CFL Spring 2022
1100 West Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53233
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” – Matthew 25:35 HELPING OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN NEED
In response to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, millions of people have fled their homes and are now refugees. As Christians and doers of the Word, we are called to help. Will you join us? Catholic Financial Life is launching a donation campaign and will match a portion of every dollar donated. In turn, we will donate all of the proceeds to a trusted partner, Catholic Relief Services, to go toward helping Ukrainian refugees. Visit Ukraine today!
You can also mail a check, made payable to the Catholic Financial Life Foundation, to the following address: Catholic Financial Life Foundation, 1100West Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53233 Your contribution to this campaign, through the Foundation’s website or directly via a check to the Catholic Financial Life Foundation, is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Catholic Financial Life will cover the fees associated with making your contribution via our Foundation’s website, so 100% of your donation will go toward helping Ukrainian refugees.
More than 4 million people are fleeing for their lives to neighboring countries — leaving behind homes, jobs and everything familiar.
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