Autumn Years Fall 2023

What is philantourism? It is somewhat of a natural next step in voluntourism but less of a commitment; basically, it is a way to lend a helping hand to a chosen destination that needs tourist support. Think underdog destinations that have so much culture and history but just need a little push from the traveler to give it a try. Once you have booked your trip, you do not do anything after you arrive other than enjoy the culture and pick up some interesting souvenirs. The concept of philantourism can be traced back to 1970 when the United Nations General Assembly founded World Tourism Day, which is celebrated every year on September 27. The purpose of this day has been to raise awareness of the role of tour ism within the international community and to dem onstrate how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide.

How does it work? It is actually quite a simple concept. Instead of going to the tourist laden attractions that are more well known, pick a place that is a little off the beaten path. There you can explore its culture, history and buy some mementos that puts money into the pockets of the local people and aids in the overall development of their homeland. This is a great way of achieving two thingsā€”it lets you satisfy your wan derlust while leaving a positive impact. The upside also is you will get a chance to see how locals live, bringing a different dimension to your travels. Interested in participating in philantourism? On the following pages, check out these destinations that you might want to consider.



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