, great shop ping, art and excellent dining opportunities. T here are several areas to hike, bike, canoe, kayak and golf. Clifton Gorge, for example, is a 268-acre National Natural Landmark and encompasses an outstanding example of inter glacial and post-glacial canyon cutting. Water rushes through the natural canyon funneling through a deep, narrow channel. The walkway is easy and scenic as you overlook the water and listen to its roar. There are lovely wild fl owers, including the rare snow trillium during spring and summer.
ESCAPEES Magazine July/August 2022
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