CBA Record January 2018
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clifford ® lawoffices Continuing Legal education Program Clifford Law Offices, an accredited CLE provider in Illinois, is sponsoring the FREE webinar: “the changing ethical landscape of litigation” Presented by: • Robert A. Clifford, Founder and Senior Partner, Clifford Law Offices, Moderator Panelists: • Robert Burns, Professor of Ethics, Northwestern University School of Law • The Hon. Deborah Dooling (Ret.), Cook County Circuit Court • Jayne Reardon, Executive Director, Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism The landscape of litigation certainly is changing, and dealing with new and evolving ethical issues along with it. “Fighting fair” is imperative, but why does it seem to be getting more difficult and complicated to do so? In part it may be because we have new technologies and new players “in the sandbox” with lawyers. Our panel of speakers will break down some of the most pestering yet important issues that impact lawyers every day: confidentiality, privilege and work product, conflicts of interest, contacting non-clients, dealing with experts, disclosure obligations, social media and electronic discovery. Date: Thursday, Feb. 15, 2018 Time: 2:30-4:30 pm CST Place: Broadcast live via the internet from the DePaul Center, Room 8005 One East Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL Registration is required to attend the free program. For more information, go to For questions, please call Clifford Law Offices at 312-756-7575 or email This program has been approved for two (2.0) hours of professional responsibility credit by the Illinois Commission on Professionalism.
January 2018 • Volume 32, Number 1
6 Editor's Briefcase
A Conversation Never, Never, Never to be Forgotten
26 Market Overview and Regulatory Developments–The Blockchain Bandwagon: Cryptocurrency on the Move By Anthony F. Fata and Brian P. O'Connell 32 A Primer on Peppers- Triggering Conflicts: How to Take a Case Away from an Insurance Defense Attorney By Richard Lee Stavins
8 President’s Page A Roma 12 CBANews 20 Chicago Bar Foundation Report 22 Murphy’s Law 46 Legal Ethics
New Illinois Supreme Court Rule 9–More Things to Learn By John Levin
36 Regaining Control: Strategies for Being a More Effective Lawyer By Jonathan B. Amarilio 38 Interpreting How Social Media Research Aligns with the Professional Conduct Rules: Evidence to Impeach or an Ethical Breach? By Erin McCartney 42 Emerging Issues in the Law: Title IX Compliance By Michael Kujawa and Jonathan Sommerfeld 44 Navigating the Daley Center: I Got Lost So You Don't Have To By Nicholas D. Standiford
48 LPMT Bits & Bytes
UsingVideo to Market and Educate–Video Killed the Radio Star By Catherine Sanders Reach Plain Language Master Focuses on Drafting–SeeingThrough Legalese By Kathleen Dillon Narko
50 Nota Bene
52 Summary Judgments
Adam Sheppard reviews the 2017 Bar Show: Much to Sue About Nothing
On the Cover This month's CBA Record cover, Having Fun in the Winter of 1904, is courtesy of Molly McGrath, an artist at Project Onward at the Bridgeport Art Center in Chicago. For more information, go to
The CBA Record (ISSN 0892-1822) is published seven times annually (January, February/March, April/May, July/August, September, October, November) for $10 per year by The Chicago Bar Association, 321 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois 60604- 3997, 312/554-2000, membersare$25peryear.PeriodicalspostagepaidatChicago, Illinois.POSTMASTER:Sendaddresschangesto CBARecord ,c/o Kayla Bryan, Chicago Bar Association,321SouthPlymouthCourt, Chicago,Illinois60604. Copyright2018byTheChicagoBarAssociation.Allrightsreserved. Reproductioninwholeorinpartwithoutpermissionisprohibited. Theopinionsandpositionsstatedinsignedmaterialarethoseof theauthorsandnotbythefactofpublicationnecessarilythose oftheAssociationoritsmembers.Allmanuscriptsarecarefully consideredbytheEditorialBoard.Allletterstotheeditorsare subjecttoediting.Publicationofadvertisementsisnottobe deemedanendorsementofanyproductorserviceadvertised unlessotherwisestated.
EDITOR’S BRIEFCASE BY JUSTICE MICHAEL B. HYMAN, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF A Conversation Never, Never, Never to be Forgotten T oday’s world needs a voice of the stature and caliber of Winston Churchill’s. If only we had someone who would speak against today’s evils and their facilitators without fear, without personal or professional consequences, and without deceit, as did Churchill. Churchill’s words, like those of Lincoln, continue to resonate, here and abroad, as much due to their clarity, insight, and power as to Churchill’s character, self-confidence, storied life, and, in the words of Harvard historian Simon Schama, “unswerving moral decency.” As I was watching Darkest Hour , a dramatic account of Prime Minister Churchill’s challenges at the beginning of the Second World War, I began to wonder what Churchill would say as the world once again moves to the brink of insanity. At that precise moment, a thick haze settled over an empty seat next to me, evoking the scent of cigars and whis- key, and I heard an unmistakable voice—that of Sir Winston, or a ghostly version of it—whispering at my side so as not to disturb those around us. Even though I could not see him, I could make out that majestic and muddy tone that had rallied a nation, as well as the free world, during a period of volcanic upheaval. I quickly turned my cellphone into a recorder. Every word here is really Churchill’s, with a few tiny edits for transition. WC: “My religion prescribed an absolute sacred rite of smoking cigars and drinking alcohol.” MBH: The movie started over an hour ago, why are you late? WC: “I do think unpunctuality is a vile habit, and all my life I have tried to break myself of it.” As my wife said once, “Winston always likes to give the train a sporting chance to get away.’” Sir Winston looked at the screen, “But nothing surpasses 1940. We have had nothing else but wars since democracy took charge.” MBH: I am anxious to know your thoughts on President Trump. WC: “I am afraid I cannot give an explanation of the freaks of fortune in the world.” As I said of U. S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, “He is the only bull I know who carries his own china closet with him.” MBH: What about the president’s propensity to be untruthful? WC: “ A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. The truth is uncontrovertible. Panic may resent it; ignorance may deride it; malice may destroy it; but there it is.” MBH: I disagree. Truth has become controvertible, suspect, malleable. WC: “It would be a great reform in politics if wisdom could be made to spread as easily and as rapidly as folly. ” MBH: There is an attitude of rigidity between the Republicans and Democrats inWash- ington. Your reaction? WC: “Political systems can to some extent be appraised by the test of whether their leading representatives are or are not capable of taking decisions on great matters on their merits, in defiance of their own interests and often of their best friends.” MBH: You lived in dangerous times; we live in dangerous times.
EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-Chief Justice Michael B. Hyman Illinois Appellate Court Managing Editor Amy Cook Amy Cook Consulting Associate Editor Anne Ellis Proactive Worldwide, Inc. Summary Judgments Editor Daniel A. Cotter Latimer LeVay Fyock LLC YLS Journal Editors-in-Chief Nicholas D. Standiford Schain Banks Kenny & Schwartz Ltd. Natalie Chan Sidley Austin LLP Carolyn Amadon Nina Fain Janet Sugerman Schirn Family Trust Anthony F. Fata Cafferty Clobes Meriwether & Sprengel LLP Clifford Gately Heyl Royster Angela Harkless The Harkless Law Firm Justin Heather Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Jasmine Villaflor Hernandez Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office Michele M. Jochner Schiller DuCanto & Fleck LLP Oliver A. Khan American Association of Insurance Services John Levin Bonnie McGrath Law Office of Bonnie McGrath Clare McMahon Law Office of Clare McMahon Pamela S. Menaker Clifford Law Offices Peter V. Mierzwa Law Bulletin Publishing Company Kathleen Dillon Narko Northwestern University School of Law Adam J. Sheppard Sheppard Law Firm, PC Richard Lee Stavins
Robbins, Saloman & Patt, Ltd. Rosemary Simota Thompson William A. Zolla II The ZOLLaw Group, Ltd.
THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATION David Beam Director of Publications Rebecca Martin Manager of Advertising and Sponsorships
6 JANUARY 2018
WC: “What was gunpowder? Trivial. What was electricity? Meaningless. This atomic bomb is the Second Coming in wrath.” Agitated, he raised his voice slightly, “[Human]kind has never been in this position before. Without having improved appreciably in virtue or enjoying wiser guidance, it has got into its hands for the first time the tools by which it can unfailingly accomplish its own extermination.” He took a deep breath, and continued, “Evils can be created much quicker than they can be cured.” “The dark ages may return—the Stone Age may return on the gleaming wings of sci- ence; and what might now shower immeasurable material blessings upon [human]kind may even bring about its total destruction. Beware, I say; time may be short.” MBH: What can be done? What should be done? WC: I agree, “the question which we must ask ourselves is not whether we like or do not like what is going on, but what we are going to do about it.” A puff of cigar smoke engulfed my nostrils. “ One ought never to turn one’s back on a threatened danger and try to run away from it. If you do that, you will double the danger. But if you meet it promptly and without flinching, you will reduce the danger by half.” “With opportunities comes responsibility. Strength is granted to us all when we are needed to serve great causes.” “If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material pros- perity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way towards one another, and science will do for them all that they wish and more than they can dream. It is likely that [human]kind has a lot more to learn before it comes to its journey’s end.” MBH: What else must we do? WC: “The future towards which [you] are marching…must be based upon a reign of law which upholds the principles of justice and fair play, and protects the weak against the strong if the weak have justice on their side. There must be an end to predatory exploita- tion and nationalistic ambitions.” Churchill stopped speaking. He must have seen his movie-version self giving his famous “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields” speech because he muttered to himself, “We are all worms. But I do believe that I am a glow-worm.” MBH: Your talk about “a reign of law.” This provides a nice segue to another topic. Would you impart some advice for me to share with my fellow lawyers? WC: Like lawyers, “I have always earned my living by my pen and by my tongue.” First, “The short road to ruin is to emulate the methods of your adversary.” Second, “The worst quarrels only arise when both sides are equally in the right and in the wrong.”Third, “ Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room. ” Fourth, “The independence of the judiciary from the executive is the prime defense against tyranny.” And fifth, “Apt analogies are among the most formidable weapons of the rhetorician.” MBH: I see the credits are about to scroll. A final thought, if you would be so kind? WC: “What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone? How else can we put ourselves in harmonious relations with the great verities and consolations of the infinite and the eternal?” All at once, the haze formed the letter “V,” and then faded away.
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Rehearing: “A nation without a conscience is a nation without a soul. A nation without a soul is a nation that cannot live.”–Winston Churchill, 1951.
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The Chicago Bar Association OFFICERS President Judge Thomas R. Mulroy Circuit Court of Cook County First Vice President Steven M. Elrod Holland & Knight LLP Second Vice President Jesse H. Ruiz Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP Secretary E. Lynn Grayson Nijman Franzetti LLP Treasurer Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy Assistant Executive Director Elizabeth A. McMeen BOARD OF MANAGERS Jonathan B. Amarilio Alan R. Borlack Judge Thomas M. Durkin Mark B. Epstein Judge Shelvin Louise Marie Hall Robert F. Harris Maurice Grant Grant Law LLC
dressed in black with long hair. It is Befana who brings the gifts to the Roman children who have written her notes so she knows whether they have been naughty or nice. As the story goes, at the first Christmas the Three Kings traveled through Italy on their way to Bethlehem to visit Jesus on his birthday. They stopped at Befana’s hut, asked her for directions to Bethlehem and invited her to join their caravan. She refused; she said she was too busy sweep- ing her cottage and, besides, she had never heard of this Bethlehem. When the Three Kings and their convoy went away, imme- diately Befana became regretful. She had always loved children and now she was sorry she did not go with the Kings to visit this special child. Suddenly, she decided to follow the Kings, visit Jesus and bring him a gift. Off she flew on her broom with a sack of presents. But, sadly and predictably Befana became lost and never found the Baby she sought. However, Befana has not given up and still searches for baby Jesus each Christmas. When she flies to a house where a child lives, she looks in to see if it is Jesus. Of course it is not, but Befana leaves the child a gift anyway. The moral is, the baby Jesus can be found in all children. There are a thousand stories like this in Rome. Rome was founded on the Palatine Hill in 800 BC and became the center of the Roman Empire and the largest, wealthiest, and most powerful city in the Western world. During the 15 th century Italian Renaissance, extravagant churches, bridges, and public spaces were built which made Rome the center of Baroque architecture and home to artists like Michelangelo, Bernini and Caravaggio. Today Rome is piazzas, open-air mar- kets, and astounding historic sites. Toss three coins in the Trevi Fountain, sample a perfect espresso or gelato while looking at a
To penetrate into Italy is like a most fas- cinating act of self-discovery-back, back down the old ways of time. Strange and wonderful chords awake in us, and vibrate again after many hundreds of years of com- plete forgetfulness. (D.H. Lawrence. Sea and Sardinia. A travel book. 1923) A h, eternal. The Chicago Bar Asso- ciation is going to Rome on April 16-19, 2018. You really must come along and visit its unforgettable sites. Take a tour by night and see the city at its most dramatic; participate in a cooking class to wow your friends when you return home; and luxuriate in a Villa in the beautiful Borghese Gardens high above Rome. Hang out with your friends, drink a little red wine, eat some Italian food and sit by a fountain that looks like a sinking ship at the bottom of the Spanish Steps. Be a part of the fun; see the sights; experience the people watching; and, of course, learn from the CLE. Rome is a city of stories and legends like that of La Befana. At Christmas time, Romans display La Befana, a witch flying on her broom. She is very, very old and
Michele M. Jochner Michael J. Kaufman Daniel M. Kotin Pamela S. Menaker Paul J. Ochmanek, Jr. Matthew A. Passen Mary Robinson John C. Sciaccotta Helene M. Snyder Andrew W. Vail Greta G. Weathersby Zeophus J. Wiliams
8 JANUARY 2018
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An amazing year of change and progress was reviewed at the joint holiday board meeting of the CBA and the CBF. Many exciting plans for 2018 as well! Thanks to our board members for their dedicated service. Sending warm wishes to all for a wonderful holiday and a happy and healthy New Year! Photo by Bill Richert.
2,000 year old building. Come with us to see Rome’s Cat Sanctuary at Largo Argen- tina near the place where Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March, 44 B.C. Visit the Borghese Gardens, particularly on a Sunday afternoon when the Romans picnic with their families. Walk through Campo de Fiori early in the morning and buy olive oil and balsamic vinegar at the daily market. Go to the ancient Jewish quarter and eat “Carciofi alla Giudia”. Sit next to the 2,000 year old Pantheon, one of the best-preserved of all ancient Roman buildings and a former Roman temple built by Marcus Agrippa (whose name is chiseled into the portico). Walk over to see the big one: the Colosseum in the center of Rome, built in 80 AD which could seat 60,000 spectators. One can still see the numbers of each entrance gate engraved into the concrete. We have scheduled an opening lunch in an outdoor café in the Piazza Del Populo and a welcome reception at the beautiful law offices of Tonucci & Partners. Our closing dinner will be held at the Casina Valadier a spec- tacular venue in the Borghese Gardens overlooking Rome on the highest point of the Pincio close to the Spanish Steps and Piazza del Popolo.We have planned
This trip will be great fun, a perfect way to network, to bond with friends and the perfect way to see Rome. This will be an experience to remember. Please join us.
four hours of continuing legal educa- tion, a night time tour of the Forum and various excursions, wine tastings and cooking classes.
To learn more about how you can be a part of this year's trip to Rome, April 16-19, go to
10 JANUARY 2018
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CBA HONORS JUDGE MILTON SHADUR WITH LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Recognizing a Legend By William A. Zolla Editorial Board Member J udge Milton Shadur has been and remains a legendary figure in the Chicago legal community. In his 37
years as a judge on the federal district court here, Judge Shadur authored over 11,000 opinions; lectured and wrote extensively on a broad range of subjects; served on numerous advisory committees; taught at judicial conferences; and mentored dozens of fellow judges, attorneys, and law clerks. He was also regularly asked to sit by des- ignation on the United States Courts of Appeals throughout the country. Judge Shadur became renowned both locally and nationally for his encyclopedic knowledge of the law, extraordinary work ethic, boundless intellectual curiosity, and deep commitment to the fair and efficient administration of justice. Appointed to the bench by President Jimmy Carter in 1980 after three decades
CBA President Thomas R. Mulroy and Executive Director Terrence M. Murphy congratulate Judge Milton Shadur on his distinguished career. Former law clerks, legal partners, and fellow judges also made tributes. Photos by Bill Richert.
Magistrate Judges Sheila Finnegan and Jeffrey Cole also spoke at the ceremony, offering personal stories about Judge Sha- dur’s kindness, generosity, and constant willingness to make himself available to colleagues to offer advice and help them resolve difficult legal issues. “I can’t think of anyone who has given more to the court,” Judge Cole said. Also speaking at the ceremony were two of Judge Shadur’s former law clerks, Steven Tomashefsky and Tom Scorza, as well as his friend and former law partner, Michael Shakman, who called Judge Shadur generous in every respect, espe- cially with his time. Judge Shadur, who has been married to his wife Eleanor for 72 years, graduated from the University of Chicago in 1943 with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and physics. He then served as a naval
as a highly successful attorney in private practice, Judge Shadur retired last Sep- tember (albeit reluctantly) at age 93 due to complications from back surgery. To honor Judge Shadur’s distinguished career and countless contributions to the nation’s judiciary, the CBA honored him with a Lifetime Achievement Award at a December ceremony at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse before a large gathering of his colleagues, friends, family members, and former law clerks. At the ceremony, federal district Chief Judge Reuben Castillo praised Judge Shadur as a “transformative judge” for the court, the city, and the country, whose legacy will last forever. He described Judge Shadur as meticulous in all respects, and an outstanding jurist who was driven by his extraordinary intellect and work ethic, commitment to excellence, and love of the law, the court, and his family.
Judge Milton Shadur and his wife Eleanor, who were married for 72 years. As this issue was going to press, we received the sad word that Judge Shadur passed away on January 14. We are profoundly saddened by his loss, but know that his legacy will live on.
continued on page 14
12 JANUARY 2018
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Girl Scout Project Law Track 2018 By Brandi Burton, Erica Byrd, Sherry Knutson, Jennifer Kobayashi, Meagan Newman, and Monica Weed CBA Alliance for Women
I t's that time of year again when the Chicago Bar Association’s Alliance for Women and the Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana are gearing up for the eighth Project Law Track Program, February 27 to March 10, 2018. The program consists of a series of three dynamic interactive evening sessions designed to introduce Girl Scouts to the field of law that will culminate in a half-day mock trial on March 10, 2018, in the Fed- eral Courthouse in downtown Chicago. The program introduces girls to the many different opportunities that a legal career can offer, demystifies the portrayal of lawyers as seen on television and in the movies, and provides girls with the experi- ence of stepping into the shoes of a trial attorney to prepare a case for a mock trial and try it before a real judge in a Federal courtroom. Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer and Judge Edmond E. Chang, United States District Court for the Northern during World War II before returning to the University of Chicago, where he earned his law degree in 1949 as the valedictorian of his law school class and editor-in-chief of the law review. In presenting Judge Shadur with the Lifetime Achievement Award, CBA President Judge Thomas Mulroy praised Judge Shadur’s decades of service to the judiciary and described him as a jewel in the crown of the federal bench. “Judge Shadur is immensely respected by the public and by lawyers, and he never failed to perform his duties in a meticu- lous and diligent manner. This Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chicago Bar Association is given in recognition of all that he is.” Judge Milton Shadur continued from page 12
District of Illinois, are graciously allow- ing the mock trial to take place in their courtrooms. To participate in Project Law Track, girls 6 th grade and older are required to complete an application, for which up to 40 girls are chosen on a first come, first served basis. The girls must also sign a written commitment pledging to dedicate the necessary time to the program. In order to fulfill the goals of the pro- gram, Project Law Track is looking for female attorneys who would be interested in serving as mentors throughout the two-week program. We would like to partner each girl participant with a female attorney who will work with her during the program, with particular emphasis on helping her prepare for her role in the mock trial, which is the capstone of the program. Ideally, each female attorney volunteer would attend all four sessions of Project LawTrack but at a minimummust be able to attend the mock trial prep session on
Thursday evening, March 8, 2018, and be in attendance to support her mentee at the mock trial on Saturday, March 10, 2018. Attorneys who volunteer have an opportu- nity to meet and work with other talented attorneys from diverse backgrounds and interests connected by the shared desire to give of their time, advice, knowledge, and insights to girls who may be planning a career as an attorney or who are just curious about the field of law. In turn, the girls will broaden their understanding of what it means to be an attorney, experi- ence the possibilities that are available to them by working side-by-side with female role models, interact with their peers and attorneys in preparing for a mock trial, and learn that there are women who care and want to help them explore their future career options.
The dates and sessions for the 2018 Girl Scouts Project Law Track Program are:
Session 1: Law (As Seen on TV): Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 5:30-7:30 pm@ Skadden Arps, 155 NWacker Dr., Suite 2700, Chicago Session 2: Law School/Career Day:Thursday, March 1, 2018, 5:30–7:30 pm@Chicago-Kent School of Law, 565W. Adams Street, Chicago (hosted by the law school’s Society of Women in Law)
Session 3: Prepare Your Case! Thursday, March 8, 2018, 5:30–7:30 pm, location TBD, Chicago
Session4: TryYour Case! Saturday, March 10, 2018, 9:00 am–2:00 pm@Everett M. Dirksen U.S. Courthouse, 219 S. Dearborn, Chicago If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Erica Byrd, Garfield & Merel, at 312/288-0104 or via email at We will work with you to partner you with a girl participant as soon as the girl participants have been determined in early 2018. And we promise you it will be a rewarding experience! Thank you in advance for your consideration.
14 JANUARY 2018
Relativity Fest is a Booming Success By Daniel A. Cotter Editorial Board Member
CLE In-Person • Webcast THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATION Continuing Legal Education
W ere you at Relativity Fest 2017? If you, your firm, or your com- pany are involved in any aspect of e-discovery, then the next annual confer- ence is one you should attend. What is Relativity Fest? Hosted by Relativity (thus the name), it is a global gathering of nearly 2,000 attendees in the legal tech industry designed to educate and connect the e-discovery community. Attendees can learn from a variety of workshops, keynote speakers, and hands- on sessions. The four-day program this October included: –168 unique sessions; –294 speakers; –15 hands-on workshops; –3 federal judges; –13 CLE credits; and –4 industry partners (IGI, CTRL, EDI, ACEDS). Attendees’ enthusiasm permeated the event. Over the four days, attendees sent out more than 4,000 tweets about the event! For example, Grant Whitely, who traveled for 33 hours from Perth, Australia, where he is a Director of Kordamentha, gives it high praise: Out of all the conferences I attend, I get the most out of this one. I get a much better understanding of issues affecting our industry, and I walk away with new technical skills I didn’t have before. It’s a bit hit or miss at every other conference. Besides that, the culture around Relativity is infectious. There’s much more passion, excitement, and openness. The sessions and workshops provided opportunities for everyone from the novice to the advanced Relativity user to learn something and enhance skills. Hot topics included the General Data Protection
Regulations (GDPR) that the European Union passed and that will become effec- tive in 2018, as well as cross-border discov- ery. Other sessions included: • Conversation with Judge Shira Scheind- lin, USDJ (ret.); • Deep Dive into Email Threading and Near-Duplicate Identification; • Analytics Cookbook for Complex Cases; • Beer and Basics: e-Discovery 101 and Relativity Fundamentals; and • Cross-Border Forensics and Regulatory Actions: A Field Guide in Handling Data. In addition to the substantive program- ming and networking opportunities, the Fest also features an Innovation Awards ceremony honoring organizations that use Relativity in creative ways. The following were recognized: Best Solution Provider: H5, H5 Matter Intelligence-–a suite of collaboration and reporting tools providing transparency to their customers. Best Law Firm or Corporate Solution: Bricker & Eckler, LandTracker–a solution for a natural gas provider that includes litigation papers prepared with the touch of a button. Community Choice: QDiscovery, QMobile Insight–lets users produce and review mobile data in Relativity, so they can access all data in one location. If you missed the 2017 Fest, mark your calendars for Relativity Fest 2018, to be held from September 30 to October 3, 2018. Visit https:// Join 2,000 other professionals and learn about the latest technologies and developments in e-discovery and legal tech.
Ethically Navigating Social Media and Online Reviews February 2 • 12:00-2:10 p.m.
Wine, Beer, Spirits and the Law February 6 • 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Communicating Across Differences February 7 • 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Taking the Anxiety Out of Networking (Web Only) February 9 • 12:00-1:00 p.m. • Members Free
Workshop: Easy Excel for Lawyers February 9 • 3:00-4:00 p.m.
How To... Get the Most Out of Family Law Software February 13 • 1:45-2:45 p.m. • Members Free
2017 Labor & Employment Year in Review February 13 • 3:00-6:00 p.m.
2018 Practice Management & Technology Tools, Tips, Gadgets and Apps February 14 • 12:00-1:30 p.m.
How to Become an Adoption Attorney February 15 • 2:00-5:00 p.m.
Workshop: The Novice Lawyer Series - Mac OS February 15 • 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Workshop: Making Apple’s Pages Work for Lawyers February 21 • 2:00-3:00 p.m.
New Administration, New Priorities: Views on Trump Administration Environmental Policy Updates February 21 • 3:00-6:00 p.m.
Securities Law in the Trump Administration: Has Anything Changed? February 27 • 3:00-6:00 p.m.
How To... Use Your Voice to Deliver Enhanced Client Service and Boost Retention February 27 • 1:45-2:45 p.m. • Members Free
Workshop: Google Calendar for Lawyers February 28 • 2:30-3:30 p.m.
To register, call 312-554-2056 or visit Programs are held at the CBABuilding, 321 S. Plymouth Ct., Chicago, unless otherwise indicated above. Seminars are also Webcast live (as well as archived) at and West LegalEdcenter. Visit for more information. The CBAis an accredited continuing legal education provider in Illinois.
CBA Announces Parent Hotline for School Issues at Truancy Conference By Judge Thomas R. Mulroy CBA President
T he CBA announced the creation of a hotline for parents who need assistance in school-related legal issues at an action-packed conference on school truancy and absenteeism. The con- ference–moderated by Maryam Ahmad, Chief of the State’s Attorney’s Juvenile Justice Bureau, Chair of the CBA Judi- cial Evaluation Committee, and former judge–took place at Olive-Harvey College on Chicago’s southeast side on November 14, 2017. The program was supported by the CBA, the Cook County State’s Attor- ney’s Office, State Senator Donne Trotter, State Representative Elgie Sims, and Cook County Commissioner Stanley Moore. Ms. Ahmad gathered a panel of experts
to discuss ways to keep our children in school and out of the criminal justice system. Following opening remarks from Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, panelists explained the dangers of absen- teeism, the importance of reducing it, and strategies for doing so. Participants included Assistant State’s Attorney Marny Zimmer; Robert Ross, Executive Director of RobertHouse Inc.; Probation Officer Richard Tekip; Assistant Public Defender Melissa Meyer; Judge Steven Bernstein, Circuit Court of Cook County, Juvenile Division; Dr. Zakieh Mohammed, Senior Manager of Attendance and Truancy for the Chicago Public Schools; and Antoi- nette Taylor, Chairperson of the State of
Illinois Attendance Commission. State’s Attorney Kim Foxx opened the event with detailed and insightful remarks highlighting the importance of the prob- lem of truancy and absenteeism and the need to remedy it. Her office is focusing on this problem, which she considers one of the keys to reducing gang membership and stabilizing neighborhoods. On behalf of the Chicago Bar Associa- tion, I announced that the CBA is estab- lishing a hotline for parents to call if they need help or information relating to tru- ancy, absenteeism or other school-related issues. We recognize that parents may need to knowmore about some of the legal issues associated with truancy and absenteeism. This hotline will help those parents who are working hard to ensure their child stays in school. Credible allows Chicago Bar members and their families to explore ways to save thousands on their student debt. With Credible, you can fill out one simple form and receive personalized refinancing offers from multiple lenders. You can also visit Credible via to learnmore about student loan topics, including student loan refinancing, student loan consoli- dation, student loan reduction, and student loan forgiveness. TheCBA is committed tohelpingour communities in even small ways. If you would like to participate in this hotline project please let us know; we would love to have you.
DUI 101 Tuesday, January 30, 12:00 –2:10 pm
Presented by: YLS Criminal Law
Experience Level: Basic to Intermediate
MCLE Credit: 2 IL MCLE Credits
Topics will include:
–A(1) & A(2) DUI Overview
–Field Sobriety Test Overview & Demonstrations
–Drug-Related DUI Overview
–The A(7) and New Illinois DUI Law
Panelists: Judge Charles S. Beach, Cook County Circuit Court, Municipal Department; Jennifer L. Bash, Visiting Senior Analytic Forensic Toxicology Specialist, University of Illinois at Chicago; Eric David, Illinois State Police Trooper; Camille Durham, Cook County Assistant Public Defender; Conor F. McNulty, Cook County Assistant State's Attorney; and Moderators Chastidy Burns, Law Office of Cook County Public Defender; Chair, YLS Criminal Law Committee and Jack Bentley, Cook County State's Attorney's Office; Vice-Chair, YLS Criminal Law Committee
16 JANUARY 2018
Work Better, Smarter with CBA Member Services
CBA Services Add Value to Your Membership! Check out these services and savings to help you run your legal practice more efficiently and grow your client base.
Ways to Save
Tools to Grow and Run a More Efficient Practice • Start Your Own Law Firm Bootcamp and resources. (under Resources) or • Practice Basics - free, fundamentals training for lawyers. Watch past sessions at • Business development and law firm marketing seminars • How To Sessions - free demonstrations of hardware/software geared to legal professionals. • Hands-on Technology Training Center - for members and support staff, covers business and legal software sessions.
• Free monthly CLE seminars - attend live or watch live or archived Webcasts, enough hours available to fulfill your MCLE requirements. • Free noon hour practice area committee meetings - earn IL MCLE Credit when you attend in-person or via live Webcast. (under meeting notices) • Free MCLE Credit Tracker - automatically tracks CBA attendance, add your non-CBA credits. • CBA Newsstand - free daily email from Lexology providing valuable practice area updates. Expand Your Career and Your Networks • Job search/career development resources for all career stages - free one on one speed counseling, interactive round table seminars and tips. • One-to-one and group mentoring programs. • Networking, and leadership opportunities through the YLS, Alliance for Women, and CBA/YLS committees. 312-554-2131 • Volunteer/pro bono activities - get free legal training and hands on experience for your resume. 312-554-8356 • Save on legal software and other business expenses.
• Low cost practice management consulting.
• Online Document Library - search practice related articles, checklists, and slide decks presented at CBA seminars and committee meetings. • CBA Lawyer Referral Service, now advertising on WBBM Radio.
Coming Soon! Programs for retiring lawyers, legal technology compliance certification, business development workshops, expanded leadership training, practical networking events and more.
CLE & MEMBER NEWS November 2016NewAdmittees–Don’t Let YourMembershipLapse.
The CBA is your local spot for MCLE
I f you have not yet renewed your CBA membership, please take amoment to do so now. Paymentsmust be received by the end of February in order to main- tain benefits and savings, including complimentary seminars, free commit- tee meetings with free MCLE credit, job search/career development programs, networking events, solo/small firm start up resources, legal tech training, pro bono opportunities and more. You can renew by mail, phone (312/554-2020), fax (312/554-2054) or online (www.chi- Checks and the following credit cards are accepted: Visa, Master- Card, American Express and Discover. As your local bar association, the CBA offers you many ways to establish busi- ness and support networks, learn from experts and keep upwith trends affecting the legal profession- without incurring travel costs, extra section fees and steep registration prices. CBA membership is a solid investment in your future, with access to a variety of legal resources and the brightest legal minds in Chicago. And we’re located right in your backyard. J ust getting starting in the practice of law in Chicago? The CBA offers many resources and programs to help new lawyers. Go towww.chicagobar. org,YLS, NewLawyer Resources to see our comprehensive list and links including CBA Resources for New Lawyers B ut selling out fast….The 2018 edi- tion of the CBA’s hard copy leather bound attorneys diary is still avail- able for $22.50 (member price including 2018 Attorneys Diary Still Available
Check out our web site at www.chica- to see what’s new at the CBA. We are proud to serve and represent you, appreciate your past support and look forward to your continued involve- ment in the important work of the Association. Questions regarding dues renewals should be referred to Bertha Cowart at 312/554-2020 or bcowart@ Note: If you are in between jobs and/or having financial difficulty, you may apply for the CBA’s reduced dues rate of $25 for our current membership period which runs throughMay 2018.The reduceddues form must be completed and returned with your regular dues statement. The form can be found on our website under the Membership Tab, Dues Hardship Form. Questions–contact Karen Stanton at 312/554-2131 or kstanton@chicagobar. org. Reduced dues are not available for CLE Advantage Members. Also, if you do not plan to renew this term, please call 312/554-2135 and let us know to avoid reinstatement fees in the future.
Register for a Seminar Today 312/554-2056 Free MCLE Credit Tracker A s a CBA member benefit, our MCLE Credit Tracker auto- matically compiles credits earned at accredited seminars and committee meetings produced by the CBA and the CBAYoung Lawyers Section. Special features include: –CBA Certificates–Print certificates for CBA seminars and committee meetings. –Credit Summary and Reports– View all credits currently stored in the system for your account. –Non-CBA MCLE–Input credits earned at non-CBA sponsored programs. Credits earned at CBA committee meetings and seminars are automati- cally entered into the MCLE Credit Tracker. Credits for attendance at CBA committeemeetings are gener- ally posted within two weeks of the meeting. Credits for attendance at seminars are posted by the 15th day of the followingmonth (For example: credits earned at a March 3rd semi- nar will be posted by April 15th). The MCLE Credit Tracker is located at, under the CLE tab. If you need assistance regarding your CBA MCLE credits, please email For general information on MCLE requirements and rules, please visit the MCLE board website at www.
MCLE requirements, new admittee to do list, career services, mentoring programs, seminars for new lawyers, practice pointer videos, solo start up boot camp and more.
tax) in the CBA Bookstore, open Mon-Fri 9am-4:30 pm. Copies can also be ordered online andmailed for an additional $7.95. Questions, call 312/554-2135.
18 JANUARY 2018
The Chicago Bar Association
Law Practice Management & Technology Discounts: BlueTie Securely find and retrieve client information anytime, anywhere. Members get a 10% discount. innovation/bluetie-vault-for-law-firms or 800-BLUETIE Cosmolex All-in-one legal practice management software. Members save 10%. 866-878-6798 EsqSites ESQSites offers simple to use website platforms and hosting. Members get up 25% discount on setup fees with code “CBA.” 877 SITES 123 or Research, case-specific analysis and accurate writing solutions. Members save 15% on on-demand legal research and writing services. or 844-638-6733 MyCase A web-based legal practice management software that covers all the daily functions of the modern law office. Members get a 10% lifetime discount. or 800-571-8062 PacerPro Use PACER? Get PacerPro, the service used by top litigation firms nationwide. Members receive a special discount. PracticePanther Case management software that helps attorneys easily manage their time, expenses, client communications, billing, matters, and more. Members get a special 10% first year discount. or 800- 856-8729 Rocket Matter A total legal practice management cloud-based platform. Members get a 15% lifetime discount on a month-to-month subscription. or 877-785-8981 Ruby Receptionist Creating real, meaningful connections with your English and Spanish-speaking callers. Members receive exclusive pricing. or 866-611-7829 Smokeball Smokeball empowers the small law firm to manage its emails and documents in the cloud. Members get 50% off the onboarding fee. or 855-668-3206
Savings and more!
Amata Law Office Suites/Reception Services 877-262-8204 • Use promo code CBA01 to get exclusive pricing on professional answering services. Avis Car Rentals 800-698-5685 • Use the Avis Worldwide Discount (AWD) # A851600 every time you rent to receive up to 25% off. Budget Car Rentals 800-455-2848 • Use your Budget Corporate Discount (BCD) # T720200 every time you rent to save up to 20%. Credible Student Loan Refinancing 866-540-6005 • Fill out one form to receive personalized offers from multiple lend- ers, and compare them side-by-side on your dashboard. Fretzin Inc. 312-981-0119 • Save 10% on marketing and business development programs for attorneys. Hotel Engine 866-782-9300 • Save an average of 26% at more than 100,000 hotels across North America, South America, and Europe.
LawPay/Credit Card Processing 866-376-0950 •
LawPay provides attorneys with a secure, online way to accept credit cards in their practice. Members get first 3
months free. LexisNexis 312-385-9706 •
Get valuable member benefit discounts and legal resources to help you excel including solo/small firm member pricing.
Magazine Subscriptions - Lowest Prices Guaranteed 800-289-6247 • Get low professional rates on magazine subscriptions. National Purchasing Partners 800-810-3909 • Discounts for your firm and its employees on Expedia, BestBuy, Office Depot, DocuSign, Verizon (if eligible) and more. United Parcel Service 630-628-4159 • Save up to 49% on shipping with preferred rates.
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