America's Benefit Specialist August/September 2023
“Tom Harte has been an amazing ambassador for our in dustry for many years. I first met him when he was lobbying the state legislature in New Hampshire and knew then that he needed to be a national leader for our organization. He has held many leadership roles in NABIP since that time, and I enjoyed working with him in each of those. Most memora ble was when he was our president – he was one of the very best we’ve had and accomplished amazing things during his tenure because of his dedication and charisma. Most impor tantly, he is kind, empathetic and a great listener. I’ve gone to him many times for advice on things both professional and personal. He is like family to me, and I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the Gordon Memorial Award.” —Janet Trautwein “I told Tom when he won the Gordon, ‘It’s about time!’ I cannot think of anyone more deserving for this prestigious award. Having the honor to serve as his membership chair
the NABIP highest honor, the Gordon Memorial Award. He is very deserving of this tremendous recognition. He is a great husband and father and cherishes his family as his prize possession. Tom, I am honored to call you my friend. Let’s go play some golf!” —Ryan Thorn “Tom combined his extraordinary vision and diverse talents of many to achieve excellence. Few can match his legacy of contribution to the benefits profession in terms of innovation and sustained executive leadership. Tom was the consummate professional and person: supportive, creative, with personal integrity and uncompromising commitment to excellence in his work, friendships and personal life. He has given of himself throughout his life for the betterment of those around NAHU/NABIP, with a legacy of achievement and lasting friendships that will last a lifetime.” —Trei Wild
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