America's Benefit Specialist December 2023


10.5 WAYS TO ENHANCE OPEN-ENROLLMENT COMMUNICATION AND YEAR-ROUND EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT In the business world, executives at the highest levels, business owners and HR superheroes are often seen as experts in their fields. They manage intricate financial strategies, foster innovation and oversee the vital realm of human resources. But when it comes to understanding innovative new insurance strategies and employee benefit concepts, something intriguing happens. It often takes these highly educated professionals several meetings, each typically exceeding an hour, to fully grasp the intricacies of these poten tial new strategies. On the flip side, once the lightbulb goes off, we receive the green light to move forward from these executives and it’s time to convey this newfound knowledge to the true consumers of healthcare – their employees—the ap proach becomes somewhat perplexing. Many employers opt for a quick and easy method: a brief email or a single group meeting. Employees are then expected to understand the complexities of their benefits during uninspiring gatherings, often accompanied by cold coffee and stale donuts. Hmm… Let me get this straight: It takes the most highly educated and sophisticated executives multiple meetings for them to understand the new benefits strategy, but these same employers are usually quick to rush through a one-time-a-year open-enrollment benefits meeting? These same employers and brokers will then scratch their head as to why most employ ees aren’t embracing the strategy and utilizing their benefits properly. (Do you sense my sarcasm yet?) How can we as brokers, do better for our employer and employee clients? Let’s dive into a comprehensive strategy for enhancing employee-benefits communication that bridges the gap between top-level professionals and the need for employee comprehension. 1 . Develop personalized communication involving tailored messaging. The journey toward employee understanding begins with personalized com munication. Employee benefits are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Using data-driven insights, brokers can craft tailored messages, possibly through digital platforms or one-on-one consultations. This approach recognizes the uniqueness of each employee’s healthcare needs. 2 . Utilize engaging formats that go beyond stale email. Traditional meet ings, with their dry presentations and uninspiring settings, aren’t the best for conveying complex benefit information. Consider more engaging formats, such as webinars, immersive workshops or creatively designed video content from the employer/HR team directly to the employees’ remote control of their daily life (their mobile device). These methods not only capture employ ee interest but also foster deeper engagement and understanding. 3 . The power of clarity can simplify the complex. Benefits can be inherently complex, filled with technical terms and legal jargon. Ensure that the infor mation is presented in a clear, straightforward manner, avoiding complicated language. Visual aids, infographics and plain language can transform the maze of benefit details into an easily understood roadmap. 4 . Timely and ongoing education leads to consistent learning. Benefits are not static; they evolve over time. Offering one-time training is insufficient. In stead, provide ongoing education and support. A regular monthly cadence of check-ins, refresher courses and quick guides messaged out to the workforce are essential for maintaining employee-benefit literacy. 5. Use two-way communication channels to further engagement. Establish feedback channels that allow employees to ask questions, provide feedback

By Eric Silverman Silverman Benefits Group Towson, Maryland | ABS 31

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