CBA Record July-August 2024


Committee and Chair Kelly Bershader Leyens of Neal Gerber Eisenberg. • Joshua Epstein of Goldberg Kohn was recognized with the Milton H. Gray Award for Outstanding Project Lead ership. • The Rising Star Award for a Leader with Exceptional Promise was pre sented to Bianca Ciarroni of Taft Stet tinius & Hollister. • The Terrence M. Murphy Award for

Leaders with Substantial Impact on the Section was awarded to Stephanie Moon of Armstrong Teasdale. The YLS Annual Meeting was spon sored by Stinar Gould Grieco & Hensley. The YLS, founded in 1971, was cre ated to encourage young lawyers to work together on projects for their commu nity and for their profession. It provides excellent opportunities for professional growth, community service, and net

working to its approximately 7,000 mem bers, who include attorneys in their first 10 years of practice and law students. The YLS offers 30 committees, including sub stantive practice areas and public service offerings, implements member and public service projects, and hosts numerous sem inars and networking events. To get involved with the Section, con tact the Young Lawyers Section at 312 554-2070 or

September CBA Golf Outing November Alternative Dispute Resolution Summit Moot Court Competition (Attorney Volunteers Needed) December Young Lawyers Section Holiday Social Dear Santa Letter Campaign Basic Skills Course for New Lawyers Sexual Harassment Prevention Training WATCH FOR THESE UPCOMING PROGRAMS (DETAILS AT WWW.CHICAGOBAR.ORG): Young Lawyers Section Welcome Social/All Bar Social Young Lawyers Section Meet the Committee Night October Pro Bono Week Seminars & Volunteer Fair Justice John Paul Stevens Awards Luncheon Domestic Violence Prevention Summit


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