Edible Vancouver Island July/August 2024


W ith sun-kissed days of summer upon us, gathering with friends to savour good food is a must. It’s also an oppor tune time to try a fresh approach to entertaining with a progressive dinner party. Unlike traditional sit-down dinners with one host and locale, guests of progressive dinners share in multiple courses, with each course served at someone else’s home. Sometimes called "safari suppers," progressive dinners are a memorable way to dine together and take the pressure off a sole host or hostess to prepare, entertain and clean for the evening. For a seamless event, here are a few points to keep in mind. 1) DECIDE WHO TO HOST WITH Semi-formal dinners typically consist of three or four courses– appetizer, soup or salad, main course and dessert–making them ideal for three to four friends, families or neighbours. 2) CONSIDER A THEME A culinary-specific style (Mexican, Italian, etc.) or holiday theme can make the event cohesive. 3) DETERMINE WHO WILL PREPARE EACH COURSE It’s helpful to consider the skill level of each participant and assign less laborious dishes to those with less experience in the kitchen. 4) CHOOSE YOUR FOOD While there is no time limit on progressive dinners, dishes that can be prepared in advance and kept cold or reheated before serving will help make the evening smoother. For main dishes, slow cooker meals, pastas, casseroles or barbecue make excellent choices. 5) STAY ORGANIZED While the menu is important, the logistics take precedence. Providing a printed menu with the home location for each course and ensuring there is adequate time to travel, prep and host, clean and travel again are key. 6) KEEP TIME AND SAFETY IN MIND Progressive dinners are known to be lengthy, so it’s best to plan for an early start and later finish. Ride sharing, walking or assigning designated drivers, if alcohol is involved, are other key considerations to hosting a safe and unforgettable gathering. Heidi Richter is a recipe developer and food photographer based out of Nanaimo. She loves any excuse to gather with friends and family during the summer, including going on a safari for an evening. thesimplegreen.com | @the_simple_green The scenic approach to entertaining WORDS HEIDI RICHTER


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