CFL Spring 2022
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Di ff erent by Design Catholic Financial Life is a di ff erent kind of fi nancial services organization. As a faith-based, not-for-pro fi t, fraternal, we measure our success according to a ‘dual bottom line’ – fi nancial results and fraternal impact. Both are equally important components of our mission. Being di ff erent is not an accident. It is an intentional decision that has been true since our inception 154 years ago and continues today. We are di ff erent by design. We are guided by our faith – a two-thousand-year tradition inspired by the Gospel informs our decision-making. WWJD is not just a clever marketing slogan – it is our modus operandi. We exist to serve our members – the hard-working people of Main St. USA, not Wall St. elites. Providing solid fi nancial results annually ensures we will ful fi ll our promises for the bene fi t of generations current and yet to come. (You will receive our 2021 Financial and Fraternal Impact Report this Summer but here’s a preview: record surplus, record capital and an A- fi nancial strength rating with a positive outlook from our rating agency, KBRA.) Enhancing quality of life is not a slogan – it is part of our purpose. Through member bene fi ts, regional social events and local charitable activities, your membership has value beyond fi nancial products and services. For you, with you and through you, we make a positive impact in communities. This magazine highlights some of those bene fi ts, social activities and the di ff erence made by some of our local chapters and impact teams. We care for our brothers and sisters in need – it is our responsibility. Through organizations like Saint Vincent de Paul, Special Olympics and Habitat for Humanity, we take seriously the Gospel mandate to love one another. That’s why you, our members, volunteered over 58,000 hours in the name of Catholic Financial Life in 2021 alone. It is my honor to lead this great organization. If I can ever be of assistance to you, please contact me. It’s another thing that makes Catholic Financial Life di ff erent! God Bless,
Being di ff erent is not an accident. It is an intentional decision that has been true since our inception 154 years ago and continues today. We are di ff erent by design .
John T. Borgen President and CEO john.borgen@catholic fi (414) 278-6608
PS Over 4 million people have fl ed their homes because of war in Ukraine. Please see the back cover of this magazine for information about how you can help the refugees. Will you join us?
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