CFL Spring 2022

SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING OTHERS Want your chapter to be featured in a future magazine? Submit your best, high-resolution photos and detailed captions to

President John Borgen (left) and members from Chapter 212, Medford, Wis., Larry Emmerich (right), and Elizabeth Emmerich (center) honored Gene Gebert for his 56 years of service to their chapter. President Borgen presented Gene with a monetary gift to be given to a charity of his choice.

Members of Chapter N373, New Britain, Conn., presented Fr. Fontana with a $750Match Fund check. Members of the chapter helped at the Fall craft fair and ra ffl e to raise money for St. Francis de Sales in Bristol, Conn.

O ffi cers from Chapter 72, St. Mark Parish-Rothschild, Wis., held a festival at St. Mark Parish. Festival goers could purchase home-canned items, corn stalks, pumpkins, gourds, squash, pumpkin pie cups and more! The chapter provided St. Mark Parish with $1,000 in Match Funds.


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