CBA Record October 2017
The Chicago Bar Association & The Chicago Bar Foundation’s 2017 Pro Bono Week For the Sake of the Community
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2017 Pro Bono Week Oct 23-27 For the Sake of the Community The Chicago Bar Association & The Chicago Bar Foundation’s
Lawyers, law students, and other legal professionals from all backgrounds are welcome. All events are complimentary and open to the legal community.
Community Development Through Pro Bono Monday, October 23 3:00-5:00 pm followed by kick-off reception Ropes &Gray LLP Justice: An Evening of Stories and Community Tuesday, October 24 6:00-8:00 pm Revolution Brewing How Pro Bono Contributes to a Successful Career Wednesday, October 25 12:00-1:00 pm The Chicago Bar Association 24th Annual Pro Bono and Community Service Fair Thursday, October 26 5:00-7:00 pm Kirkland & Ellis LLP Effective Representation of Individuals with Mental Health Conditions Friday, October 27 12:00-2:00 pm Holland & Knight LLP
Pro bono does more than help individuals—it also helps communities. Small businesses, creative professionals, and entrepreneurs are vital parts of every community, but they can face legal challenges when launching a business, protecting a creative work, or navigating rules and regulations. Learn how to use your transactional skills to strengthen communities and empower individuals and businesses through pro bono. Two hours of PR CLE credit subject to approval. Get to know your fellow justice-minded colleagues while listening to stories shared by volunteers from the audience. Interested in telling a story? Come prepared with a five-minute story related to the theme (justice) to share with attendees from the Chicago legal community. Those who volunteer to tell stories will be entered in a prize raffle. Storytellers and listeners alike are encouraged to attend! Pro bono work provides lawyers with opportunities to give back to the community, but there are other career benefits as well. Newer lawyers can gain experience, confidence, and connections both inside and outside their firms. More experienced attorneys can gain greater visibility as well as case-management and leadership skills. This panel discussion will help you discover how pro bono work can be an essential part of your career development. One hour of PR CLE credit subject to approval.
Jan Feldman Lawyers for the Creative Arts
Trisha M. Rich Holland & Knight LLP
Presented by the CBA Young Lawyers Section Co-sponsored by the CBF and Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Learn more and register: probonoweek
Meet with representatives from 40+ of Chicago’s legal aid, pro bono, community service, and mentoring organizations to find an opportunity that fits your schedule, interests, and goals.
Mental health conditions can impact any individual, community, or legal case, but they are often ignored or misunderstood. Learn how to better advocate for and empower your pro bono clients by acknowledging both their legal and non-legal needs. This session will cover how to recognize and address challenges that may be rooted in mental health conditions, as well as best practices, strategies, and resources for addressing them in an effective and compassionate manner. Two hours of PR CLE credit subject to approval.
October 2017 • Volume 31, Number 6 CONTENTS INSIDE THIS ISSUE Special Issue: CBA/CBF Pro Bono Week 2017: “For the Sake of the Community ” 26 For the Sake of the Community By Justice Michael B. Hyman 28 Community Development through Pro Bono By Anne Dodge, Angela Hall, and Jan Feldman 32 The Many Stories of Chicago’s Pro Bono Community By Roya Samarghandi, Angela Vigil, and Ajay Sundar 36 For the Sake of All the Elsies By Margaret Benson 40 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Concerns in the Profession: Shattering the Silence, Overcoming the Stigma By Trisha M. Rich and Lisa M. Kpor
10 President’s Page
Lawyers Call to Action
12 CBANews 20 Chicago Bar Foundation Report 22 Murphy’s Law 54 Legal Ethics
The Retired Lawyer as Pro Bono Volunteer By John Levin
56 LPMT Bits & Bytes
Be Smart with Microsoft Outlook By Catherine Sanders Reach
58 Nota Bene
RaiseYour Profile, Boost Your Business–Writing for Publication By Amy Cook
YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION 44 Doing Well by Doing Good By Jonathan B. Amarilio 46 How to Safely Advise Clients to Reject a Bad Deal By Matthew H. Bunn 50 Wills for Heroes and Their Families By Tracy A. Brammeier
On the Cover This month’s CBA Record cover, Fleet (2015), is courtesy of IanWeaver, a client of Lawyers for the Creative Arts. It was photogaphed by James Prinz, James Prinz Photography. To learn more, read the description on page 8 or go to To learn more about the work of LCA, go to
The CBA Record (ISSN 0892-1822) is published seven times annually (January, February/March, April/May, July/August, September, October, November) for $10 per year by The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604- 3997, 312/554-2000, membersare$25peryear.PeriodicalspostagepaidatChicago, Illinois.POSTMASTER:Sendaddresschangesto CBARecord ,c/o Kayla Bryan, Chicago BarAssociation,321SouthPlymouthCourt, Chicago,Illinois60604. Copyright2017byTheChicagoBarAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Reproductioninwholeorinpartwithoutpermissionisprohibited. Theopinionsandpositionsstatedinsignedmaterialarethoseof theauthorsandnotbythefactofpublicationnecessarilythose oftheAssociationoritsmembers.Allmanuscriptsarecarefully consideredbytheEditorialBoard.Allletterstotheeditorsare subjecttoediting.Publicationofadvertisementsisnottobe deemedanendorsementofanyproductorserviceadvertised unlessotherwisestated.
TheChicagoBarAssociation&TheChicagoBarFoundation’s 2017 Pro Bono Week For the Sake of the Community
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About the Cover
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Justice Michael B. Hyman Illinois Appellate Court Managing Editor Amy Cook Amy Cook Consulting Associate Editor Anne Ellis Proactive Worldwide, Inc. Summary Judgments Editor Daniel A. Cotter Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd LLC YLS Journal Editors-in-Chief Nicholas D. Standiford Schain Banks Kenny & Schwartz Ltd. Natalie Chan Sidley Austin LLP Carolyn Amadon University of Chicago Nina Fain Janet Sugerman Schirn Family Trust Anthony F. Fata Cafferty Clobes Meriwether & Sprengel LLP Clifford Gately Heyl Royster Angela Harkless The Harkless Law Firm Justin Heather Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Jasmine Villaflor Hernandez Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Michele M. Jochner Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP Oliver A. Khan American Association of Insurance Services John Levin Bonnie McGrath Law Office of Bonnie McGrath Clare McMahon Law Office of Clare McMahon Pamela S. Menaker Clifford Law Offices Peter V. Mierzwa Law Bulletin Publishing Company Kathleen Dillon Narko Northwestern University School of Law Adam J. Sheppard Sheppard Law Firm, PC Richard Lee Stavins
Ian Weaver is a visual artist and an Assistant Professor of Art at Saint Mary’s College. His work uses a variety of media, including prints, drawing/collage, assemblage, sculpture, installation and film. Weaver is interested in how we, as individuals and communities, construct our own identities and memories from the fractured, disparate elements of our lives. In the 1940s, an expressway displaced the primarily black residents of the NearWest Side Chicago neighborhood, and the community lost its rich history of buildings and artifacts.With so little left of the neighborhood,Weaver decided to commemorate it through fiction. He renamed the area“Black Bottom,”and created maps, sculpture, and other relics of life there. Part of the story was a fictional journey by“Black Knights”to the area in a wooden boat, nowonly a skeletal relic. In 2015, the City of Chicago showcased the first chapter of his Black Bottomproject at the Chicago Cultural Center. Weaver encountered a legal problem when a gallery refused to remove his work and name from its website, causing confusion while he was applying for positions. None of his self-help efforts worked, and he turned to Lawyers for the Creative Arts . David Gulbransen volunteered and quickly resolved the issue. Weaver comments, “He treated me in every way like I was a paying client and leveled the playing field to make this vexing problem go away. Artists are constantly working off of handshake deals to show their art, and galleries disappear, along with the art they house. We need institutions like Lawyers for the Creative Arts to give artists a voice, and I’m very grateful that I received help at a critical time in my career.” Photo caption/credit: Fleet, 2015 by IanWeaver Wood, rope, sand Photographed by: James Prinz, James Prinz Photography
Robbins, Saloman & Patt, Ltd. Rosemary Simota Thompson William A. Zolla II The ZOLLaw Group, Ltd.
THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATION David Beam Director of Publications Rebecca Martin Manager of Advertising and Sponsorships
8 OCTOBER 2017
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The Chicago Bar Association OFFICERS President Judge Thomas R. Mulroy Circuit Court of Cook County First Vice President Steven M. Elrod Holland & Knight LLP Second Vice President Jesse H. Ruiz Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Secretary E. Lynn Grayson Jenner & Block LLP Treasurer Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy Assistant Executive Director Elizabeth A. McMeen BOARD OF MANAGERS Jonathan B. Amarilio Alan R. Borlack Hon. Thomas M. Durkin Mark B. Epstein Hon. Shelvin Louise Marie Hall Robert F. Harris Maurice Grant Grant Law LLC
resentatives, and the Director of Security for the Chicago Public Schools. We learned that the affected communities need legal assistance in many areas, but these in particular: mental health services, police/ community relationship issues, employ- ment, and faith based community services. Lawyers can help. Based on the lessons learned from this summit, Chicago Bar Association leaders met with 19 bar association presidents to discuss pro bono aid to help these commu- nities. The Decalogue Society, the Women’s Bar Association, the Illinois Judges Associa- tion, Hispanic Bar Association, Serbian Bar Association, Cook County Bar Association, the Black Women Lawyers Association, the Seventh Federal Circuit Bar Association, LAGBAC, the Federal Bar Association, the Arab American Bar Association, the National Bar Association, and many other associations committed to provide legal assistance to the afflicted communities. The response was heartwarming and unsurprising. Lawyers and community service orga- nizations will meet on November 3 at the Chicago Bar Association building so lawyers can volunteer their legal services to help with this terrible problem. The service organizations need legal assistance in many areas, including probate, zoning, real estate, small business counsel, prop- erty taxes, parents’ rights, trademarks and patents, administrative proceedings, school law and other areas of the law–just like all clients in every neighborhood. These services are not available to many of our community service organizations because they are not affordable. The community representatives will ask for specific legal assistance in four spe- cific areas: (1) Mental health services; (2) Police/community relationships; 3. Faith
O n November 3, 2017, lawyers will come to the Chicago Bar Association to continue the CBA’s initiative in the fight against gun violence in our neighborhoods. Conferences, meet- ings and programs have been devoted to this epidemic of violence; now we are going to act to help solve it. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said: “It takes everybody to step up. We need the aldermen, elected officials, clergy, community residents, business owners–it doesn’t matter who it is. Everybody has a vested interest in reducing crime.” The bar associations agree with that. In May the CBA hosted a day long summit that gathered many of the key players involved in this crisis so we could learn how lawyers can provide specific help for people in at risk communities. The summit was well attended and those individuals who are significantly involved with this problem were there: the State’s Attorney, Public Defender, Superintendent of Police, representatives from the faith based community service organizations and churches, mental health service rep-
Michele M. Jochner Michael J. Kaufman Daniel M. Kotin Pamela S. Menaker Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. Matthew A. Passen Mary Robinson John C. Sciaccotta Helene M. Snyder Andrew W. Vail Greta G. Weathersby Zeophus J. Wiliams
10 OCTOBER 2017
based community services; and (4) Jobs for high risk men and women. Those pres- ent will break out into separate rooms so the lawyers can interview the community representatives to understand the details of the representatives’ requests for legal help. If the request meets a lawyer’s skill set, the lawyer can promise to help. Lawyers and bar associations are pre- pared to be part of the remedy to this unacceptable situation and are ready to donate their time and special skill set to help the communities end this epidemic. You can be of enormous help to a resident, to make him/her financially stronger and more self-sufficient and able to help drive out their disruptive neighbors. The time for talk is over; the time to act is now. Join us on November 3.
Enhance Your Resume, Expand Your Professional Contacts, Make New Friends! By gettingmore involved in the CBA, you can raise your profile in Chicago’s legal community andmeet other lawyers whose paths you may have never crossed. Even a small time commitment can reap big rewards. These are just a few examples of speaking, networking, leadership and other opportunities available through your CBA membership. • Speak at a seminar, committee meeting or community event • Write an article for the CBA Record • Become a legislative liaison • Evaluate judges through the CBA’s Judicial Evaluation Committee • Volunteer for a pro bono project • Help out at a YLS community outreach project • Do something in the CBA Symphony, sing in the CBA Chorus, perform in Christmas Spirits (the CBA holiday show), or help produce a legal cable TV show For more information on these opportunities or to learn how to become more involved in the CBA, contact CBA Membership Director Karen Stanton at 312/554-2131 or
Organizations like the very few listed below do essential work in our troubled neighborhoods and a number of themwill attend the November 3 meeting to ask for specific legal services help: • Safer Foundation helps people with criminal records become employed; • Heartland Health Outreach provides effective, responsive primary and behavioral healthcare; • Kennedy Forum helps to improve the lives of individuals living with mental illness and addiction; • Liberation Christian Center works to be the catalyst between injustice and justice, hatred and love, separatism and compassion and poverty and prosperity. • Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence takes a proactive role in educating people about the negative impact of gun violence; • Phalanx Family Services assists economically disadvantaged at-risk youth and families in the pursuit of self-sufficiency; • NewCovenant CommunityDevelopment provides affordable home ownership opportunities and programs for low income and underservedminority residents. • Chicago Citizens for Change works to reduce youth violence through restorative peace-making;
• Antioch Network connects local pastors with leaders, organizations, corporations, ministries and business interests. • Behavioral Health Consortium of Illinois, LLC members provide quality health care for the communities it serves; • Park Manor Neighbors’ Community Council helps create healthy, safe and sustainable neighborhoods for families;
• Chicago Safe Start brings people and programs together to help children exposed to violence; • Illinois Council against Handgun Violence works to prevent the devastation caused by firearms; • Uptown Research Institute gives treatment and care to residents of Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood and the greater Chicagoland community; • Kids Off the Block, Inc. gives children a safe haven away from the streets; • La Rabida Children’s Trauma Center provides trauma services for children; • Little Village Community Council works with individuals who are dealing with issues of abuse, substance abuse, homelessness, homework help or life skills; • Apna Ghar, Inc. provides education and addresses systemic barriers that immigrant survivors face.
CBA & CBF CELEBRATE PRO BONOWEEK WITH A LOCAL FOCUS For the Sake of the Community By Sally Daly
CBA Public Affairs Director C hicago-area attorneys who vol- unteer their time and talent to help those less fortunate will be recognized and unique efforts to increase pro bono legal work will be promoted as the Chicago Bar Association and The Chicago Bar Foundation mark Pro Bono Week 2017. The annual event, which began in Chicago in 2005 and has now become a national observance, takes place October 23–27. The week will include a series of sessions designed to celebrate lawyers’ pro bono efforts and also raise awareness among lawyers and the public about how pro bono work can improve the com- munity and the lives of the less fortunate. The events planned for the week are based around the theme “For the Sake of the Community.” As part of Pro Bono Week events, the CBA and CBF will sponsor one of Chi- cago’s largest pro bono and community service fairs on October 26. Lawyers attending the fair will be able to meet with representatives from more than 40 legal aid, pro bono, community service and mentoring organizations to learn how they can provide the type of pro bono service that best meets their interests. More information on the specifics of Pro Bono week can be found at either probonoweek
conversation related to the theme of justice. From 6 to 8 p.m. at Revolution Brewing, 2323 N. Milwaukee Ave. Wednesday, October 25– How Pro Bono Contributes to a Successful Career. A panel discussion that will explore how lawyers can gain experience, confidence and make connections through pro bono work. From Noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court. Thursday, October 26– 24th Annual Pro Bono and Community Service Fair. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Kirkland & Ellis LLP, 300 N. LaSalle. Friday, October 27– Effective Representa- tion of Individuals with Mental Health Conditions. This seminar will explore the best practices, strategies and resources for attorneys representing pro bono clients with mental health conditions. FromNoon to 2 p.m. at Holland & Knight, LLP. The events for the week are all compli- mentary and are open to all Chicago area law students, attorneys, and other legal professionals.
Jan Feldman of Lawyers for the Creative Arts and Trisha M. Rich of Holland & Knight LLP are serving as co-chairs for Pro Bono Week 2017. “This year’s Pro BonoWeek explores the ripple effects of pro bono work by examin- ing how it creates opportunities for others, strengthens neighborhoods and encourages civic pride,” said Feldman. “When we help an individual or group with a legal issue, the rewards to us and our clients are so rich and immediate that we sometimes lost sight of the broader implications of our work.” The lineup for Pro Bono Week 2017 includes the following: Monday, October 23– Community Devel- opment through Pro Bono. This seminar will explore how pro bono work can help small businesses, creative professionals and entrepreneurs and work to strengthen communities. From 3 to 5 p.m. at Ropes & Gray LLC, 191 N. Wacker. Tuesday, October 24– An Evening of Stories and Community. This unique “story slam” will feature shared stories and
12 OCTOBER 2017
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CBA Hosts Lawyers Call to Action Summit By Sally Daly CBA Public Affairs Director
TheLawyersCall toActioneventwill be held on November 3 from 9:00 a.m.–12:30p.m. at The ChicagoBar Association. For more information, visit the CBA’s website at www. “We are very excited about this initiative because it presents a tremendous oppor- tunity for the legal community to step up and become a part of the solution in the fight against violence in our great city,” said CBA President Judge Thomas R. Mulroy. On November 3, lawyers who attend will have an opportunity to speak directly with representatives from dozens of Chi- cagoland community groups to better understand their needs and to identify specific areas in which they require legal assistance for the citizens that they serve. The CBA is working in partnership with Chicago area bar organizations on the initiative and is inviting all Chicago-area attorneys to participate. culmination of months of study and analy- sis, including a CBA summit last May that brought together more than 25 leaders from the legal, law enforcement, criminal justice, religious, education, and healthcare com- munities. That summit helped to identify areas that need to be prioritized including mental health services, police and commu- nity relationships, faith based community services and employment opportunities Since that time, the CBA has continued to move forward, meeting with community service agencies and representatives who have defined the legal needs of their clients and residents in very specific ways. For example, these organizations are seeking attorneys to help in areas such as zoning, wills and trusts, small business startup, mental health advocacy, professional licens- ing, foreclosure, child support, parental rights, unemployment insurance and appeals, housing matters, veteran’s issues, expungement, and many other areas.
increase dialogue and develop strategies to address this crisis. On November 3, the CBA will host a first-of-its-kind event that will directly connect community service organizations with lawyers, with the goal of creating a volunteer legal initiative that will work to address Chicago’s epidemic of violence and the underlying issues that often lead to violence across so many communities. The Lawyers Call to Action event is the
V iolence continues to be one of the most pressing issues facing the city of Chicago and its citizens, with staggering statistics of violent crime dominating the news cycle day after day. With this in mind, the CBA has been taking an in-depth look at the issues driv- ing violence in Chicago and working to
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14 OCTOBER 2017
The Chicago Bar Association CLE in Rome, Italy April 16-19, 2018
HOTELS Hotel d’Inghilterra (Spanish Steps) Hotel Minerva (Pantheon)
April 16 • Welcome luncheon on Piazza Del Popolo. • Welcome reception at Tonucci & Partners (Piazza Del Popolo). April 17 • Tours of Italian courts and meeting with the President of the Rome Bar Association. • Visit to Prosecutor General’s Office, the Appellate Court and the Supreme Court of Cassation. • Multimedia evening tour of the Forum and dinner. Knox’s criminal defense counsel; a presentation from the Chief Prosecutor in Rome about mafia prosecutions; a presentation from the American Embassy about immigration issues in Italy and Europe; and a discussion of the changing role of Italian women. April 19 • Tour of the Borghese Museum. • Closing dinner at Casina Valadier, Borghese Gardens. April 18 • Four hours of CLE including a presentation from Amanda
RECEPTION & CLE LOCATION Tonucci & Partners will host our welcome reception and our CLE in their beautiful offices located at the Piazza Del Popolo. Tonucci, an 85 member law firm, is one of the largest Italian firms focusing on corporate and financial transactions and civil, criminal and administrative litigation. SPEAKERS Alex Guttieres , International Law Offices of Guttieres & Grillandini. Alex will introduce us to the President of the Rome Bar and the President of the National Association of Magistrates. Roberto Jacchia , DeBerti Jacchia Franchini Forlani. At his firm, Roberto is Chairman of European Law with a concentration in European immigration. Giovanni Salvi , Magistrate and Prosecutor. As Rome’s Prosecutor General, Giovanni’s focus has been anti-terrorism, mafia prosecution and human trafficking prosecution. He is the former chief prosecutor of the “procura di Catania–Anti-mafia District Directorate.” Carlo Dalla Vedova , criminal defense lawyer engaged by Amanda Knox, an American student, when she was accused of killing her roommate.
To receive an agenda and travel information in the Fall, send an email to Tamra Drees at
Hotel d’Inghilterra Hotel Minerva
Casina Valadier
JUDGE ANN CLAIRE WILLIAMS HONORED AT CBA LUNCHEON Celebrating an American Judicial Trailblazer By Nina Fain
CBA Record Editorial Board O n Friday September 15, the Chi- cago Bar Association honored Senior Judge Ann Claire Wil- liams of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, celebrating Williams’ two decades of dedicated service as a jurist on the federal bench. During her historic career, Williams repeatedly has been rec- ognized nationwide for her superlative service as a federal jurist. After a success- ful career as a Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Clerk, federal prosecutor and Division Chief, Judge Williams’ judicial trajectory began in 1985. Not only was she among the youngest judges ever appointed to the federal bench in the United States, Williams, appointed by President Reagan, became the first African-American woman to be appointed as a U.S. District Court judge for the Northern District of Illinois. In 1999, Williams was appointed by Presi- dent Clinton to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. So as JudgeWilliams made a decision in the summer of 2017 to assume the status as a Senior Judge on the U. S. Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit, it was quite fitting that Chicago Bar Association mem- bers, judges and guests gathered to hear three of our nation’s most prominent cur- rent and former members of the judiciary
JudgeWilliams is congratulatedby a supporter as CBAPresident Hon. JudgeThomas R. Mulroy looks on. Photo by Bill Richert.
extol Williams’ contribution to American courts with their personal and professional accolades. Video tributes were offered by United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the Hon. Diane P. Wood, Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh District and the Hon. Patri- cia Brown Holmes, retired, who is now the Co- Managing Partner of the law firm of Riley, Safer, and Holmes & Cancila. Each praised her contributions to the federal judiciary, her legal brilliance, integrity, work ethic and diligence. Additionally, in front of the capacity crowd of Chicago’s most prominent lawyers and judges, the Hon. William J. Bauer of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh District and the CBA President, the Hon. Thomas R.
Mulroy gave remarks about Judge Wil- liams’ and her legendary career. Finally, celebrating the next milestone in her storied career, Williams accepted the praise from her colleagues and peers with characteristic modesty. She stood first among equals in the audience as an outstanding jurist and a leader in the refor- mation of court administrative policies. In this next phase of her career, Williams can apply her keen intellectual focus to move beyond the rigors of daily deliberation in case management to focus on her commit- ment to public service in new ways. It was for these many reasons that the CBA was proud to honor Williams as an important member of Chicago’s legal history.
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16 OCTOBER 2017
The Chicago Bar Association presents the 94 th Annual Bar Show
Email/Fax/Mail-in Ticket Order Form
Join the Chicago Bar Association for an evening or afternoon of musical entertainment at the 94th Annual Bar Show! Each December, the Association has parodied local and national legal, political, sports, and showbiz figures. This year, the show once again promises to deliver hilarious parodies of political peccadillos, governmental gaffes, legal lampooning, and celebrity spoofs. Main Floor Tickets: $45 / But just $40 for 10 or more Mezzanine Tickets: $35 (no group discount)
To order your tickets, visit or call the box office at 312-554-2064 anytime, OR complete this form and submit it by no later than November 3, 2017 (i) as PDF by e-mail to Awilda or Michele at , (ii) by fax to the CBA at 312-554-2054, or (iii) by mail to the CBA, Attention: Bar Show, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604-3997. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your order.
Please complete all applicable fields below. Credit card payment only. All sales are final.
________________________________________________ Name (as it appears on credit card) Phone ________________________________________________ Mailing Address ________________________________________________ City State Zip ________________________________________________ E-mail address (please write clearly) □ Visa □ Discover □ MasterCard □ American Express ________________________________________________ Credit Card # Exp. Date ________________________________________________ Cardholder Signature Required
# Tickets Main Floor @ $45* Total Amount Due Thursday, November 30 ________ ________ $________ Friday, December 1 ________ ________ $________ Saturday, December 2 ________ ________ $________ Sunday, December 3 ________ ________ $________ # Tickets Mezzanine @ $35
ORDER TOTAL: $________
*Main floor is only $40 for 10 or more.
NOTE SHOW TIMES: Thu-Sat evenings: 7:30 p.m. Sunday matinee: 2:00 p.m.
CLE & MEMBER NEWS Free CommitteeMeetingWebcasts–EarnFreeMCLE CreditWithout Leaving Your Office or Home
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
D id you know you can earn free IL MCLE credit by attending CBA and YLS committee meetings in-person? Now you can do so without leaving your office or home through our live committee meeting webcasts. Over 120 committees meet on a monthly basis at the CBA during the noon hour and all committee meetings are free! Approximately 40 meetings per month are currently beingWebcast withmore to come. Members may attend anymeeting they choose-you do not have to be on a committee roster to attend its meetings. Detailed committee speaker, topic, MCLE credit andwebcast information can found at tees. It can also be found on the weekly eBulletinwhich is emailed everyThursday to all members who have given us their email address and is posted on our home page on the left side panel. If you are not receiving the eBulletin, please send your name and email address to info@chica-
To view live committee meeting Webcasts, go to webcasts. You must access the meeting online by the start time in order to view the livemeeting. At themeeting’s comple- tion, an attendance verification question will appear at the bottom of the screen. The amount of MCLE credit available for a committeemeeting is determined after the meeting based on the presentation length (most meetings qualify for about 1 hour of credit). Your MCLE credit for attending themeetingwill appear on our onlineMCLE CreditTracker approximately 10 business days after the meeting. Archived committee meetings web- casts can be accessed by visiting the Com- mittee Pages. Select the committee you are interested in and then click “Webcast Archive” on their homepage to see all related committee meetings and semi- nars. Please note, archived committee meeting webcasts are not eligible for MCLE Credit.
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056
FLSA Collective Action Litigation Strategies November 16, 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM In-person: CBA Headquarters, 321 South Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604 Webcast: casts Presented by the CBA Labor & Employment Law Committee 2.75 IL MCLE Credit Unique litigation challenges in FLSA collective actions: collective action overview; certificationof action, notice, final certification; decertification. Brian D. Massat, Law Office of Brian D. Massat Additional Speaker: TBA Discovery in FLSA collective actions: data and e-discovery challenges; internal investigations Jac A. Cotigula, Jac A. Cotigula Jennifer A. Naber, Laner Muchin, Ltd. Settlement strategies: Mediation; court-approved settlement DouglasM.Werman,WermanSalas P.C. Noah A. Finkel, Seyfarth Shaw LLP Moderator: Antoinette Choate, Choate Herschman Levison, LLC; Chair, CBA Labor & Employment Law Committee Learn more, see pricing and register at
Save on Best Buy, Verizon, Staples, Expedia and More through National Purchasing Partners T he Chicago Bar Association has partneredwithNational Purchasing Partners (NPP) to offer members Buy, Expedia, Staples Advantage, PetFirst Pet Insurance, LifeLock and if eligible Verizon Wireless. Employee discounts available as well. To learnmore, visit www. or call 800/810-3909. discount pricing on a variety of products. This program is free with no obligation to purchase. A few offerings include Best
2018 Attorneys Diary Now on Sale in CBA Bookstore T he 2018 edition of the CBA’s hard copy leather bound attorneys diary is nowon sale in the CBA Bookstore for $22.50 (member price including tax).
The bookstore is openMonday-Friday from 9 am-4:30 pm. Copies can also be ordered and mailed out for an additional $7.95. Call 312/554-2130 for more infor- mation.
18 OCTOBER 2017
The Chicago Bar Association
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Chicago Bar Foundation Report
No Matter Your Practice Area, Doing Pro Bono is Your Ticket to a Successful and Fulfilling Legal Career
with the idea of making a positive differ- ence in the world, and pro bono offers you a concrete way to do that. And while it may seem counter-intui- tive, doing pro bono when you are feeling burned out can be a great antidote for that feeling. As the legendary management consultant Peter Drucker put it, “Precisely because you are overworked, you need the extra—and different—stimulus to put different parts of yourself to work, both physically and mentally.” Pro bono can recharge your batteries by reminding you of why you became a lawyer and the unique power you have to make a real difference in the lives of others who need legal help. Building Connections If you are working in a firm or large cor- porate department, pro bono can offer an opportunity to work with more senior part- ners or counsel you might not otherwise get to work with, and gives you a chance to show them what kind of lawyer you are. Whatever your practice setting, it is a good opportunity to meet and work with new colleagues, bolster your professional reputation, and expand your network. And when you partner with a good pro bono or legal aid organization, the lawyers on staff often become long-term mentors and sources of referrals. Doing pro bono work also often leads to other leadership opportunities on boards, advisory boards, and other initiatives.
a litigator representing a client in a con- tested court proceeding, or a transactional lawyer providing support for a nonprofit organization such as updating corporate articles and bylaws, negotiating a real estate lease, assisting with IP issues, or updating employment policies). When you partner with a good pro bono and legal aid orga- nization, you can also benefit from the training, mentoring, and support of their experienced lawyers to sharpen your skills while expanding the organization’s ability to help people in need and advance its mission. Beyond that, anyone with a practice that involves having to make their cases to juries and other “regular people” can learn a lot about humility and connecting to people by representing vulnerable people in the legal system. Similarly, transactional law- yers can gain invaluable experience navi- gating complex regulatory thickets such as helping a low-income family navigate often byzantine public benefits systems. Enhancing Professional Satisfaction, Countering Burnout Whatever your practice setting, pro bono offers tremendous opportunities for us to be happier, better, and more produc- tive lawyers (and that goes for law firms and legal departments as well). The most successful lawyers regularly point to pro bono cases as among the most satisfying experiences in their careers, and that is no accident. Most of us went to law school
By Bob Glaves CBF Executive Director I n the toolbox of strategies for making your legal career an accomplished and fulfilling one, one tool that is often overlooked and almost always underrated: pro bono. While pro bono should be an integral part of your practice for many fundamental reasons, an added bonus is that it also helps ensure long term success and satisfaction in your career. So how can doing pro bono work help you advance your career and find fulfill- ment in our fast-changing profession? Building Skills and Experience One fundamental way pro bono can help advance your career is that it offers an opportunity to build your skills and get meaningful experience, particularly in your early years. Depending on where you work, getting meaningful practice experience early on can be difficult. Pro bono can give you the opportunity to get some of that key experi- ence while you are providing an important service to someone in need. And in the process, you build or hone legal skills that make you a better lawyer in all your work. No matter your practice area, there are almost certainly pro bono opportunities right in your proverbial wheelhouse. You can volunteer to help a low-income client in one of your core practice areas (e.g.,
20 OCTOBER 2017
Save November 18 For The CBF Fall Benefit Join the CBF for a fun, casual evening at the Museum of Science and Industry.This event provides an unfor- gettable night in one of Chicago’s most iconic museums. Highlights of the evening will include Christmas Around theWorld and Holidays of Light, with more than 50 unique trees from around the globe on display, along with this year’s special exhibit, Robot Revolution. Save the date to join us on November 18 as we celebrate the CBF’s work with food, fun, and friends! Learn more at THE SUPREME COURT’S PRO BONO REPORTING ROLE AND YOU All Illinois lawyers can expect to receive their annual ARDC registration statements this month, which again will include questions about their pro bonowork and related financial contributions over the past year pursu- ant to the pro bono reporting requirement adopted by the Supreme Court in 2006. If you haven’t taken a pro bono case or made a financial contribution yet this year, it’s not too late. There’s still time for you to get involved and contribute before you complete your registration. Beloware some resources to help you do that. As the Comments to the amended Rule 756(f) of the Illinois Supreme Court Rules underscore, the pro bono reporting requirement is intended to serve as an annual reminder to Illinois lawyers that pro bono legal service is an integral part of a lawyer’s professionalism. Rule 756(f) requires all attorneys licensed in Illinois to report, in connection with the attorney’s annual ARDC registration, pro bono legal services provided and qualified monetary contributions made during the preceding 12 months. Pro Bono Resources The CBF is your source for many helpful resources for CBAmembers whowant to do pro bonowork but aren’t surewhere to start. Check out the CBFwebsite formore information at: Qualifying Financial Contributions under the Rule Providing your financial support for local pro bono and legal aid organizations is just as important an invest- ment as donating your time, as lawyers depend on these organizations to be their partners in pro bono work. Pro bono and legal aid organizations provide the necessary infrastructure to support pro bono work for area lawyers and law firms (e.g., pro bono programs with solid screening, referral, training and support functions for volunteers). These programs also provide critical legal assistance to the most vulnerable members of our community in matters where pro bono is not a practical solution. Lawyers canmake qualifying contributions under the Rule to the CBF, which supports all themajor pro bono and legal aid organizations serving the Chicago area, and by contributing directly to one of these many outstanding organizations. Check out the CBF website,, for more information. For those with offices outside Cook County, more information on organizations that qualify under the Rule is available at Additional Questions about the Rule The CBF is here to help youwith other questions about the Rule as well. Contact Samira Nazem, CBF Director of Pro Bono & Court Advocacy, at 312/554-8356 or
Stretching Your Comfort Zone Another big benefit from pro bono is the chance to stretch your comfort zone with the safety net of training, support, and the malpractice coverage that a good pro bono or legal aid organization can offer. One of the most important skills we all need to learn and master is the ability to think on our feet and adapt to changing circumstances. By pushing your limits and taking on new or more advanced pro bono assignments, you will become more comfortable doing that throughout your practice and better positioned to adapt to the changing tides of our profession. Onward and Upward These are just some of the many impor- tant ways pro bono can help make you a well-rounded lawyer and set you up for a successful and fulfilling career while help- ing meet real needs in our community. Check out the sidebar and other parts of this special Pro Bono Week edition of the Record to learn more about how you can get involved today. Pro bono work provides lawyers with oppor- tunities to give back to the community, but there are other career benefits as well. Newer lawyers can gain experience, confidence, and connections both inside and outside their firms, while more experienced attorneys can gain greater visibility as well as case-management and leadership skills. This panel discussion will help you discover how pro bono work can be an essential part of your career development. 1 hour of CLE credit subject to approval. Register at Learn more about the career benefits of pro bono work at this Pro Bono Week CLE program! How Pro Bono Contributes to a Successful Career Wednesday, October 25, 12:00-1:00 pm The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Ct.
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