Disaster Recovery Journal Winter 2023

Disaster Recovery Journal 1862 Old Lemay Ferry, Arnold, MO 63010 (636) 282-5800; Fax: (636) 282-5802

Internet: www.drj.com E-mail: drj@drj.com EXECUTIVE PUBLISHER Bob Arnold bob@drj.com EDITOR IN CHIEF Jon Seals jon@drj.com ASSOCIATE EDITOR Pam Clifton PRESIDENT Bob Arnold bob@drj.com DIRECTOR OF EVENTS Lesley Vinyard lesley@drj.com REGISTRATION MANAGER Rose Chotrow rose@drj.com SENIOR WEB DESIGNER


COVER Prep Your Business for Winter Road Hazards By SHANNON COPELAND

Amy Faulkner amy@drj.com EVENT MARKETING Sonal Patel sonal@drj.com


EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Dan Bailey, Jeff Dato, John Jackson, Peter Laz, Frank Perlmutter, Ann Pickren, Steve Piggott, Tracey Rice, Randy Till, Damian Walch, Belinda Wilson EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Erick Anez, Rich Cocchiara, Ashley Goosman, James Green, David Halford, John Hill, Ray Holloman, Colleen Huber, Cary Jasgur, Lisa Jones, Joan Landry, Melanie Lucht, Melissa Muñiz, Nicole Scott + (51) 1 436 6456 fijo Perú + 1 (786) 600 1864 USA ruth.rocha@drjenespanol.com www.drjenespanol.com ASIA Business Continuity Planning Asia Pte Ltd (BCP Asia) Henry Ee 1 Commonwealth Lane #08-27 One Commonwealth Singapore 149544 Phone: (65) 6325 2080 Fax: (65) 6223 5363 General: enquiry@bcpasia.com Events: conference@bcpasia.com Direct: henry@bcpasia.com www.bcpasia.com UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Continuity and Resilience A Division of CORE MANAGEMENT CONSULTING Dhiraj Lal , Executive Director P. O. Box 127557, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates ( +971 2 8152831 | 7 +971 2 8152888 dhiraj@continuityandresilience.com www.continuityandresilience.com SOUTH AMERICA DRJ en Espanol Ruth Rocha , Directora Comercial


32 Rounding Up a Backup: Five Reliable Methods

Getting The Boss on Board By ASHLEY GOOSMAN

to Verify Your Backup’s Integrity By FLETUS POSTON III


The Role the NIST Framework Should Play in Creating a Cyber Secure DR Infrastructure By JEROME WENDT

36 Creating Value During Adverse Conditions with a Robust Plan By SUMINDA JAYASUNDERA

20 A Business Impact Analysis Checklist By MICHAEL HERRERA

40 Preparing for Disasters to Ensure Continuity in a Data-Driven World By RON KLINK

24 Disaster Disinformation By BILL MELLANDER

42 Career Spotlight: Cheryl Griffith By LISA JONES

28 From Reactive to Proactive: Crafting a Future-Proof Disaster Recovery Strategy By ERIN STEINMETZ

49 BC Software Directory

DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL (ISSN 1079-736X; USPS 013-076; Publication Agreement No. 40679000) is published quarterly by Systems Support, Inc., 1862 Old Lemay Ferry, Arnold, MO 63010. Subscriptions are free to all qualified personnel in the U.S. and Canada involved in managing, preparing, or supervising business continuity planning. Rate for all others in the U.S. is $10, Canada and Mexico $24, all other countries $47. For renewals or change of address, please include current mailing label. Periodical Postage Paid at Arnold, MO and additional offices at St. Louis, MO. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL, 1862 Old Lemay Ferry, Arnold, MO 63010. Canada Post Publication Agreement No. 40686534. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL, PO Box 456, Niagra Falls, ON L2E 6V2. DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL is copyrighted 1987-2023, by Systems Support, Inc., all rights reserved. DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL is a registered trademark of Systems Support, Inc. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without expressed written permission. Articles submitted by readers do not represent the views or opinions of DISASTER RECOVERY JOURNAL and are published for their informational content only.


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